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Everything posted by Diogo

  1. I can sing xb Edit: I changed my mind... I´ve done a cover but I think It´s even worse than the others... I can show it just for the fun (sorry for appering randomly in this group sometimes, but I really wanted to fit in...)
  2. Stockholm Syndrome in glastonbury 2004 is one of the best, if not the best, performances of muse ever! Every time I watch it I get stuned :eek:

  3. I don´t think that´s even possible to choose :LOL:


    they are all just... great :happy:

  4. nothing really... just playing guitar :rolleyes:


    and you?

  5. I can´t wait to hear it :D

  6. I call guitar (If anyone else wasn´t called it yet :p)

  7. I want to play KOC... why wasn´t anyone suggested it yet? :'(

  8. Really? *.* Thanks :D


    I was worried about the timing... and the solo part is a bit sloopy I guess, but I get a little nervous recording :rolleyes:

  9. So... What do you think of the small print I recorded on guitar? :p

  10. http://hotfile.com/dl/35468288/61d0879/House_of_Rising_Sun.mp3.html Here It´s my try... It was song into a guitar hero mic so I don´t know if it is very good xD Oh well...
  11. http://hotfile.com/dl/35467621/42eb9ac/Small_Print.mp3.html Kinda sloopy but I think it´s ok I´ll do another take if needed (I have a guitar hero mic so I guess that the sound is not very good)
  12. I just can´t seem to do it! :(


    Can I send you by e-mail or something like that and you post it there for me? please :p

  13. I already have recorded the track but I don´t know how to put it on mediafire (noob ) If anyone wants to explain me?
  14. Diogo

    Hi cyber muser friend :happy:

  15. I can play guitar... I already know the song
  16. 16 (17 daqui a 7 dias xD) e tu?

  17. Tenho d ver :p

  18. Não sei... ta muito fraquinho o dia e não m apetecia dar 52€ mais autocarro e tudo :S

  19. Sou o Diogo xP


    Ultimamente n tenho feito mts posts (testes e tal...) =P

  20. Ola :D Obrigado pelo add

  21. Tb... d ondes és?

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