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Posts posted by futurophu

  1. I used to be one of those Twilight haters who couldn't stand those annoying fangirls, and the fact they only liked Muse because their songs were featured on Twilight.


    Now after witnessing all the endless moaning about NSC. I'm starting to side more with the average Twilight fangirl, rather than the disgruntled hardcore Muse fan who expects every single Muse song to sound like an Origin of Symmetry song, and can't stop bitching when a new song comes along and it's not another "Citizen Erased".


    ....oh and here's another controversial opinion with some Radiohead. KidA SUCKS! I give the guys kudos for being so ballsy on putting out something so fuckin' weird, but personally I don't get all the artsy-fartsy BS.


    fail post fails.

  2. Depends where you are, perhaps, and if you're in numbered seats or if it's a GA bunfight. It's a bit easier to take pics and such, and you have somewhere to park your bum and just enjoy the pure glory of Exogenesis (I leaned back on the top of my folded-up seat at Sheffield) and you can go to the loo if someone can hold your place for you. I haven't experienced the floor yet but I imagine just the sheer press of bodies leads to a more intense experience.


    We got general allowance.... oh well, mates are more persuasive than me anyways, theyll get what they want lol

  3. For serious, the way the BBC uses Muse is just getting weirder and weirder. Someone heard UD on the Politics Show the other day. :LOL:


    lol, muse + bbc's politics?? lol


    haha yes my mum is watching...


    and now they're playing Resistance


    Muse: the soundtrack to the countryside!!


    and loll

    i have no idea how muse relate to the countryside..

  4. Ok, so this was a friend dream, she gave me permission to post it in here :awesome:


    So, in her dream, Dom had started a clothing line, called Dommeh NomNom the Raimbow (:chuckle: ahaha its all my fault from always calling him that at school) and it was the opening day, and there were a lot of photographers. Dom was wearing very tight leopard print pants and it was a photo shoot of the pants. BUT Dom wasn’t the only model for his pants, Chris was too! So yeah, Chris was there, with the tightest leopard print pants ever, while many were taking photos of him :eek::chuckle: and then she woke up :LOL:


    :awesome: chris you say?

    i wish i could invade your friends brain :chuckle: tell her to get the tin foil hats ready :LOL:

  5. had a dream bout 2 months ago that i was at some sort of photo shoot, it was sunnier than britain and kinda had an american feel about it, there was a crowd though none seemed to be fans.. all of muse'd finished the shoot and got change but they were still carrying the photoshoot clothes and i couldn't see dom.. then randomly matt handed me his clothes and walked off, then i look down and it's a combination of like denim jackets, some jeans and my primark bra :wtf: which also broke about 2 months ago weirdly (thats what you get for wearing cheap ass bras :chuckle:)

  6. I know, I was just thinking that how much they are charging for O2 Arena tickets, that'll work out more than what I've paid for tickets & travel for Limoges...


    travel as well, phwoar.. stupid fuckin touts mean i'm not seeing them this year.. and this would've been the first time as well :mad::(

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