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Everything posted by eli_extraordinary

  1. hey, sorry for the super late reply. i just started uni again last tuesday and it's been a bit of a stress getting classes an all that junk sorted. and i still am sort of stressing over it. :indiff:


    but yeah, wow! you bought all that stuff from the muse store? :eek: i'm so jealous. :phu::LOL:

    i know what it feels like to receive a muse mailing package. i get all jittery and rip the box apart. :LOL:

    it's so dumb how in my last message i was telling you how i was planning on not spending my uni money on muse merch and two days later i ordered the hoodie with the logo and the resistance artwork backprint. :$ ... :dance:

    and my mom just called me yesterday to tell it arrived at home so she'll be sending it today. i should be wearing it by wednesday. :dance::dance:


    and wow! you got really awesome christmas gifts! i'm jealous once again. :phu::LOL:


    happy late new year to you as well. :happy:


    oh and by the way, i love your avatar. :$ i dunno why i have a fetish for matt in the supermassive black hole video. it's just the sheen of sweat and the dark eyes and the red coat and... *iz dead* :LOL: i'll stop perving now. :chuckle:

  2. hello there. :happy:

    thanks for the friend request.


    what's up? :happy:

  3. no you can't borrow them! :fear:

    they're for mine's and dom's pleasure only. :phu:


    and intervention!? for what!? :eek:

  4. i think a lot of us relax, eat, and sleep too much on the holidays. :LOL: so you're okay. :yesey:

    and yay for muse shopping! i'm so tempted to do so as well 'cause my uni just deposited my refund money for school expenses in my bank account and i never come close to wasting it all.. but i shouldn't! last quarter i spent $70 on my muse hoodie, mostly for shipping and stuff 'cause it's in europe i guess. :rolleyes:

    what are you buying by the way?


    and i've been alright. just trying to get myself in the mind set that i'm going back to school soon. :indiff: i'm looking forward to being back home in santa cruz a bit, it should be fun. but just the school work. i just don't wanna do WORK. :noey::LOL:

    how about you? :)

    and for christmas, i actually got several harry potter things. :chuckle: i got a poster, a bag, and a blanket of harry potter. and my sis got me some boots, and my mom a straightener (:wtf: i don't really use it much) and a gift card. :happy:

    how about you? :D

  5. yeah, internet connections have just been no good lately. :noey: i heard it had something to do with some solar flares that were getting really close to earth or something like that. apparently they were messing with some of the electrical stuff, and i would imagine wi fi's would be it 'cause a lot of my friends were having problems too. :indiff:


    and i've honestly never heard of Fnac, but you can find a book/cd/gadgetstore here. i think some main ones would be wal mart and target.

    and that project sounds AWESOME. :awesome: you should try to sneak in some kind of muse ornament. :chuckle:

    glad to hear your christmas went well though. :happy:

    santa barbara was actually humid, but cold. so i was sweaty, but cold. :noey: it didn't feel good at all. but it was awesome hanging out with my best friend. :D


    and just in case you don't see this before midnight in california tonight,

    happy new year! :party:

  6. i'm so glad you found that attitude! :happy: good luck on your self healing. :) just remember to always have faith on yourself. true stability begins with inner balance. :yesey:


    and i've been doing pretty alright. just relaxing and doing nothing on this christmas break. :LOL: i'll be going back to school in a week though, and i'm pretty excited. not so much for the work.. but i actually almost miss school. :eek::LOL:


    how about you?

    and merry late christmas! :)

  7. hello! :) sorry for the SUPER late reply! it seems that when you finally got your internet connection, ours began to falter! :indiff::LOL: seriously, our wi fi stopped working for a while. as sad as it is to say, it was TORTURE. :supersad: but it's back now! :awesome:


    where did you find your abso poster? i'd love one. it's my favorite album. :D


    i'll be returning to school in a week now. :indiff: i feel like this break went by so fast because i stayed with my best friend in Santa Barbara for 4 days. and also, i've done nothing and it feels GREAT. :LOL: but i feel pretty good to be going back as well. i actually almost miss my school. :eek:

    i'm sure you'll do great on your exams! :happy: good luck!

    and how was your christmas? :)

  8. dommeh bears live in the cave? :eek: ..... and what's this i hear about colorful pants getting them all riled up!? ..... :erm:

