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Posts posted by futurophu

  1. I've always wanted to have a lucid dream, and a lucid dream with Muse...well anything could happen:eyebrows:


    oh man me too!

    lmao the things you could do with a very big man a very little man and a relatively normal sized man... PERV ALERT *snaps out of it*

  2. I had a dream that Muse played in school for us on the last day. They were playing Falling Away With You, the debut live performance which Matt introduced as "a song we've overlooked for so long, but it fits the occassion we have today."


    The song was so powerful and sounded impressive in the cavernous sports hall of our school. Around us were people crying, as those beautiful words oozed over our years heads. I looked at the girl next to me, she looked at me... there was a lock of lips... a cascade of tears slunk from our shimmering eyes.


    Soon the song ended. Applause rung out across the hall, as Interlude begun. Soon came Hysteria, then Knights of Cydonia, then the show and our time was up. We'd finished as schoolkids.


    Then I woke up. I wish now that was the actual final day... the girl I spoke of I love but she's moved and I've realised how much I miss her. Plus seeing Muse would've been a plus :p


    omg aww.. that must've been such a nice dream..

    everythime i dream of muse its just random aspects of my life + muse :[

  3. Uhm.


    I while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

    Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

    Then he died :stunned:


    I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:


    ...wow...that was a nightmare..

  4. zomg zomg zomg

    i did what someone else said they did in here

    i dreamt of muse then dreamt that i realised i'd dreamt of muse and was thinking i should put it on here .. if you catch my drift lool

    i don't think i even woke up after that.. it was like a series of dreams.. that had little things related to each other.. i was so confused when i woke up..

    i think i know where the muse related dream came from though :p i watched that programme where they ate things from the eighties.. it was matt but with a really weirdly defined jawline on TV warning against bread getting too hot in microwaves :LOL: and then some demonstration bread sort of blew up but it looked like it melted.. defined jawline matt wasn't happy...


    i'm guessing noone wants to hear about the non muse related antic going on inside my head but the burning food theme continued...

  5. i've signed :D.


    touting pisses me off, since i'm only 15 and at school when tickets go on sale my friends dad offered to get us some, but couldn't. so were both now looking here on musebay, and unfortunately we are using ebay. we've both vowed not to spend over £50 but its just ridiculous considering prices are sky high. and considering i don't earn any money it seems an impossible task.


    i'm glad i saw muse at wembley, but my friends haven't seen them yet, so i'm desperately trying.


    i would've been at school but i had GCSEs .. didn't get tickets and made everything just so much worse.. i could sue touts for making me fails my exams :LOL:


    plus i'm broke now so i really just can't afford to buy from those ebay dicks...

    :eek: lucky :D wembley

    :( not seen muse even once..

  6. I saw this thread a while ago, and always wanted to be able to participate. And now I can finally say I had a Muse dream.


    I was in an extremely old and sort of abandoned movie theatre, most likely from the 1930's. There was a piano on a lowered platform, which clued me in to the fact that this theatre was used for silent movies with live accompaniment. it smelled of dust, and mothballs I think, and there was a hole in the ceiling and Matt was playing the piano. So I walked down to the piano and sat on the bench next to him and asked what he was doing there. And he said that he was waiting for his flight from Albuquerque to take him to Milan. He told me to take his pocket watch to a jeweler and, while he was handing it to me, Dom came from an emergency exit and was excited about finding an old box of Aero Bars. So I left them to discuss the chocolate with a pocket watch to go to an unknown jeweler.


    wow that sounds so like.. cinematic..(don't REALLY know what that means :stunned:).. but the whole pocket watch.. and he needs to catch a plane.. casablanca comes to mind- thing is i've never even watched it :stunned:

    just extremely bored ( until i came on here :) ) and felt the need to pass random judgement.

  7. :LOL: you people's dreams are so much better than mine!

    or at least they make for good entertainment..

    i was so pleased with myself the last time i had a muse dream :D cause i hardly ever have dreams.. especially about anything interesting..

    anyways.. it was me looking after a LOAD of kids like 2 year olds in what looked like the drama studio at school.. then just like randomly it turns out muse are going to be performing there.. then all the kids started like.. crying or shouting and getting up from their seats... and it ended JUST as muse come in...

    in the stage just after i woke up i was so disapointed :rolleyes:

    anyone else feel really dumb just after you realise it's all a dream?

  8. someone on here said print a picture of the buyer on the tickets

    or something like that...

    i dunno..

    something has to be done though... it's gonna start getting ridiculous like touts buying ALL the tickets or getting programmes to block fans buying tickets online..


    i have no tickets thanks to those little twats..

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