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Status Updates posted by eli_extraordinary

  1. heyyy. sorry i took forever to reply on here!

    but yeah, i ended up giving the hoodie to my little bro. but i think you already noticed that. :rolleyes:


    you bought a leopard print bra!? :awesome: now we can match! :D


    and germs is WRONG. :phu: dom doesn't wear leopard print bras, he only wears leopard print everything else. :phu:


    my avatar is the doctor's sonic screwdriver and the watch that can make him human. :awesome:

    *iz a whovian geek now* :chuckle:

  2. helloo there. :)

    sorry for the super late reply. uni's been keeping me busy like HELL. :indiff: but i've finally had some time to relax.

    also, i got my roommate hooked on doctor who so we've been having marathons lately and that's been taking away some time as well. :chuckle:


    how's uni going now? well i hope! :happy:

  3. hellooo! :happy:

    sorry for the super late reply! i've been so busy with school work. and also, i got my roommate hooked on doctor who and we've been having marathons on the weekends. :chuckle:

    when are your exams? have they passed?

    and what do you mean you failed topography? :supersad:


    i really hope you get to go to that play. i actually haven't seen anything of it. i just heard it was coming out. it seems fun though! :happy:


    i hadn't even heard of british national tv awards! but matt is fairly new, so it's understandable. it's okay. he'll get up there soon. :D


    doctor in a swimsuit? :eyebrows: niiiiice. :chuckle:

    i remember i especially loved the episode where he played football. he looked lovely in that uniform. :eyebrows:


    it would be a blessing if my babies were begging me to play muse and watch doctor who! :awesome::awesome::awesome: they would get all the ice cream and sweets they wanted. :chuckle:


    so, how've you been? how's uni? :happy:

  4. hello there! i liked your avatar. but i already believe. ;)

    haha, what's up? :happy:

  5. oh, you don't have a laptop?

    i didn't have a laptop either. the one i have was a graduation gift so that i could use it for college. :)


    my parents actually don't let me buy presents. :chuckle: even though my university gives me more than enough money (that of course i'm going to have to pay back when i graduate), they say it's strictly for school. i think they just had bad experiences with my older brother because when he was in college, there was a lot of times when he was short on money. so i don't know what it feels like to give someone a present for christmas. :erm:


    i really hope you get to go there. it would be :awesome::D

    haha, i could see why it would make you think of dancing, but it's not necessarily. :p:chuckle:

    it's sort of like the politics of the Latin American countries and their relationships with the US before colonialism, what happened after colonialism and how that shaped Latin American communities in the US today. so it's sort of like politics but it focuses more on Latin American countries and a share of the morality behind it all as well. :)

  6. photography, print work, textiles, and graphics? that's honestly kinda awesome. :awesome:

    do you ever design anything musey? :)


    uni is going well at the moment. i just have exams this week until tuesday so this weekend is going to be full of studying. :indiff: thankfully i'll be done by tuesday morning and my roommates still have to study until friday. :chuckle:


    how about you? how's uni going for you? :)

  7. hey, 6.5/8 is actually pretty good. that's probably better than anything i could have managed. :chuckle:


    good luck on your history exam if you haven't already taken it. i have an art history exam tomorrow and my professor wasn't even clear on what exactly she wants us to cover and there's too much information to cover in one night. so i don't know what i'm going to do. :indiff:


    i remember when i was in elementary school, we had 2 weeks off for easter as well. but then they changed it and instead of 2 weeks for easter and 2 for christmas break, they turned it into 3 weeks for christmas and 1 week for easter. which i suppose i do like better.. but after christmas you want more. :chuckle:


    you're going to the play they're going to be in? :eek: jealous. :phu::LOL:

    i hope you do get tickets. i miss david tennant way too much! :rolleyes:


    and yes, matt smith is actually pretty awesome. i wasn't too impressed at the end of The End of Time, i thought he looked too young. but i like the way he conveys the doctor's old soul in his first season. and now i love him as well. :awesome:


    if they do change something having to do with a coat or anything, i really hope they don't try to give him the coat DT had. :rolleyes: 11th doctor is such a hipster, he needs a hipster coat. :chuckle:

    haha, i'd heard the fez was coming back. he says he wants a fez in the series 6 trailer. :chuckle:

    oh doctor. :D


    that baby is so cute! :supersad::supersad: my babies are totally gonna be dressed like that all the time. i can just hear my babies saying "FML." :LOL:

  8. woman i miss you! :supersad:

    how's the whole deal with meergerms?


    and what'd you buy!? :awesome:

    i actually bought the muse hoodie with the resistance artwork behind the logo, but they sent me the wrong one. they sent me the one with the undisclosed desires single artwork and the european tour dates in the back. soo.. if you're interested in a $70 hoodie with the undisclosed desires logo and the summer 2010 european tour dates in the back, i can help. :chuckle:

    i'm just going to return it 'cause it's already getting warmer over here and i'm not gonna need it anymore. :erm:

