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Status Updates posted by Wazlib

  1. Ololololol. :happy:



    Erinbog! What is new with youuu?

  2. Yay! I'm glad it finally made it. I see Steph had the same problem? That's so strange. Thanks for yours as well.


    And um, yes! :awesome:

  3. Thank you for the card, Lynda! It brought a smile to my face. Miss you loads. *squeezes*

  4. That was way too hard (twss) :(


    Why did I come home again?

  5. Ehehehe.


    Despite being scared, I am excited to see it. Haven't gone to the movies since I saw Deathly Hallows!


    That's good to hear! Stupid lingering coughs, those are so irritating. Woo, nerds unite!


    Pssst - unsub Sunday? :shifty:

  6. Woooo! :happy:


    Samir Nasri. Il est Frenchie.


    I've heard it does a good job of messing with your mind. I won't lie though, I'm a wee bit scared to see it. /wuss.


    I seeee, I see. How are you feeling now? I have a hard time trusting other people's notes, I always worry that they didn't write the information down properly. I'm such a Hermione. :LOL:

  7. Ah I know. You should have joined our dance party at the back! :( We'll make up for it at future Franz gigs. :awesome:


    I knoooooooow. My dad is so jealous we're going, hehe. Arsenal's leading scorer was injured on the weekend, so he might not be able to play. Aaah!


    I've heard it was a bit... intense in that department. That will be nice and awkward to watch :awesome::LOL: It's good though, isn't it? Is it scary?


    Do you want to be more than just friends with him or would you prefer just to have him as a good buddy? If the fever isn't going away it might be a good idea to get it checked out, you've had it since Saturday? That's quite a long time. I hope you're able to make it to your other class today! Don't want you to miss too much and get behind.

  8. Laure, Ross, Dean, Ali (vibranthearts), Matthijs, Danny, Charlie, Paul (Lick My Face)... and a few others I don't know/can't think of atm.


    We went to one when I was there in September, sooo excited to go to another one. It's a Champion's League game too, Arsenal vs. Barcelona. Shit's gonna be so cash. I've heard good things about The Fighter. Have you seen Black Swan? Haven't yet, but that will probably change when I'm over there.


    That's frustrating how he seemed to show that he was definitely interested in you in a "more than just friends" way and then showed up after winter break (during which you guys kept in touch frequently, yes?) with a new.... friend? How's the fever? Have you had to miss any classes because of it? Feel better... REPARO!

  9. It's true!


    A few things. There's a meet happening the day after I get there, so we'll go to that and see some Musers that I never thought I'd get a chance to see again. Then we're going to a football match. Might see a movie too, since he works at the cinema and can get us in for free. Hehe.


    Ah yeah, I saw that in the thread. Bit strange, I say. And now you're sick? Man, that's crap. I hope you start feeling better soon. Drinks lots of fluids!

  10. I'm glad your happy with your schedule. It should keep you busy! I bet you know more French than I do. :LOL:


    Aw, thanks. I'm thuper excited as well.


    Oh my, I actually laughed out loud. I'm so sorry. :LOL: It's quite funny though. Did he clue in that she was talking about him?

  11. That's good! What classes are you taking?


    Mmhmmmmm. Two weeks from tomorrow. Feb 10th. :D

  12. What is up, yo. School started up again?

  13. So like, hi.














    Okay bye.

  14. :supersad:





    Accio Chris!

  15. PS - Nandooooooo's!

  16. Yaaaay! Sorry it was so long (twss). I couldn't stop writing and the next thing I knew it was like a novel :LOL:. I hope we'll have more memories to share in 2011! :happy:

  17. I knoooooow. I have a bunch of PMs to reply to and haven't been on here long enough to get started on them. I will get back to you soon. SOON I SAY. *squeezes*

  18. Yup, flight is booooked. Oh my gawsh. :stunned::awesome: Still have a shit ton of planning to do... but I also have to plan out lesson plans for camps that I'll be teaching in the next few weeks, aaaaah. I am bound to have a freakout session very soon I think.


    Basically it goes like this:

    - decide on an episode of Criminal Minds to watch

    - have an alcoholic beverage of some kind on hand

    - watch the episode together whilst chatting on msn

    - take a sip of your drink every time a character says a certain word, such as "unsub," "bomb," "victim," etc. (we pick 2-3 words before we start watching the episode).


    Yeah, we're cool. :cool:

  19. Van Tan Tangoooo.


    Days Inn you say? Ver'nize. I need to get the credit limit on my Visa card raised in order to pay for my flight, so I haven't been able to book it yet. I won't be able to get it done until Saturday, I'm hoping fares won't have increased by then =/ Yes, the thread makes me very happy as well.


    You need to join us for unsub one night. :yesey:

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