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Status Updates posted by BlueValentine

  1. Ahhhh I was there! :eek::musesign: And it was AMAAAAAZING!!! :awesome:

    *walks away mezmerized* :D



  2. Dude guess what?!? :awesome:

    I was at the barrier! And Matt was like 5 feet away from me! :eek::matt:

    Haha jealous much Nick?? :rolleyes::LOL:

  3. Haha yea and it's life sized too! :LOL:

    And yay ur going! :happy: and at a good time may i add cuz that's whem most people are gonna line up! :D

  4. MUSE AT LAST!! Just 10 more hours!!!


    :matt::dom::chris: = YAY!!! :dance:

  5. Pfff...wat kinda friend is that?!? :eek:

    Tis a shame he didn't take you with him! :noey:

    Hey n guess wat I'm heading of to see Muse now!!! :dance:



  6. Oh tis ok :(...i'll just carry that cardboard cut out I made of you! :awesome:

    Hey btw...does this mean that ur not going at all??? :unsure:

  7. oh noes! :( why what happenned??? :unsure:

  8. Ummm y perdon por mi mal espanol jeje :$:p

  9. Vale vale que bueno que tenemos eso de la musica en comun eh? :D:yesey:

    Porque a mi me encanta mucho conocer gente que aman la musica tambien! ^-^


    Entonces es un placer agregarte como amiga Nani! :happy::awesome:


  11. Yay!!! :awesome: Ummm but but but what's your number so I can call you and stuff??? :unsure:

    Er unless if you wanna call me first... if you do my number is 559-907-4602 :happy:


    Hope to see you there my fellow muser! :D

  12. Wow! Me encanto mucho el tipo de musica que escuchas y queria hacer amigas contigo! :awesome:


    Hmmm te gusta much el Indie rock?? :happy:

  13. I'm gonna play the song,"The Only Exception" by Paramore :happy:

    Though I have to say that I'm a bit embarrassed because I recently died my hair red and I don't want people thinking that I'm trying to copy her or something :rolleyes::$


    And yes I did get your email Mr.Chasing.Muse10@yahoo.com aha! ;)

    All I have to say is WOW :eek: Great covers! :awesome:

    Though I can't say that I recognized the last one though! :unsure:



  14. Hello sorry for the late reply buddy...Aargh! I'm afraid I've been horribly busy with school lately. :(

    But hey are you and your brave group of friends going to try and pull a prank after all??? :awesome:


    Oh and just curious Diamantina :D ...have you attended a Muse gig yet??? :happy:

  15. FINAL COUNTDOWN: 2 days 'till Muse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :awesome:

  16. Hello there! You were on the April 14 thread asking if someone wanted to hang out with you cuz you didn't want to be alone....well me neither. :( Do you wanna be my Muse buddy??? :unsure::happy:

  17. Okey dokey and no worries we're not creepy people! (well most of the time) :erm::D

    Hmmm...but I'm not all too sure about you tho haha. :LOL:


    And what??? :eek: You don't have school right now???

    LUCKY!! :awesome::indiff:

  18. Oh but of course I will fill you in in all the dirty details my friend aha! :awesome::D

    And what??? :eek: But why don't you guys do pranks down in Portugal...is it because you guys are afraid of getting in trouble?? :unsure::(

    Ummm maybe you should try it...hehe it's actually kinda fun! :D:LOL:



  19. Hey and aren't you suppose to be at school rite now mister!?! :mad::LOL:



  20. Aww you're so adorkable! :happy:

    Oh and I only ask because we live close together.and wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me and my Muse buddies to go watch them when they come in Autumn! :awesome:

    That way yous wonts have to be alone kido! :p:rolleyes:

  21. FINAL COUNTDOWN: 5 days 'till Muse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Awwww shucks me a genius!? :$:D Haha I don't know about that because I did have a grip of people helping me (Including you! :happy:) sooooo...:unsure::rolleyes:

    Oh and as for now...i can't say when we are going to do it...probablably early May though! :awesome:


    Hey but how about you eh missy...have your ever done a prank??? :happy:



  23. FINAL COUNTDOWN: 6 days 'till Muse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I'm working on a song by Paramore (it's for a talent show!) and a song by Johnny Cash! :)

    Hmmm...and tell me what is Dexter all about eh you couch potato?? :D

    Haha I'm always hearing about it but haven't even watched it yet! :(



  25. Oh you know me...I'm being lame and looking up tabs! :):rolleyes:

    So hows about you eh Chase...what are you up to now??? :D

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