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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Oh. Sorry. :$

    Oooo. Snow angels are lovely. :happy:

  2. Did you make snowmen?!!? :awesome:

  3. We don't get snow. :( Just ice and cold wind. It was zero with windchill yesterday. Today it's like seventeen.

  4. Well school was canceled yesterday. :awesome:

  5. Of course I am safe. :p Why wouldn't I be, dear? :(


    Awww, well have fun. :happy:


    I know. :supersad:

  6. Apparently not, because you chose me. :p


    Maaaybe. :awesome:

  7. :happy: I worked hard on it. But it looks ... bad. It's not even Christmas-y. :LOL:
  8. I hope you'll like it. :happy:

  9. I'll get it mailed out by the end of the week. :D

  10. :happy:


    Well, I have yet to mail it. :erm::p

  11. :$ I really am not making you believe anything. I merely (try to, even though I may fail :p) show you how wonderful you are and how you've got a chance at happiness. :happy:
  12. :$ I don't understand why I am.
  13. Ohhh, you're just saying that. :p You can have plenty of fun without me. :happy:




  14. Cheer up Seth! Go have a lovely time in class, and I'll talk to you some time soon. :happy:


    Fine. :phu::p

  15. Mhmm. :D




    Ohhh, nothing. :p

  16. I will. I am their "sweet disposition" child. :rolleyes::happy:


    Do you have class tonight?

  17. Nahhh. It's my own fault. :happy: I accept full responsibility. Besides, he told me it was only a temporary with-holding of the tickets. If I obey over the course of these next weeks, then I get them back.


    I'll try to find a way around the system. :p I already am.

  18. Oh, don't worry about it! Belated or not, I love holiday wishes. :happy:

  19. I shall!

    Yeah, that Southern stereotype often comes into play, doesn't it? :chuckle:

  20. Awww, love. You haven't scared me. On the contrary. :happy:

    My father came in just as I was typing my reply to you. Now he certainly suspects that there is someone I am talking to (you). He was upset that I was on very late and defying his earlier ruling to not be on the computer. :rolleyes: So I am now grounded for 2 weeks off of the computer and my Muse tickets have been revoked. :(

  21. Ooo. I like this about you. :eyebrows:

  22. Mhmm. I've noticed. :happy:

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