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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks.

    I have been wanting my own copy of it, as he's my favourite modern author of all-time. :awesome:

    But then again, it's rather sad, like all of his other books. :(

    It's also going to be released in theatres on Feb. 5th. :awesome:


  2. Mhmmm. Nice and cathartic. :happy:


    I do too. :happy: Jodi Picoult is a great authoress. :D

    Ooo I got a new book as well. :awesome:

  3. I was watching a movie that made my eyes run out of tears. :'( But it was sooo goooood. :supersad:


    My Sister's Keeper.

  4. Ooo but I am back. :happy:

  5. Oh........Bye. :supersad:


    Hope you have a lovely class tonight, my dear! :happy::kiss:

  6. I love you too, darling. :happy::kiss:


    I'm sure you've already left for class too. :(:supersad:

  7. I missed you terribly. :supersad::'(


    I crawled into bed at 7:30 pm and woke up at 10:00 am. I have never gone to bed that early!! :eek:


    And of course you have just left...Probably to sleep. :'(

  8. Will you .. come back? :supersad::'(

  9. Yes, your username would be better. There wouldn't be enough room (nor words!) to say:


    "The perfect, sweetest, handsome-est, darling-est, funniest, sexiest, loveliest, most-caring, most-deserving, man ever."

  10. Ooooooooooooooooooooo spiffy. :cool:

  11. At least you give it 200%. :happy:

  12. Ohhhhh no. I don't know if I should be scared or not. :erm::LOL:

  13. That makes me ecstatic. :happy:

  14. I thought I missed you again. :erm:

  15. Exactly!


    So have I. :happy:

  16. I think all you have to do is be Seth, and that's all that matters. :kiss:

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