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Dispatch Absolution

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Status Updates posted by Dispatch Absolution

  1. Great! Thanks, happy late Valentine's day to you! Hows everything going for you?

  2. No problem, always good to make more cyber friends :p


    Where are you from?

  3. Cool! I too enjoy Owl city, Coldplay, KoL, say anything, yellowcard, FOB, OAR, and Queen. I would have to put Rage, radiohead, KoL, Beatles, and Zep at the top with Muse for me thou..

    You watch the game yesterday?? :noey: Everton was pissin me off haha

    and U2 over Muse?!?

  4. So are you going to either of the TX shows?!?

  5. I have yet to get my ticket for the Houston show but I'm still planning on it.. I dunno if my seats will be any good if there are any even left, but it won't really matter as long as I can go!

  6. A fellow facebook user!! xD haha What's up?!

  7. :eek: 7 hours, 399th!! Where was this? I will still probably be willing to do it though :LOL:

    I'll need to bring some supplies for sure haha.


    So what all music, besides Muse, are you interested in?

  8. Right, yea i did hear about that haha I kind of fell out over christmas break ha. So what all music do you listen to apart from Muse?

  9. I think I'll drive down the day of because I'm only about 3 hours away, what time do you plan on getting in line? I don't think I've ever gotten to a concert before doors open so i don't know how long the waiting will be... but I will probably want to try and get asap. I have about 14 hours this semester seems to be easier the last semester already thou!

  10. Not sure if i get it?!?! haha but how have you been man I haven't been on here in a while!

  11. Hey! I've been good, haven't had much time to get on here but yes school actually starts for me today (in about 30 minutes). I got your christmas gift!! I love it thank you so much, that was extremely thoughtful. Not sure if i can make it to the Houston show or not but I'll be at Ft. Worth for sure. How have you been?

  12. Ha ohhhhhh.. :facepalm: well in that case i may have gotten it but i will not be able to check until like the 14th. I got Ft. Worth tickets also, thou i have seat, I'll probably try and get on the floor thou I did it at the cowboys stadium. And yes i passed all my finals!! haha

  13. Merry Christmas to you as well, and happy new year.. almost

  14. Merry Christmas and happy new year.. sorry i have been offline recently, and i'm not sure if i got your email but ill look again. How was your xmas?

  15. eh probably only the last 4 years or so.. i never watched too much EPL when i first started watching soccer it was only international. Hope you weren't watching today thou.. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: Wasn't too bad of a game but Johnson basically blew it and we had a terrible second half.

  16. My school is like 40 minutes from my home so i'll be home. I wish I could help you with shopping ideas but unfortunately that is my weakness during the holidays.. I'm terrible at knowing what to get. I will definitely be going to one of the two shows if not both!! I'm so excited haha

  17. Not a whole lot.. it's dead week so I've been studying and will be til finals next week. How about yourself?

  18. Yea hes a cheat, but I like Spain, Torres, Ramos, Alonso.. pretty much most of their players are legit.

  19. Good stuff.. Im from Oklahoma but I've just always liked soccer (or football?), either way. Watch International? I'm backing Argentina (aside from the US) in the W.C. wbu?

  20. Saw it last night!! It was only showing at one theatre in Oklahoma bout 40 mins away but I still went, it was amazing! Makes me want to go see it again just thinking about it haha.. Might just have to buy it!

  21. :LOL: "I may just want a bagel with my coffee" haha

    Have you seen the second one yet?!

  22. Ahh very nice, i plan on being as close as possible next time i see them.. I accidentally bought a Houston ticket, but they fixed it through ticketmaster.. and then I snuck onto the floor at the dallas show! :D I wasn't too close but still best thing ever!

  23. Awesome! My favorite club although they have been disappointing me this season.. at long as they can finish strong, now im just ready for the world cup haha. Where are you from?

  24. Hello. My name is Riley, fellow southerner haha. I just saw you went to the Dallas show, also my first muse concert, brilliant. :D

  25. Thank you for the chemistry related support, I think I did alright.

    Glad you have an opportunity for your jokes

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