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Status Updates posted by eli_extraordinary

  1. ohh. i didn't even know who that was. :rolleyes: i don't like RHCP actually. at all. i've tried to give them a chance several times and i just can't get into them. :erm:

    but yeah, i didn't know that about Kiedis. that's too bad. :erm: hahah. but i know what you mean. now that i remember though, i seen a documentary type thin on VH1 once about them, and i think he had a really tough life for a long time. i guess that could explain the drug use, but even then.. :noey:

    and you're right, i don't think matt will ever stop. :LOL: i think dom deserves it at least once though. :phu:


    guys who are true to themselves are really just plain more attractive than the rest. :eyebrows:

    there weren't too many of those in high school though. :indiff: that's why i'm hoping college can be home to more of the real kind. :D

  2. yeah i know. but i'm trying not to think about it too much. :supersad: just pwomise that you'll call me on all the good songs while i'm crying my eyes out in my dorm thinking about how i could be having all kinds of fun like you guys! :supersad:

    but you're right, we're still gonna make the 25th suuuuper fun. :awesome:


    and don't worry. i'll keep trying to bug him. ;)

    i don't know how soon though 'cause as of right now, i'm so pissed off at him. :mad:


    hahah. he does none of what you said except i guess protect me.. but even then i don't really need it. i've always been smart on my own. :D

  3. oh, that sounds fun. :happy:

    and i am just here at home trying to enjoy my last bits of summer break before starting college next month. :erm:

    are you on break right now?

  4. i think guys in today's age just need to let go of their "manly" image and accept the fact that they have feminine qualities and understand that it's not a crime. :rolleyes: like maffoo. :D

    besides, it might just be me, but i prefer a guy who's not afraid of his softer more vulnerable side as you put it. i find them more attractive. :phu::D

    erm.. and i'm sorry, i don't really understand that last part "they should just get high with Kiedis." :$


    but actually, since you just mentioned it, i went to go check out the coke festival thread and i seen the last couple of pages and erm.. the videos they've posted.. of matt. :stunned:


    amp sex much? :eyebrows:

    when will he stop abusing his equipment and doing things that tickles the fangirls' pickles? :LOL:

  5. aww, if you're little people, then so am i because i still come from this place. :p no matter how far i get, i'm never gonna forget my roots. because they are what moved me to go far in the first place. :happy:


    hahah. XD duuude. i watched some video on youtube where some girl basically went through every stereotype about the school and each individual college within the school, and Kresge College (my college) is known as the hippie/stoner college. :LOL: so you know what imma be doing to get those studying motor skills revvin'. :eyebrows: hahah. :D

    oh, and also, our mascot is the banana slug. :$:LOL: appealing huh? imma be a banana slug ... :awesome:

    and here's our mascot:


    is that weed smoke? :yesey: is he at porter meadow on 4/20 when UCSC makes a massive celebration out of smoking weed as if it were a concert festival? :yesey:

    that's where you'll find me april 20th, 2011 claudia. :LOL:


    and my official move-in date is september 18th. :erm:

    i'm sooo nervous and scared, but also just as excited. i'm kinda just going crazy.

    and it's okay about getting sentimental. :p remember imma a cancer too. i'll cry with you! :supersad:

  6. wow, the songs were only okay? :eek::noey: i know the reaction though. :rolleyes:

    that's cool that you have at least one friend that would go to a concert though. :) better than none at all! :D

    and i firmly believe that guys who say that muse's stuff is too "gay-like" are not comfortable enough with their sexuality to accept heartfelt musical expressions from the heart and soul the way matt delivers them. :phu:

    that's why maffoo is so confident onstage. :D he accepts every fiber of his person without being afraid of coming across as "gay" or "cheesy." he's more of a man than all those idiots who call his music "gay-like" so let them listen to their RHCP and Metallica, because it's only fueling their idealistic male superiority mentality. they'll be the sorry ones in the end. :)

  7. hello there. :happy:

    thanks for the friend request. :D


    i'm eli.

    how are you?


  8. R/NC-17!? :eek::LOL:

    oh jesus. i think i'm kinda nervous to meet this side you haven't exposed. :chuckle:

    and yeah, 3b looks the most reasonable. but i still can't go to the 26th. :( it's official. i really can't go. not only do i not have the money, it just won't fit with my schedule. so eli's concert experience is going to have to be limited to one day only, and that's the 25th. :(

    but still, it's better than not going at all.

    and trust me, he does not care about walking around with 3 crazy fangirls. :chuckle: he'd probably take his girlfriend or his best friend with him or something. but i honestly don't think i can make him go at this point. everytime i bring it up he's just like "no." :indiff:

    and i actually don't know about claudia.. we should try asking her. but i have a feeling she's gonna have to sort of sneak away again. i don't think her mom will be too keen on letting her go after the whole april thing. :LOL:


    and that's so effin' cool of your sister! :supersad:

    but it's just UGH! i can't go to the stupid 26th show. :'(

    this is really beginning to take its toll on me. i'm desperately trying to figure this out. :'( :'( :'(

