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Status Updates posted by Wazlib

  1. On the first day of each month you can go to the "User CP" button and then "Edit Your Details" and there should be a little box where you can write in a new undertitle. You've still got a little ways to go until December 1st though. Hopefully that helps/made sense!

  2. Holy jeeze! That's quite a lot. :LOL: It's okay though, I used to be like that. I'd watch Prison Break (man, that show turned into the biggest pile of shit ever :LOL:), Heroes, House, CSI (Vegas), Grey's Anatomy, ER, and Friends whenever it was on. Now I just watch CM and Doctor Who online... I haven't been keeping up with Grey's or CSI at all and the others I don't watch anymore. I want to start watching The Office too. Have for quite a while now, just haven't got around to doing it.


    Yeah, all the setlist beef is making me sad. If they play Bliss I don't care what else they play. :awesome:

  3. Niiiice. :LOL: So they're returning your money then?

  4. It's not a fail. It's awesome. I'm scared to hear what we'll sound like on our Muse ones. :LOL::facepalm::awesome: Bliss! I'm not getting my hopes up though. I'm hoping since it's a smaller venue they won't do as many slow ones and keep it more rockin' y'know? You're going to wear sandals? I don't know mate, your feet will probably get trampled on. Those are really nice though. I need to get some dressy shoes because I have none. Oh, so a few days ago I noticed a bump on my eyelid. Well, it's not on the lid, it's like, under the skin. :eek: I don't know what it is. It doesn't hurt but I want to get it checked out.


    You've almost caught up (maybe you have by now)? Woooow. I'm so behind. I smell a marathon coming up. :happy:


    $500? :supersad:


    WEEEEEEE! :party:

  5. I used to watch waaaay too many shows. Now I hardly watch tv. I watch everything online now it seems.

    Season three already? Man, I'm jealous. I'm so far behind. I think I'll have to have a super CM marathon sometime this week/weekend. :happy:


    Yup! I'm about to pop my Muse cherry. Can you believe it?! :awesome: I hope their announce they NA tourdates soon. :supersad:

  6. Oooooh. Do you know what you're going to do?!

  7. Can you imagine the peektures/videos we're going to have after Vegas? :awesome: I don't want to waste my time focusing on my camera during the gig, I want to totally soak everything in, so I think I'll just press record on my camera and not pay attention to what I'm really filming and see how everything turns out. :LOL: I always thought it looked weird on the lower lashes too, huzzah! I'll write a reminder not to wipe my eyes on my hand, that way every time I raise my hand to wipe them I'll read it and remember not to. Oooh, what do you have in mind? I need clothes, dammit. I don't know whether I should wear shorts (not short shorts, like, bermuda shorts I guess) or jeans. I also don't know about what kind of top to wear.. t-shirt or tank top. It will get so hot in there I'm sure. Are you going to get one of those t-shirts they're talking about in the thread? I'm sure it will be cheaper than buying an official one from Muse, but I'd rather have an official Muse merch shirt though.


    I'm not allowing myself to watch CM until my midterm is over (which I still haven't started studying for :facepalm:). It's on Monday. I should really get crackin' on that. I can almost guarantee I won't study for it today though since I'm working tonight. Woohoo, procrastination! :noey:


    TB in front of the parents would be horrifying. :eek:


    Man, school sucks all the fun and money out of life, doesn't it?


    December! :awesome:

  8. I didn't even notice the pretty thing, aha. Ew, you got gum on your bag? Nastay. I got mine from Fred Meyer in the States for 10 smackers. :happy: That sucks that you ran out of memory part way through. You got some awesome vids though still. :eyebrows: The only things I'll be able to ingest that weekend will be water, power bars and crackers. And then chewing gum, ahha. I don't want to eat something heavy that could result in a stomach ache. How horrible would that be (I'm paranoid beyond belief when it comes to eating something and getting stomach aches afterward, especially when it's close to an important event... my stomach is extremely sensitive. :indiff: It's not as bad as when I was younger though. Sorry, that was kind of tmi. :LOL:)?! On the rare occasions that I'll have some makeup on, it's always others who put it on me and I always recoil when they attempt to put mascara on my lower lashes. :LOL: Knowing me I'd probably wipe it, aha. We both need to look presentable for the Muse lads. I'm excite. And don't you worry about that, it won't ever happen. :LOL:


    Ooooh, great minds think alike!


    Did you check it out yet? Seriously, you will die laughing. It's really rude and inappropriate though, so you might want to watch it out of earshot of others. :chuckle:


    You have to pay to take it? Yucky.


    Making others happy and excited is such a :happy: feeling.

  9. Oooh, right. Which hotels are they associated with that you could stay at?

  10. Oooh, I can't wait to watch more! It will have to wait until sometime next week though I'm afraid. Horray for schoolwork! I'm not sure if I saw what you're talking about in the CM thread. I'm happy not knowing though, I'll see for myself in a few days! Are you on season three yet? :LOL:


    I still can't believe I'm going. My goodness. At least you've seen them! And you'll be able to see them again pretty soon. :awesome:

  11. I think the shortest flight I've seen is just over 2.5 hours. Lots of them have connections and are around 4-6 hours too. :eek: Hopefully I get a short one. And I am planning on watching a Muse gig on the way, just not sure which one. I've downloaded about 5 of them from MuseBootlegs, plus all the ones they've released, so I have lots to choose from. :facepalm: I actually just finished downloading the Teignmouth gigs too...


