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Everything posted by klock

  1. Oh sure. Can't wait for the gig! :happy:

    I'm doing good, thanks. Just a little tired. How about you?

  2. That's a relief. Have any ideas planned yet?


    It seems everyone has that poster. :p


    That seems like an interesting day at work. We should wear garbage bag ponchos in queue lines. :LOL:


    Aw I think your parents are getting closer to letting you go!


    How many tickets have you bought lately? I don't even want to think about the money I'm spending on tickets this year! It's kind of boring. I only still listen to one of the bands.

  3. Very cool! That should be a wild show, or at least I've heard the Scottish are very energetic.
  4. At least you have your priorities straight, that's good. Work should come first, even though it's a letdown to have to delay recording everything amazing that happened.


    Grrr Internet. Well, it's the black and white pic in the BHAR booklet of them against a wall.


    Thanks, I hope so! Do you want a pic of it when it's (eventually) finished?


    Hehe that's a good way to be. I just hope it wouldn't be muddy!


    That's so great. I'm really happy for you. :happy: You're going to have such an amazing time. Yeah, hopefully your parents will let you go! I can only imagine how many videos and photos you'll take. :chuckle:


    I guess it is a lot. But, you've probably saved a lot more money than me! I did go to a handful of "contemporary Christian" concerts years ago, but that's definitely not my thing anymore. :noey:

  5. Well, it seems like it was amazing. Have you finished your "essay" yet?


    This one: http://www.popartuk.com/g/l/lglp1069+black-and-white-group-shot-muse-poster.jpg

    I guess that's the most popular one. I want to get another when I can actually spend the money. Maybe next month. I got a Who, Pearl Jam, Joker, and a mini-Shakespeare poster with common words/phrases that derive from Shakespeare plays. Oh, didn't think about all the new articles we'll get. :happy: That will be cool.


    That's a great poster!


    Well, it is Seattle.:p *crosses fingers* Would you wear one of those ponchos? :LOL:


    Hope you can go! Today I actually made a list of all concert I've been to. I think I've been to around 30 concerts, and most of them are from the last 2 years. Does that seem like a lot?

  6. Which gig is it? Erin, hope you can see both! Would be amazing if they're at a festival together.
  7. Nevermind then. :LOL:


    Yep, I got 5 posters. One of them was of course Muse. ;) And there's a few others that I just haven't put up yet. I'm moving them close together so my walls will eventually be full with posters. It's Q Magazine, an issue from last year. From the same issue there's also a full-page photo of Matt with a quote about renting bouncy castles and dressing up as aliens in Las Vegas. :LOL: Oh which Franz poster do you want?




    Be fierce! We sat down some after we had moved up. Luckily, you'll be in Seattle so dreadfully hot weather won't be an issue!


    About how many gigs have you been to? Imagine how much it would help if you could listen to Take Me Out while running a race. :D

  8. Ok yeah it's probably that one.


    Maybe a notepad would work? Or you could put stuff on a bulletin board. Yes, I slept on my floor. :LOL: I have a load of posters on it right now. My walls will be covered with posters by the time I'm done! I have a full page mag photo of Franz wet. That should be a nice one to look at on the wall. :D


    Thanks, he's home now for the weekend. *gulp*


    Bumbershoot workout. :awesome: You could bring a blanket to sit on in between bands. It sounds cheesy, but once the music starts, I get a sudden rush of adrenaline. It doesn't matter if I'm tired or thirsty, I'm only thinking about the music.

  9. O2...how amazing. :happy:

    That's great! Good crowd I hope.


    Probably too many to list. :LOL: Some include R.E.M., Austin City Limits Festival (Foo Fighters was my highlight), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Franz Ferdinand, The Ting Tings, Mudhoney, Maximo Park, Deerhoof, Ra Ra Riot, Boston.

  10. Wasn't it during Starlight? I think I've seen that one before.


    Wow, you are prepared with Post-Its alright! To me, that is organized. I've slept with a blanket on the floor the last 2 nights just because I was too lazy to make my bed and remove all the crap that's on it. :LOL:


    She told me I had to tell him. It's supposed to be part of my punishment. :p She's still angry, but she knows I'm stubborn.


    It will get better once Muse start touring. Then we'll be on our feet the whole day. :LOL:

  11. I guess you could go to Austin, but I haven't gotten tickets for that one yet. I would have bought you a ticket if I had known!

    Not seeing Glasvegas can be an excuse to see Franz in either Houston or San Antonio. ;)

  12. Aww they aren't sold out, are they?

  13. I want to see Muse mess up. :awesome: Then, I'll know they're actually human!


    I used to put up Post-It notes. You must be pretty organized!


    No. :LOL:


    Scary isn't it? We'll spend all of our free time here. I don't know about you, but for me it's becoming an addiction of sorts.

  14. Thanks. :happy:

    Did you get a ticket?

  15. Sure. :happy: I'm always happy to suggest concerts people might like.

  16. :LOL:

    Palladium Ballroom in Dallas Aug. 4. I think I'm also going to the Austin gig the day before.

  17. It is pretty good. I've seen more of the television series though. I couldn't resist buying the book when I saw it for $10 on sale.

    My dad went to one of their shows and said someone threw weed onstage and David Lee Roth started smoking it. Not really surprising though. :LOL:

    Aw,, well maybe you can go to one soon. Do you like Glasvegas? Their show is only like $20.

  18. Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns. It cooresponds with the PBS mini-series that was on of the same name. It's more from the perspective of the soldiers.

    Van Halen...I've heard some interesting things happen at their concerts. :D Cool, maybe she'll eventually come around to liking it. :)

    Going to any gigs soon?

  19. That's true. :chuckle: He's so adorable. I'm not the kind of girl to swoon over anyone, but he's just...ya know. :happy: Cool, I bought a book called The War that is huge.

    Have you tried to get her to like Muse? I've tried doing it, but it hasn't worked out well. Playing Microcuts probably didn't help the situation.:p

  20. Teehee he would.:chuckle: He's so adorable. I'm not the kind of girl to swoon over anyone but he's just...ya know. :happy: Cool, I bought a book called The War that is so huge!

    At least she doesn't hate them. Do you ever try to get her to like Muse? I've tried but I don't think it's working very well. Especially when I played Microcuts. :p

  21. Alex would love that. :happy: Me too, I read books about WW II era, and the Holocaust (uplifting, eh?).

    Haha, raising some anarchy like the Sex Pistols. :LOL: My mom always says she hates his voice. However, she does like Bliss now!

  22. Oh ok. When you meet Franz, you should tell them their name helped. :D So you'll be a junior? The AP US History test isn't too bad, I think I made a 3 on it. I didn't really study much for it though. :$

    :LOL: That title can be very misleading!

  23. Yay, Franz ftw. :awesome: AP World History? I took the US History one.

    Haha probably. I either scare them with my obsessive knowledge of Muse or just generally annoy them by never shutting the hell up about them. :LOL:

  24. Yeah I didn't think of that. :LOL:

    They are quite funny. I've met some normal, sweet people on them but some of then generally scare me. :LOL:

  25. It is a cool name! Just saying "Franz" is :awesome:

    :yesey: I've heard some interesting stories about them! If you know about the Franz Fangirls site then that's where a lot of them are.

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