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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Well I love you! :awesome:!

  2. Who's on the back of your new footballer jersey? :awesome:

  3. I see you've been avoiding me today. :p:LOL:

  4. Hey, it's okay. :happy: I am just sorry I missed you once again. I figured you probably weren't going to be on again, and got on just after you left.


    I love you dearly. :happy::kiss:

  5. Ooooooo, thank ya Maddie! :awesome::dance::party:

  6. And a Merry Christmas to you! :happy:

  7. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :awesome:

  8. I know! The other day it was warm and nice out. Know it's rather cold. :LOL: Snow usually never sticks. But it did! :happy:

  9. OOoooo Merry Christmas! :awesome:

  10. You know what, I think I may read for a bit. :happy:

    Although, there is a great chance I'll fall asleep.


    I love you, my dear.

  11. Hey! It was a legitimate question. :phu:



  12. Like, a baker's dozen or just a dozen...? :p

  13. I am so confuuuuused. I thought I replied already. :'(

  14. Has work been a bitch again? :(

  15. :LOL: I knooow.

    So what do you say on this day? :happy:

  16. Well...it is. But I don't take to conforming to social trends. :p

  17. I am, thank you! :happy: Awwwwwww, thank you! I can't wait to receive it. :awesome:

    Yes, it's rather snowy/ice flurries-ish outside.

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