  9. aww claudia don't say that! :'(

    i'm going to try to come visit whenever i can.


    but hey! at least my move is happening before the concert. :D

    that means the bitter can be slightly overrode with the sweet. :awesome:


    and yes, my college is really beautiful. it's exactly what i've always wanted. :happy:

  10. no, i don't have very many musers where i live. :( they definitely are the most popular non-popular band ever. :LOL:

    here, nobody had really heard of them until uprising blrew up on mtv.

    not even starlight or supermassive black hole blew them up much. i mean, people had heard the songs, but they didn't know who muse was. :rolleyes:

    then again, i DO live in fresno. :indiff: i think it was a whole different story in LA. :happy:

    but i fortunately did get to meet some good friends that were really into muse as much as i am. :awesome:

    and one of them went to my own school and i seen here with a muse shirt one time and i was just like "OH MY GOD!" and she was like "oh, you mean my muse shirt?" and i was like "yes! :awesome:" and that was it. :facepalm:

    thankfully we met pwoperly when she approached me at lunchtime at the beginning of the year to ask if i was going to the april 14th show. :D

    what about you?

  11. your drawings are always so great to look at. :happy: they have this heartfelt warmth behind them. that's what makes me love them. :D


    and yes, i'll be going to college in Santa Cruz next month. :erm: ughhh. i'm really excited, but i'm also terrified. :( this will be my first time doing things on my own.

    but honestly, it IS freakin' amazing. :awesome: the school is beautiful. it's basically surrounded by a beautiful redwood forest, and it's next to the ocean. :D

    or as matt would say "OOOOSHUNNN!" :chuckle:

    but yeah, i'm going to be studying english literature with an emphasis in creative writing. :)

  12. you know what? you're totally right. i must have been in movie mode when i gave you that advice. hahah. :$ i always see that in movies, but i forget that everything always works out in movies ONLY. :indiff:


    and good luck with the muser-search!

    i'm sure you'll have better luck than this american. :chuckle:

  13. so you were visiting family? that's lovely. :happy:

    i've never actually been on a boat. like, ever. :| you're lucky. :)


    that's great that you feel ready to go now. :D i'm sure you'll do fine. :happy:

    like you said, we musers are the best at everything. :awesome:

    maybe you can make an ad online or something where you live to find a roommate?

    maybe you'd find another muser that way. :D

  14. dude i hear you, it's really disturbing sometimes. :erm:

    like those few times when the line between a joke and just plain weird is crossed. :LOL:

    but in the end, it just makes me laugh. :D


    and i've just been pretty bored. waiting for school to come around so i can officially live in santa cruz. :awesome:

    but honestly i'm terrified. :chuckle::$


    how about you? :happy:

  15. yeah, i get you. they just have the misfortune of getting caught in awkwardly funny and slightly gay situations, and with fans like us, gay jokes are surely to ensue. :LOL:

    it's all in good fun. :happy:


    and i honestly have never really come across belldom crazed fans. :erm:

    but don't let it drive you crazy. they got their own situation, and you got your own. :D

  16. hahah. whoaaa. i don't know you? :eyebrows: waheyyy. :LOL:

    does this mean our boys will hearing combos of "I LOVE YOU MATT!" "MARRY ME DOM!" "CHRIS, YOU'RE SO HOT!" from the barrier from a certain trio of crazed fangirls? :LOL:

    neeehhhh. i yuss yokeeng. :p we're not fangirls. we're just pwoper fans that appreciate every aspect of the band. :ninja:and i mean EVERY aspect. :phu:


    ugh! i really really wanna go to the 26th! but i seriously seriously don't think it can happen. :(

    i totally don't mind staying up all night for class the next day, i really don't.. but the whole distance thing is what's tripping me out and i'd rather be home a day early just in case i have to do some emergency train ticket purchasing back to santa cruz or something.

    because i doubt whoever takes me back (if i can even find a way to get back to fresno from santa cruz, or else no muse for me. :'() is gonna wanna drive at like, 4 or 5 am when i get home from LA. especially on a monday morning what with work and school and all that. :indiff:

    and honestly, i'd rather have one day of awesome than no days at all. so i'm really working on finding that ride back to fresno, i just dont know HOW. :supersad:


    but it's alright about the panicked rant. we do have a lot to discuss. a LOT.

    should we get together again?

  17. "Er and yeah I guess he's not your typical rapper singing about "dem hOez and dat a$$"

    He's the type of rapper that raps about classy hoes and about nice shapely bums"

    :LOL: that killed me woman. ah, that was good. but NO! :p

    his lyrics are OSSUM. :phu:

    one of my favorite lines is "i know it's easy to imagine, but it's easier to just do. see, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?" :awesome:

    so :p that KiD is a rapping genius. :phu:


    and i'm afraid i don't understand yo question about my traveling problematiques (:chuckle:) for the staples gig.

    see, i'm gonna be in santa cruz already by the time the gig comes around. and i need someone to give me a ride from santa cruz down here to fresno, then i take off in the car with you and betsabe to LA, and just come back with you guys, but then i need someone to take me back to santa cruz. :indiff:

    it's sooo fucking complicated. and honestly, it's becoming harder to see myself going. :'(


    and WHAAAT!? :eek:

    why aren't you sure you're gonna be going to college!? what happened!?


