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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. HA! :D


    I was already missing you. :(

  2. Ooo. Let's try it. :p


    Bye! :kiss:

  3. Oh? And what would that be? :D:LOL:

  4. :LOL:Scary stuff in there.

  5. Ooo, or that fanfiction. :LOL:

  6. Oh lord. :facepalm::chuckle: I'm a gamer, but that's too extreme. :LOL:


    Okay. :erm:

  7. I know, right!?!!

    Oh? :LOL:



  8. And I'm sure Princess Zelda thought it as well. Poor lass. She needs to reveal her love for him already!!

    Oh lord. :facepalm: I once overheard these two gamers talking about Link/Zelda fucking. :LOL: One of the weirdest things I've ever eavesdropped on.

    One of them. Alex Kapranos is ace. :stongue:

  9. Yes. I've always thought that too. :eyebrows::p

    Mhmm. One of mine too. :D

  10. Random facts of the day about me (that no one else knows!!):

    I had a crush on Link when I was seven. Link as in the video game character. :LOL:

    And I thought I was a spy at the age of five. Damn Sean Connery. :LOL:

  11. Ahh. That is I. :D *bows* Why thank you, my dear sir. :chuckle:

  12. Appreciation for quality? :happy:

    Mhm! I am such a bargain hunter. :LOL:

  13. My choir gets invited to see shows all the time.

    If only you lived near here. Then I could get you tickets. :p

    I have a turntable/cd/radio player. $40 .. What a steal!! :awesome: No need to buy one, I've got one for the both of us. :yesey:

    Yay. I found a vinyl album of the Doors and QUEEEN the other day. I bought both for $1 cents. :cool:

  14. I've seen it! It was mind-blowing. :awesome:

    Amen to that. :yesey: Vinyls are my preferred choice. I always am scouring antique stores and thrift stores and garage sales for a good vinyl. :yesey:

    Which reminds me. I loooove garage/estate sales. :LOL: Do you? :D

    Mhmmm. I luff movies.

  15. I <3 Lion King.

    Oh, I have a lot of dvds. I just buy newer films on dvd and keep my precious tapes. I am too lazy to go spend all the effort into replacing Disney classics and rare films and such. I still watch the stuff I watched when I was four. :awesome: (Like, Willy the Sparrow and Little People: Visit To The Farm (in Tennessee!! :LOL:) and the Swan Princess (I & II), etc...)

  16. It is wonderful. I just found it boring as a kid. I wanted Princess/Prince action. :cool:

    I love VHS tapes. :nerd: They're so ... oblique. My little personal tv in my room has a tape player built into it. :LOL:


    Hmm. :happy:

  17. Pinocchio was probably my least favourite, honestly.

    But I still have got allll the Disney classics on VHS. :awesome:


    Like thermal equilibrium, except without the thermal part. Okay, so it's not really equilibrium....

    Nevermind. I don't know the point I was trying to make. Probably to sound smarter. :LOL:

  18. At first, I misread that as "I'm a real boy now!" And I thought that you were quoting Pinocchio. :awesome:


    Good boys are nice. :happy: Bad boys are nice too. :D

  19. Right, I knew what you meant. :p

    But you're certainly not that bad. At least, not anymore. :D

  20. Oh, I experiment. But it's good stuff. :happy: Thank you though. :)

  21. PPS

    You'll have to excuse me. I need to go clean the kitchen. :LOL:

  22. Yeah. I am the cliche teenager. I guess.



    I noticed. :D

  23. Ouch. That was an indirect blow. Mum always tells me I respect eveyone else but her.

    But I love and respect her. I do. :(



    I seem to be catalysing your posts in Banter and such. :noey: No wonder you made second poster. :p

  24. IT'S TRUUUE! :eek:



    I mean, there are a couple of golden days where it's harmonious and happy. Otherwise, yeah. It sucks.

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