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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. :happy:


    I would never refuse. :kiss:

  2. Mhmm.


    What if I refuse?

  3. No I am staying on for a bit longer. I can endure. :happy:

  4. Sorry, my head is hurting, as you know, and I am rather tired. :(

  5. Do you really?





  6. I'm messing with you. :happy:

  7. Ha! Did you just discover 'indeed'? :p I've read that word a billion times in the past couple of days. :LOL:

  8. We'll have to be careful with our money in the future. :p

  9. Same. :yesey: If there is something I don't particularly need, but is something worthwhile I'll get it.

    I don't like buyer's remorse though. :noey:

  10. :LOL: I am actually quite frugal with money. Sometimes..
  11. Well I bought it today for a very lovely price! :awesome:

  12. It was pretty great, I'm not going to lie. :D ..... Okay, it was :awesome:!

  13. :LOL: Sorry for the formality, I just finished watching the Duchess. :happy:
  14. Thank you for the compliment, your grace. :happy: *curtsies deeply*

  15. :D Did I make you laugh? :awesome: I am rarely funny. :LOL:
  16. Not to mention if that bird had broken wings and was missing a foot. :supersad:





  17. It's like watching a blind, deaf, and mentally ill bird try to fly. :'(

  18. I KNOW. :'( Awwww Bertha.

  19. Ooo. :awesome:

    No. I love it. :yesey:

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