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Status Updates posted by Meian

  1. YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. News!?!?!?! :stunned: AHHH!!!! NEWS!!!! :eek: Oh!!!! :eek: *soooo happy*

    Sweden is second !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :eek:

  3. :LOL: ok. I'll see it but I think I'll close my eyes when david bowie comes... :shifty::LOL: maybe I don't recognize him in the movie... :eek::LOL:


    iiiiih! :awesome: thanks! :awesome::dance:


    :LOL::facepalm: <---- I love that smiley :p:LOL:

    Bye! :kiss:

  4. :LOL: I'm fine! :happy: You?

    I need to practice very much :( well, well... :rolleyes: I don't really care about wich order you should do the strokes :) but if my mom sees it :stunned: she always tries to teach me .. :$ but I don't really understand why you have to do it ion a special order :p:LOL:

    Thanks :happy: my dad and some of my friends call me Mei Mei... :shifty::p:LOL:

    You should be pwoud :yesey::kiss:

  5. Chocolate are :awesome::LOL:

    david bowie :shifty::LOL:

    My internet isn't that slow but it doesn't always work :(


    You= :dance:

  6. Ska du bli lamaskötare?!?!:awesome: höll nästan på att stava lama med två ll :p jag är så van vid det nu :yesey:

  7. :LOL: 2 weeks is pretty much :yesey:

    I hate yin :shifty: I always say wrong :( My reading isn't that good. :'( I'm reading slow and I always forget the characters meaning :$

    I meant the order of the strokes... :stunned: I think it's hard to remember the characters and then you have to write in a special order too!! :eek::p It is SO hard! :rolleyes:

    Hello! Karen :D Nice to meet you too :awesome:

    Yup, it's Mei Li as in beautiful.. :$

    Ying qing is a beautiful name :yesey: even if youre not Ying Qing! :LOL:

  8. :LOL: I'll see it one day :yesey:

    I don't like david bowie :(:p


    Marabou IS yummy! :awesome: Milka is also good! :awesome: but I didn't know that milka was Swedish :$:p but when I searched for it I also found out that it's the same company who makes milka and marabou :LOL: :LOL:

  9. I can figure it out by my self, but I don't know what song I'll play :rolleyes: can you help me? :$ wich song should I start with? :D


    I'm not so good on piano :$ but I'm learing myself. :rolleyes: I don't have time to go to a teacher who can learn me :( I wish I had more time:stunned:

    Guitar is pretty hard when your playing cello :yesey: But I've learned how to hold it :D it takes awhile when you don't have a teacher. :p

  10. Men ändå! :rolleyes: En HEL VECKA!! :eek: Det är orättvist :phu:

  11. I've never tried :p I'm playing on the piano and the guitar when I'm playing Muse songs :p But I'll try :yesey: But have you notes to the songs or do you find it out by yourself?

  12. :LOL:

    :wtf: David Bowie!?!?! :eek: is he a moviestar too?

    Okey, i'll see it :yesey:


    In Sweden we have a chocolate called marabou and it tastes soooo gooood! :awesome: And there are many diffrent flavours ... :D *taking a piece of chocolate* :D


    Okey, thats sounds fun! :happy: Nothing is happening here :(

  13. AAAhh! En till svensk! :awesome:

  14. I will! :yesey: I don't really know wich song I want to play... :confused: maybe all of the songs! :awesome :p


    No, I hven't seen labyrinth :(

    We have also some sort of choclate cereals:yesey: they're yummy :yesey:

  15. 9:e ? :eek: Vi slutar den 16:e :(

  16. Jaa! :D När slutar ni? :awesome:

  17. I've added you now! ;)

  18. Okey! :LOL: I didn't know that :$:LOL: in Sweden it's just summer- and winter time :) ( but on Swedish of course :p )


    and, I haven't forgot your birhtday! :awesome:

  19. <3 MABEL!!!! :D


    superhuoaki...what?!?! :LOL:

  20. Do you say summer time and winter time or is it something else? :$

  21. :LOL: I don't think my next one can tast as bad as the one I made efore :LOL: I know the ingredients I put in but i don't know how much :awesome: hehe! :D

    But if it's summer you can take cold milk and hot choc powder and mix, and the drink :yesey: it's pretty good! :awesome: but not as good as hot hot choc :p that sounded weird :LOL::p

    Muse=The best band in the WORLD! :awesome::yesey:

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