    *ahem* WELL. it seems i'm just going to go ahead and buy this little number after all:



    about that.. yes. that was also when i wore that hideous dark eyeliner as well. :LOL: eurgh. those were dark days indeed. :noey:


    if i should ever become a rapper, i'll definitely go with Captain K'neli. :yesey:

    but i dunno.. i think i'd much rather see Kid Cudi ft. Peppermint Eli. :LOL:

  9. betsabe wouldn't be like "wtf!?" she'd be like "waheyyyy. can i join? :awesome:" :LOL:


    and yes! our own personal little cave! :D


    aww, thanks. :D i liked it back then though.. it's just a personal thing. i feel i've grown and that name was used when i felt i was still in a pretty dark place. :rolleyes:

    and actually, i did get peppermint eli from flapjack. :LOL: it just had a ring to it.

    my friend hector said captain k'neli. but i was like neehhhh. :p

  10. yes! :awesome:

    this shall be the cave! and i could be like "hey claudia, come in my cccaaaaavvvveeeee!" :chuckle:


    but yeah, i'll be sure to try that when i get around to it. :rolleyes: i'm so lazy. but yeah, i wanna change it 'cause eli_extraordinary is so lame. :indiff: it's such a freshmen thing. i like peppermint eli bettah. :yesey:

  11. yes i really want to know woman! :supersad:

    i love talking on the boards. it's our personal....




  12. woman how did you change your username!? i want to change mine to peppermint eli! :supersad:

  13. those children recognizing music that sounds like no other is :awesome::awesome::awesome:


    and i thought they had already gotten nominated? matt and dom talked about it and so did chris... but whatever. i personally won't care too much. :erm: this country's antics just infuriate me. >_<


    i'm so sorry to hear that about your dad. :supersad: that's honestly kind of messed up. but just remember that there's a reason why certain people aren't in our lives. even if it's your dad. i'm always here if you wanna talk. :)


    what do we dooooo? we can get together any day during the week since we don't have school. :awesome:

    but will your job get in the way?

  14. oh wow. you sound really involved in your school. :awesome:

    school seriously holds us hostage until breaks. :noey: so not cool. :indiff:



    i'm glad you're so excited for christmas! :awesome: i actually feel pretty excited as well. my best friend's family might come over and celebrate with mine. i hope it works out. :D

    and it's alright about the late reply, i am guilty of such a thing at times as well. :chuckle:


    and yeah, i'm already at uni. just finished my first quarter. i'm pretty excited to start my second quarter. but then again all the work againnn... :indiff::LOL:

    do you know what you want to study at uni? :)

  15. thanks. :)

    i know there's certain things you can't change.. so if it's coming, then i'm just gonna let it come as it is. oh well. :erm: thanks for being so understanding though. :happy:


    i'm so sorry to hear you've been feeling depressed. :supersad: we all have our rough yeras but just remember that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. :)

    i know how hard it is to focus on school work when you have so many other things going on. you should try to have some personal internal time. some time to really look within yourself. that's the beginning of self healing. :)

    and no worries, you aren't babbling. i'm glad you feel alright sharing that with me. i'll always try to help in the best way i can. :happy:

  16. yeah being on holiday is great, but i just haven't been feeling too good. :erm:

    being home doesn't feel like it used to. i feel left out of a lot of things.

    i guess i'm just changing in uni...? it's not a bad thing.. the beginning of the separation between friends sucks though. :( but whatever i guess. i knew it would happen someday. :supersad:


    yay your holidays are fast approaching! :awesome:

    how's school for you? :)

  17. yeah my poster's right above my desk and dom looks so good in it with his shades on :$ it's some distraction to look at when i'm procrastinating on homework on my desk. :noey::LOL:

    you have an abso poster!? :awesome: consider me jealous. :phu: haha. i hope you find a good spot soon. i bet the poster looks awesome. :D


    how's school work going for you right now? :)

  18. yeah i'm totally enjoying my holidays already. i've already overslept and it's only first day here. :eek::chuckle:


    and i actually have a picture of my blanket when i had just put it in my dorm at uni.



