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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. I know, and that makes me blush even more. It's not out of embarrassment, but for every time you say something about loving this or that thing about me. :$ No one ever really cares to love me or take the time to get to know me, exception being family and my two closest friends. :happy:

  2. :$ Quit that! I've been blushing consecutively for awhile now. :D:kiss:
  3. :$:$

    The Guinness picture was for the lolz. Sarah and I went to this store called World Market. And they stuff from all of the globe (Hence, the name :p). And in their beer/lager section, they had a whole wall of Guinness stuff. :awesome: So took a picture with canned Guinness for you. ;)


    ^^:LOL: There I go again, on one of my rambling tangents. :$

  4. :$ You and your flattery.
  5. Indeed. :happy:




    Are you facebook stalking me? :ninja:

  6. :LOL: Nooope. Family does.
  7. Wellllll now you know. :happy:


    And to answer your post,

    Has it really been exciting for you? :eyebrows:

  8. It's okay. :D I was wondering why you hadn't replied to that. :p

  9. Check where you posted that. ;)

  10. Hmm. I wonder why. :p

  11. Yes, but now you might actually have to sleep! :eek:

  12. Wow, I am horrible. I've kept you up all day!

  13. :yesey:



    Two sentences! :awesome:

  14. I don't see why not. :eyebrows:



    I think that's the most you've ever said in a visitor message. :LOL:

  15. I do know how to be a Southern belle and give good hospitality. ;)

  16. *southern belle accent* Why, you are mighty welcome sir. :awesome:

  17. Yes it can be. :(


    Ha! We're talking about cable/satellite. lol

  18. It's really handy!

    We have Dish Network.

  19. :awesome: DVR time? I think YES. :party:
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