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Everything posted by melon

  1. thank you verwyyyyyyy mucho

    did you actually get that photo of blue matty signed?

    here's a funny edited version of the last pic you gave me. found it on tinypic.com:



  2. it's ok i don't expect to meet normal people on this website. normal people are boring anyway

  3. hahaha that's not creepy :LOL:

  4. well thank you. hope i don't come off as sounding like a complete jerk, it's that I've been dancing for 8 years and I'd been hoping to have something big to show for it.

    oh well, I'll probably put world champ on college apps anyway haha

  5. that is pretty magical. hey could you maybe want Muse to come to California.....just, you know, in case...


  6. my teams won 2nd and 3rd thanks for asking :D

    yea I'm a little pissed because I'm quitting after this month and I had wanted to be able to say I'm a world champion, but no. Of course my little sister's team won so she'll always have that title.

    I'm very grateful for 2nd though. Well I'm trying to be. teehee

  7. yes this was just bugging me so much I was consumed but confusion.

    hahaha stop hating me

    gotta love marcella

  8. Matt Matt and more Matt. Any hair color will do :LOL: Dom is very cute too. Chris....is Chris. He's attractive when he wants to be. And I would feel wrong if I liked a married man (besides the fact that I'm 15) who has little children hahaha


    I will be sure to spam you when I get the chance. For know all I can offer is this:





    And now I'm stopping myself before I get too carried away

  9. haha. well then I can forgive the Matt artist. I think if he was gunna make Matt have his red hair then he should've made it really bright.

    like this picture:


  10. well im glad we cleared that up. hahaha

  11. oh and by the way what does it say on the left of the painting? all i can read is "of me know" haha

    hmm it's sort of bugging me that the artist made Thom Yorke look more attractive than Matt.....

  12. seriously! its like you have some sort of telepathy haha

    that's so awesome. there's a lot of graffiti here in California too, maybe I'll go out late at night sometime and paint Muse lol

  13. I'm Melina :D and I should be doing homework but I'd rather be saving Muse pictures to my computer haha.


    I have wayy more Muse pics than are in my album by the way but uploading them would take foreverrrrrr. If you want to let me know who your favorite eye-candy member of Muse is though I can send you some (but I will warn you that my pictures of Matt are ridiculously excessive) lol


    How about yourself?

  14. hi you don't know me but I just had to thank you for your amazing muse album. I stole some pics =)

    feel free to steal some of mine! I have plenty haha

  15. uh the picture of chris you have as your avatar

  16. ah, the handle bar 'stache. good choice of default

  17. oh. well that makes sense then

  18. and how do you know what rock tastes like...? hahaha

  19. well i came back to life after you ate me.....

  20. thats why we're here! lol

  21. nope just practicing not doing homework. im getting really good.

    for example, im on here right now

  22. wishing i had greek food....haha

  23. happy birthday

    weirdly enough i saw your name listed on muselive birthdays

  24. haha. ill probably do the same

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