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Dispatch Absolution

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Status Updates posted by Dispatch Absolution

  1. WOOOOOO :musesign:


    It's getting close! kind of.. I just want to get my wristband in the mail, it'll be like a check point for leaving. ha But a friend of mine told me she and a few people were going to Kanrocksas(sp?) so i need to tell them to go see Muse haha

  2. thank you sir, you hear Lebron James just bought some share? I sort of hate him buttt thats pretty cool I guess.

  3. Happy birthday sir

  4. oh i see.. haha i just wrote on your other wall asking you that, but yeah that is my plan too, maybe get down there thursday for the strokes and bright eyes saturday but just sort of hang around.

  5. Happy March! and late Valentine's Day. I think I will be making it to SXSW but i don't really know my plans yet. You going to be there?

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too!! Going to be the best year yet..! haha I'm actually still on break right now, but I start back up on Tuesday and then it will be going well, i hope. Thank you very much for the Christmas card too!!! I don't ever get mail so thats always exciting haha but I hope you had a good Christmas and New Years and I hope your mom is feeling better :)

  7. Cheers!! I hadn't looked at what I'd put in there in a while so I updated it ;)


    Let me know if we're still on the same page haha

  8. yes :(... and whats worse is I went to ACL!! and didn't see you twice... Muse was amazing in both places! I was very far back at ACL but I got pretty close at the Ford Center, but yea they don't really organize things well. :rolleyes:

  9. Its almost here!!! :dance::dance:


    I might be going down to ACL too! but i don't have tickets, just going to attempt to get in :ninja:

  10. I've been goood how have you been? The day is closing in, I hope your ready, should be quite the happening. Did you say you were going to ACL too?

  11. pretty good actuallly. How are you? Seeing any shows in the next few months? Or seen any good shows recently?

  12. :facepalm: Yes.. Now i'd like to see Spain or the Dutch pull it out. What about you?
  13. I could have done better.. but I think i'll be able to recover this coming year, at least I hope :p

  14. AHH LUCKY! I unfortunately cannot attend ACL.. but I know a few people going? That will be cool, are you going to the festival sunday? I'm pretty sure Phish will be there.

  15. Ahh i couldn't get them on wednesday because of a credit card problem!?.. But i have them now, floor :happy:. What about you?

  16. Thats a good question.. I would have to say... Alive With the Glory of Love, Admit It!!!, A Walk Through Hell, a few others and possibly Do Better.


    What about you?

  17. happy birthday! haha sorry idk you

  18. That is sooo cool!! Greatest moment of your life? haha I wish I could have met them, I got close a few times though. Yeah greatest weekend ever, they would be an awesome ACL headliner love to be front and center for that! So you got close at the Ft. Worth gig? How about in Houston?

  19. happy birthday! sorry idk you haha

  20. :eek::dance: That is AWESOME! I couldn't find your pictures on the tread do you know what page it is because I thought I checked most of them. But that must have been the coolest thing ever, how did it happen? But yeah it is too bad I didn't really plan our communication well haha but I got to meet a lot of cool musers. Was the best weekend ever!


  21. Day of! Ill probably get there around 2 or 3. How about yourself? I will see you tomorrow though!

  22. I wasnt skipping :p but i have english at 430 3 days a week so i have a little break mostly til then.


    Only 17 more day!!! i think..

  23. :eek: you haven't?! Well if you interested in some research I'd listen to these..


    Most Known Old Songs

    Taper Jean Girl


    On Call



    My Favorite Few

    Four Kicks

    Red Morning Light


    My Party

    Knocked Up

    California Waiting


  24. I would say Do Better and cemetery but I'm not sure if I've even listen to it all.. :noey: I'll check out your favorites and see what I think. Crawl is tight, have you listened to their older stuff much? I think it is better although I like their latest album

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