    P.S. i think i'll pass on explaining those smileys to my mummeh. :erm:

    she'd probably ban me from coming onto the messageboard anymore. :chuckle:

  18. :LOL: yeah! that's exactly what it looks like.

    oh those boys, always fueling the slightly disturbing belldom rumors. :rolleyes:

  19. i just though i'd come by and tell you that i was on your page and i was scrolling down and my mom seen my message to you and she made me go through each smiley i used and explain to her what it meant.



    and the best part was that she was so amused. have you ever tried explaining muse smileys in spanish? :LOL:

    ah, my mummeh. she's :awesome:


  20. oh my god another muse dream!? jesus woman! :LOL:

    and we were at wembley!? :dance::dance::dance:


    aww, they started with i belong to you. :happy:

    hahah. i seriously do find it weird that you're having these dreams. 'cause i always kind considered you the sanest one out of me, you, and claudia. but this just means that you're just as crazy on the inside and september 25th will insaaane. :dance:

    oh, and emphasis on the SEPTEMBER 25th! 'cause claudia misinformed you. :LOL:

    i told her i got it just joking around but i guess i didn't have time to say i was kidding because my stupid macbook isn't working and i don't like asking my bro for his computer because i feel like i bug him. :erm:

    :ninja:and i'm willing to kiss butt to get him to come to LA with us. :LOL:

    but yes, no september 26th ticket.

    i don't even have the 25th one yet. :erm:

  21. oh woman i got skills. just none that you know of. ;):phu:


    and i know! i haven't seen you in fo'evuh either! :supersad:

    i miss you and betsabe! can you believe staples is next month already?

    i REALLY REALLY gotta figure out how i'm gonna get from santa cruz to fresno and back. :erm:

    or else no muse in september for me. :'(


    i've been SUUUPER bored lately. of course.. :rolleyes:

    and putting off my summer reading assignment still. i only have a little over a month to read three chapter books. :erm:

    i should really get reading. :$

    oh, and i'm totally still crushing on that KiD named CUDi. :eyebrows::LOL:

    i can't help it! :$ he's not the typical rapper singing about dEm hOez and dAt a$$. :erm:

    his words are actually meaningful in extremely personal ways for me. :yesey:

    and when i seen the Pursuit of Happiness music video, (the one where he's dreaming, not the one where he's in the club 'cause that version sucks and is not creative at all) it was like BAM! and eli was a crushin'.

    we will have beautiful blackssican babies. :yesey:


    but now that my pointless rant is over,

    how've you been missy? gotten into any more trouble with a certain meergerms?


    oh, and i never liked those teddies. they're definitely not ferocious enough. :noey:

  22. yes! i did! :dance:

    i love your avi by the way. :happy:


    matt looks positively adorable. :happy:

  23. ha. nice avatar. :p

    although i think dommeh would look a lot better than gaga. :phu:


    oh esther, i can't believe you actually made a damn username like that. :LOL:

  24. oh jesus esther. :LOL:

    now i have poker face stuck in my head. :indiff:


    and welcome to the ever creepy but oh so awesome muse messageboard! :awesome:

  25. inorite? :awesome: it's so cute! :happy:


    well that ice cream is now my favorite. seriously. i've never had cookies 'n' cream ice cream that has as many cookie bits that are the right size as much as that one does. it's PUHFECT. and i LAV EET. :awesome:

    but aww, next time you can bring your favorite. :D and i'll say "thank you very much, that was really nice." ;) hahah. oh woman, you crack me up. :awesome:


    that doesn't give me much time to figure out how i'm gonna do it getting from santa cruz and back. ughhh. I NEED MY OWN SPACE SHIP! :supersad:

    i bet matt would totally hang out with us if i had that. :awesome:


    and ermm.. i'm just going to pass on that question in giant bold blue letters for now. :p


    i can't believe you actually had a muse dream! ahahah. welcome to the club. :D

    that's kind of a nightmare though. :supersad:

    but hey, at least dom was the one escorting you out rather than some stranger security guard. :eyebrows:


    the last time i had a muse dream was when i had just gotten HAARP and was desperately awaiting a california tour date 'cause i wanted to see them SO BAD like you can't even imagine, and HAARP no mas le echo mas lena al fuego. :rolleyes:

    so i dreamt that i was watching the wembley performance, except i was watching it from above the stadium so i was like "what the hell...?" and it turns out that i was floating above the stadium while sitting on one of those massive see thru satellites they had onstage with them for the performance. :$ i was so obsessed with seeing them live. :stunned:

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