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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Hat

    Jeff Buckley is definitely a grower. Oh, Tranquilize! I like that one. Sounds a bit different from the album version though...maybe it's just my bad memory :erm:

  2. Cuddle me instead :awesome:


    I'm cheaper than a cat. :eyebrows:

  3. And I am antisocial too, that's why I spend all my time on the internet, duh!

  4. School is going completely shit :LOL: I'm gonna fail so hard.


    But at least I enjoy life :happy:


    How are you?

  5. Hat

    butbutbut THIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl-VisJBMas


    :LOL: Sounds interesting.

  6. Well, that's because I START conversations :phu:

  7. Not much has happened since my last visit, I can see.

  8. Hat

    Jeff Buckley>>>The Killers :phu:


    And :phu: again.

  9. Hat

    I am stuck with Jeff Buckley again. have like 800 plays in the last month :LOL:


    GAAH, I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow :(

  10. Hat

    Come join the party in my profile :awesome: We are playing Kent and serving vodka.


    I have spent the night making songs, doing vocals and other shiz. Now it's time for some SURVIVOR!

  11. Hat

    Survivor is teh shit!


    Friends are fun, too long since I hanged out with my friends :( The only time that happens nowadays is at parties, which I rarely attend.


    Haha, Torchwood! I have to see that someday.

  12. How is Screenager not the same style as most of the other songs on the album? Would Blackout be any worse if it was on an album full of orchestral songs? Just because the most "odd" songs are the best doesn't mean Muse has to change genre all the time to find them. No one is saying Muse couldn't do an album in the style of B&H and Blackout.
  13. Oh right, so there's absolutely no chance that people actually don't like what's on it? It's in no way different from what Muse has done before, it's just goes one step further in some directions. Uprising is a standard Muse rock song, with less originality. Resistance is hard to describe in a way, but still nothing new to Muse. Undisclosed Desires is one of the few songs on the album that is new for Muse in a way. USoE, ehm, just no. Also a very classic Muse song. Guiding Light. It's Invincible but with a more 80's feeling to it. US. It's Assassin+New Born MK Ultra. I you've heard MOTP you would never call this something different or new for Muse. Apprently it actually reminds a lot of people of OoS. IBTY, pop song on piano, with a opera in the middle. Kinda new, but still kinda classic Muse. Exogenesis. Take A Bow+Hoodoo+Ruled By Secrecy. The "new" is that Matt wrote the strings himself. Still not something different though.
  14. Hat

    mm, watching Survivor again :happy:


    I have been watching it with a friend for a while, we have gotten through like 5 seasons. But we had a long break, just back to watching it again :awesome:


    what tv-shows?

  15. Hat



    But I'm not complaining. <33

  16. Hat

    Haha, no you don't. It had to do with Damon, long things and penetration.


    Awh, I hate cold :( And this damn snow! It's nice to look at though...from inside.


    Caming on omegle with sunglasses at 2.15 am, MLIA

  17. Hat

    :LOL: The first thing I wanted to say would probably not be suitable :chuckle:


    So, how are you?

  18. Hat

    Nah, it's most likely withdrawal from VD that makes me like this.


    I need Damoooon. D:

  19. Hat



    And damnit, I WANT IT NOW!


    (That's what she said)

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