  9. i've been sorta stressing here lately as well. :indiff:

    ah school. when will you ever leave me alone? :rolleyes:


    art and design? awesome. what kind? :D

  10. aw, so you're not doing something you like? :supersad: that really sucks. i don't know what it feels to not have supportive parents. sometimes my dad asks me what i'm gonna do as writer and i still can't answer him, but it's seriously what i love to do right now. :erm:


    you shouldn't be trying to live up to anyone's expectations. each soul is different, and we all have different gifts to share with the world. it must be hard though. :erm:

    sometimes you gotta get away from home to grow up and find yourself. that's why i moved 3 hours from home for uni. maybe that'll help you as well. :)

  11. pass? :dance: awesome!


    and hey, no worries, my art history prof is boring as well. it's an interesting subject and she's a nice lady, but it's just so BORING.


    and i believe my summer break this year is going to be from June 3rd to around September 20th or 21st. i'm so ready for it already too. :noey::LOL: we also have spring break, but that's only about 10 days. how about you guys?


    aww, i'm sorry to hear your last days of summer will be dedicated to studying. that sounds icky. :erm:

    so you guys get from June to October!? talk about lucky. :awesome:


    oh jesus, that last part of The End of Time when he says that just KILLED me. :supersad: i was like "i don't want you to go either david! :supersad:" :rolleyes:

    but yeah, i totally get what you mean about it not being easy to watch. it's like, he still had his usual little quirks but in the end you knew he was supposed to die. :supersad:

    and i seriously love matt smith. :happy: he's a strange little character, but when has the doctor ever been normal? :chuckle:

    where did you hear that his costume might change!? :eek: i hope not. i hope it's just minor changes like tennant's several different tuxedos. that i could deal with because he still looked the same generally.. but i really like 11th's costume as well. don't they know that bowties are cool? :supersad:


    oh, and i just wanted to share this with you because my ovaries pretty much exploded when i seen it:


    i'm totally dressing my baby like that when i pop one out. :awesome:

  12. hey, don't always think that's true. if you've got pretty superb grades to back you up, i think you'll be fine. I got accepted into UC Santa Cruz and i literally have zero volunteer hours in high school. :erm:


    how long until you graduate? :happy:

  13. ooh, the stone age? honestly that's kinda awesome.

    it seems we have opposite art history classes then. :LOL: yours seems mostly european while mine tries to avoid the "eurocentric" perspective. honestly my professor's kinda of biased, but she's a nice lady. :rolleyes:

    and wow! :eek: 120 girls!? i bet the guys must feel intimidated! :LOL: how large do some of your uni classes get? there are some here that have up to 260 students per class. i'm pretty sure i'll eventually have to take a class with that many students but it still seems like so much to me. i think i'll find it harder to focus. the most i've had to work with so far is 60. we'll see how that goes. :erm:


    i'm not sure if ours is harder.. i mean it definitely moves faster. haha. everything gets fixed into 10 weeks. so it's definitely more work in a short amount of time, but i like it better this way because i don't like waiting so much, and our summer break is longer than any other uni. my friends start again sometime in august and i don't go back until the end of september and i finish earlier than them. :D


    i cried when tennant left as well! :supersad: i felt so stupid 'cause i knew he was going to regenerate but when it started to happen, i was like "noooooo! :supersad:" :rolleyes:

    honestly, the couple of seconds they gave matt smith at the end of the The End of Time episode didn't impress me at all and i wasn't excited. but with smith's first episode, i was like "he'll be alright." :happy: give him as long as tennant had and i'm sure he can prove himself of a worthy doctor as well. :yesey:


    ahahahah. i love when he finds random things and decides to make them his own. :D the fez part cracked me up even though the episode was kind of sad. :chuckle: and i think he looks mighty good in that stetson. :eyebrows::LOL:

  14. yeah, it's called Transformative Action because it's basically a class intended to "transform" you into someone who encourages social change. we talk about social issues in class and address them in ways that make us find solutions for the greater good. and we have 30 hours of required volunteer work at any association we like, and I think i'm going to volunteer with a student in one of my classes that has an organization that's trying to raise money to build schools for children in Uganda who are trained to kill as child soldiers. i hope anyway. i'm running out of time. :erm:


    we don't need volunteer hours to graduate from uni.. but i did need them for high school. :rolleyes:

    what do you do at the library?


    and yeah! i've seen that trailer before.. i found here on the messageboard. :chuckle: i'm not a huge fan of the golden globes though.

  15. ugh. i think we're all a bit stressed from college work. :indiff: we should just start a band, make millions, and ditch school. :LOL: and then maybe open for muse for their next album. :awesome::chuckle:


    i'm good today actually. me and my house mates are going to the arcade in about half an hour so i'm pretty excited for that because it's right next to the beach and i LOVE the beach at night. :awesome:


    what classes are you taking at uni this session?

