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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. :eek: Blasphemy.


    It's a classic. :phu:

  2. Ohhhhh that is a marvelous book. :awesome:

  3. I know! He couldn't help it! :supersad:

  4. I read allll the time. :yesey:


    Lennie. :'( Poor fella'. :(

  5. READING IS KNOWLEDGE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. :phu: So do not laugh at that suggestion. :(


    But youtube is great fun. :happy:

  6. My cousin lent it to me. :D

  7. I too have those. Except I don't have all the GH. I only have GH:WT.

    But I have RB 1 & 2 and RB Beatles Edition. :awesome:

    And lots and lots of other games.


    I own allllll of the Lego videogames too. :awesome:


    As have I. :p

  8. I have that on the game cube. :phu: So HA!

  9. I am the Queen of Christmas carols. :phu: So yes I am laughing at you.


    You pulled the Twilight Princess card :eek:


  10. Hahahahahaha! You don't know that Christmas carol??!?! :eek::LOL:

  11. Ohhh cooome all ye faaaaaithfuuuuul, joyful and triumphant! Ohhhhhh coooooome yeee ohhhh coooome ye to Bethhhhhhlehemmmmm. :awesome:

  12. Yep! Hopefully during the Thanksgiving or Christmas break I'll be able to look for it. :awesome:

  13. Yes, unfortunately. :(

  14. Did you break up with her?

  15. Well that's good that you're doing okay. :happy:

  16. Oh that's okay. Sorry if it sounded like I was prying into your personal affairs. :(

  17. :eek:!!!!???!?!?



    And why?

  18. :LOL:

    Yeahhhh it was a last, spontaneous minute thing. :awesome:

    Ha! I love my glasses. :happy:

  19. :eek: OH MY DOM. I just realised that you changed your username! :facepalm::LOL:
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