    haha, that was when i had barely gotten settled the day i moved in. i hadn't even put up my resistance tour poster. it's still on my bed. :eek:


    but yeah, there was actually a lot of students protesting over here as well 'cause they raised our tuition but they don't shut down campus. :erm:

    your school must really make itself heard then! honestly that's kinda awesome. :awesome:


    i'm sure you'll real holidays will come before you know it. :yesey:

  19. i totally know what you mean about the insomnia and it making so stressed out. :indiff::(

    when i was in high school, i would get an average of only 4-5 hours of sleep every night.

    i really hope you get better sleep soon. i hope i do too. i'm officially on christmas break now. :awesome: so right now i'm doing pretty awesome. :LOL: but i was really stressing over final exams and all that this whole week as well. :indiff:

    how about you? :happy:

  20. hello there. :D


    my history final is a thing of the past and i'm currently home under my leopard print blanket officially on christmas break. :awesome::dance:


    haha. my history professor was actually pretty awesome. it's just the subject itself i can't stand. :indiff:


    your holidays work so weird. :LOL: every time you tell me of how it works, it always takes me a while to figure how that is. :$:LOL:

    i hope you're enjoying your holidays then! :happy:

  21. since i know you're kind of a setlisty-y person,

    dude, i feel totally fucked over. :indiff: did you see brisbane's second night?


    SUNBURN!! :eek::mad:

    seriously, what the fucking hell!?

    why couldn't they bust that out at ANY OTHER GIVEN MOMENT OF THE GODDAMNED YEAR LONG TOUR!? :noey:

    i think what's killing me the most right now is the fact that i've been waiting to see butterflies and hurricanes live since the time they were here in 07 or 08 and i couldn't go 'cause of my stupid quince.

    whyyyyy. :supersad:


    /pissy rant. :rolleyes:


    and on a completely different and fangirlish note,

    NME voting has opened up again and dom must win this year. :dom::awesome:



  22. i'm planning on doing nothing over the holidays as well! :awesome::LOL:

    i'm looking forward to relaxing as well.. but why haven't you relaxed for 2 years!? :eek:

  23. hey! at least you're getting internet though! :awesome: waiting for a certain day is better than waiting for nothing. :yesey: and it's not pathetic really.. our generation has kind of been forced to adapt to life where part of our dependency is on using the internet. so if you're pathetic, then so am i. :awesome::LOL:


    and i'm still here at uni. my final is on dec. 9th. so nervous about that. i'm really not doing well in my history class and i feel like studying doesn't even help me. :erm::supersad: but i mean, i've accepted the fact that if i fail, then i fail. i'm not gonna let myself get too worked up about it. :rolleyes: it is my first quarter at uni after all.. even my professor said we're still getting accustomed to the way uni works. but still.. a little part of failing irks me you know? :indiff:

    after the holidays, i have to be back at school by january 3rd. so i get about 3 weeks, almost a month of school off. :awesome:

    good luck with your studying! :D

  24. haha. it's really not a story. :rolleyes: i was just trying to get him on my camera 'cause i wanted a shot of his wetsuit, and then he turned to look for like 4 seconds and smiled and i proceeded to freaking out and ruining the video/picture. :LOL:


    and i know what you mean about the show having the same dances. :rolleyes: hopefully there are some changes this time around... but i still wanna go regardless. it'll be my first time stepping on roosevelt grounds since june. :eek::D

  25. :LOL: "rips out patch of hair"? jeesus woman. :chuckle:

    but nahh. i wasn't too excited. i thought i would be, but i seen it and i was like meh. :erm:

    i am pretty happy for them about the grammy nominations though. :happy:

    i guess what has me kind of ticked off is that it took this fucking country this long to recognize them for their true talents. don't get me wrong, i love The Resistance.. but i mean c'mon, we all know it's not their best. and it just makes me think, if these nitwits had caught on earlier, could you imagine the nominations they would've gotten for amazing albums like OoS, Absolution, and BH&R? it just kinda pisses me off. :indiff:

    but yeah, sorry for ranting. haha.


    and about our musey get-together for the holidays, glittery pastries, glittery hair, leathery pants, and sparkly wetsuits sounds pretty damn awesome. :awesome: as for the brie cheese, i've actually already had some. haha. it's alright. not that great. or maybe i'm just not fancy enough to appreciate the taste. :LOL:


    but yeah, what happened with your dad? :supersad:

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