  16. wow really? i bought a different muse shirt when i went to the april show and it only cost me 20. :erm:

    muse are taking all our money just to have cool things. :noey::LOL:


    and no worries about slacking off. :rolleyes: i need to get started on some portfolio questions for my transformative action class, and i should be looking for a place to complete my volunteer hours as well and i just haven't done anything at all. :noey:

    good luck though! i usually blow off papers for the night before. :chuckle: i'm sure you can do it. ;)

  17. oh awesome! what regions of the world does your art history focus on? ours art history of africa, oceania, and native america. so it's pretty alright. still kinda boring, but (and it feels so cheesy to say :$) my crush definitely makes it better. :happy:


    physics? you're a brave woman. :LOL: i am horrible at physics. :noey: be sure to tell me how that went! :)


    your school hours seriously sound hectic. i think i would have died by now. :LOL: hearing you talk about your school assignments makes me feel like such a lazy brat for complaining about my schedule. :rolleyes:


    aww, new born whovian! :happy:

    so you haven't seen any david tennant episodes?

    'cause if you haven't, i recommend you search them up online. he's what made the doctor for me. :LOL:


    and ah! that picture! it's from the sneak previews for season 6! :D :D :D

    i can't wait for that! it's torture TO WAIT! :supersad:

  18. i'm good as well. just already slacking off on school work. :chuckle:


    and really!? :awesome: i LOVE that shirt. :D it's my favorite artwork and i'd been waiting to get that shirt forever since i seen it. at first, i was hoping they'd have it at the first concert i went to last year in april, but they had none, and then i was hoping they'd have them at the concert i went to in september and they did, but i had pit tickets for that one and had to run for a spot close to the barrier so i didn't get a chance to buy it there either. :(

    so i finally just ordered it from the muse shop even though it came out to be like $35. it's worth it. :D

  19. hello. :happy:

    i don't think you have to be jealous for long, the shop actually ended up sending the wrong hoody. :indiff: i ordered the logo with the album artwork and they sent me the one with the undisclosed desires logo and the european tour dates in the back. :( now i have to return it and wait longer to get the resistance album artwork one. :supersad:


    and wow! supermassive black hole matt in HD? :eyebrows::LOL:


    i've been great actually. i finally got my classes in order and my school schedule is awesome. :D

    how about you?

  20. that sounds seriously awesome. :D i'm going to try to get creative classes after my next break as well. i feel the need to explore before i decide what i wanna study. :chuckle:

    i miss break times too! :supersad: sleeping in, watching tv, being on the boards, and eating sweets. it's HEAVEN. :LOL:


    as for christmas, i just spent it with my family and opened gifts, sat around and hung out. nothing special, but i loved it. :happy: how about you?


    and wow! that offer sounds amazing! is it where you wanna go?

    as for me, currently i'm a proposed Literature major, but this quarter i'm taking a Latin American & Latino Studies class, and i've seriously been thinking of changing my proposed major to that. it's an awesome class. :awesome:

  21. hello, :happy:

    thankfully, i've finally gotten my classes in order and now i absolutely love schedule. :awesome: one of my classes is sort of boring (art history), but my crush is in there.. :$ so i kinda like it. :chuckle:


    and wow! :eek: your month sounds way more jam packed than mine! and here i was complaining. :rolleyes:

    good luck with all that! i'm sure you'll do fine. :yesey:


    as for my new years eve, i actually had a really great time. i just hung out with my family and my best friend came over and we celebrated the new year together with plenty of food (of course :rolleyes:) and drinking cider. :chuckle:


    so you're a whovian as well!? :awesome: it's totally cool about not noticing, :happy:

    but yes! i love the doctor! :awesome::awesome::awesome:

  22. hello there. :)

    thanks for the friend request.


    how are you? :happy:

  23. hello. :happy:

    sorry for the super late reply. i got started at uni last tuesday and i've been stressing over getting classes sorted an all that junk. and it's still kinda happening. :indiff: i just wanna be settled already. :noey:


    but anyway, how was your new year celebration? :awesome:

    and happy late new year! :party::awesome:

    i'm sure 2011 will indeed be a memorable one for everyone on earth. :)

  24. hey, sorry for the super late reply. i just started uni again last tuesday and it's been a bit of a stress getting classes an all that junk sorted. and i still am sort of stressing over it. :indiff:


    but yeah, wow! you bought all that stuff from the muse store? :eek: i'm so jealous. :phu::LOL:

    i know what it feels like to receive a muse mailing package. i get all jittery and rip the box apart. :LOL:

    it's so dumb how in my last message i was telling you how i was planning on not spending my uni money on muse merch and two days later i ordered the hoodie with the logo and the resistance artwork backprint. :$ ... :dance:

    and my mom just called me yesterday to tell it arrived at home so she'll be sending it today. i should be wearing it by wednesday. :dance::dance:


    and wow! you got really awesome christmas gifts! i'm jealous once again. :phu::LOL:


    happy late new year to you as well. :happy:


    oh and by the way, i love your avatar. :$ i dunno why i have a fetish for matt in the supermassive black hole video. it's just the sheen of sweat and the dark eyes and the red coat and... *iz dead* :LOL: i'll stop perving now. :chuckle:

  25. hello there. :happy:

    thanks for the friend request.


    what's up? :happy:

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