    I've always worn moisturizer, yes. The scrub/moisturizer that I've been using for just under a year or so was one of the best things I'd used on my face. But a month ago they changed the product line. :mad: I got the new version of the scrub/moisturizer and I don't like it at all. Sooo frustrating. It took years to find something that was somewhat decent and then they completely changed it. :( Cunts. I have Aveeno body lotion, which I like. Perhaps I'll check out the face moisturizer if I remember to the next time I'm at the store. Naaw, that's kind of you. :happy:. I'm already thinking about what I'll have with my in my bag during the concert. I hope my bag isn't too big though... the event page on ticketmaster said bags bigger than 8 1/2" x 11" won't be allowed in. That's the size of a sheet of paper right? I just compared my bag to a sheet of paper. It's a bit bigger than the paper. Hmm... It's so close though, I'm thinking it would be okay. I need room for my folded up sign, sharpies, perhaps something to get signed if by some miracle we come across the band after the show, the few makeup supplies I have, camera (although that will be around my wrist throughout the gig I'm sure), replacement camera batteries + memory card (actually, I'm going to buy a new memory card with tons of space before the trip), hm... I'm sure there are a few other things I'm forgetting. I'll try and sneak in some granola bars or something to eat during the opening acts so we don't starve to death before Muse gets on. Although I'm sure I'll be waaaay to antsy to eat anything. I also need gum. Gotta be all minty fresh for when we sing our lungs out! Anyway, I think I'm getting way too ahead of myself here (oh dear, I originally typed "Museself" instead of "myself," wtf? :LOL::LOL::facepalm:), we still have a bit of time to go still... I wish I didn't get so sweaty during concerts. I'm going to look a mess by the time it's over. If you put eye makeup on me chances are it will be all down my face due to crying before/during/after the gig (I'm warning you now, I will be crying. I'm sure I won't be the only one though. :p).


    I think we should talk about sign ideas in our PMs just so no one else sees this and shows up with the same signs. Sound good? I kind of talked about them briefly in the message I just sent you. I have an idea for getting them to play Bliss too.


    Isn't it amazing? It would be incredible to see them there.


    Oh, that's not bad at all. I'll check it out sometime soon. Oooh, have you seen The Inbetweeners?! If not you must watch it. There are only 2 seasons and 6 episodes in each one I think, so you can easily watch it in a few hours. It's sooooo funny. :LOL: I think they're all on youtube.


    Third time? Does everyone have to do it that many times? I just thought people wrote them once during the year they graduate. How wrong was I. :LOL:


    Open it there? But it won't be Christmas! I wouldn't be surprised at all if we put the same stuff on each others.


    I have to leave for school in 15 minutes and I'm nowhere near ready. :eek:

  12. I just looked at the pictures from when they were in Vancouver in '04 again. Oh my god, can you imagine being there?! And then hanging out and having a pillow fight in your hotel room. Man..



  13. I swear these are getting longer and longer, ahah. And now there are even more to keep track of! :eek:


    Nah, it doesn't sound bad. I did that last year and am doing it again this year. Better to have the option of getting something you truly want than having them give you something you'd never use. And true that! :awesome::awesome: I'm mega excited too. It hasn't even sunk in yet. I'm scared to see myself when it finally does. I haven't been on a plane in over eight and a half years and I get to see Muse. :eek: Holy man. The whole week leading up to that weekend I am going to be freaking out so much. :LOL: Oooh Domino's! Pizza, mmm.


    I got an e-mail back from the radio station. The guy said this:


    "It's all ages...no worries....buy your tickets soon it's selling SUPER fast.

    Take it easy ;)

    -Mahoney "


    Like I would be that stupid to not get tickets ASAP. :chuckle: Nice of him to get back so soon though. Uh oh, make up. I don't think you'd want to go near my face. It's an oily mess. And no matter what makeup goes on it it will all slide of in about 15 minutes. Plus, if we're jumping around and getting all sweaty during the gig there's really no point or wearing any. :LOL: I don't even have makeup that I could bring besides foundation... :erm::(


    15+ songs is what I'm hoping for. I will be disappointed if it's any less than that. I think they'll be getting more play time too, it's just a matter of how much. I really want them to play Bliss. I know they probably won't though. :( Eeek! I honestly don't know what we'd do after. *hyperventilates*


    Yes! I know which pictures you're talking about. MY COUSIN WAS THERE. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. I still can't get over that. He knows I'm seeing them in Vegas. I saw him the other day and he said "it will be the best concert you'll ever see." In my mind I was like "dude, you don't have to tell me that, I already know" but I was so happy to hear him say it. He's been going to gigs his whole life. He was telling me about this festival that takes place in Washington (near Seattle I think) called the Sasquatch festival and how he could see Muse headlining it. It runs during the month of May... Muse will be touring NA then... it could happen! :awesome: It takes place at an outdoor venue called the Gorge (most BEAUTIFUL venue EVER):





    Coldplay performed there in the summer. Seeing Muse there would make my life complete. Since they're touring here in the Spring they could perform there. Hmmm.


    One season? How many episodes/how long is each one?


    Wow, that sounds like soooo much fun. Not. Did you study like mad for it or did you just wing it? That's good you think you did well! That's always a wonderful feeling. :happy:


    Lazer tag? Niiice. Have fun. And once again, pizza, mmm.


    Daaamn, sounds like a nice card. I think I'll probably give mine to you and Lisa in Vegas. Why mail them when I can give them to you guys in person! :awesome: You just have to swear you won't open it until Christmas. Would you be offended if the pictures I put on yours don't look very good? You'll be able to tell what they're of, but they'll be a bit faded and the colours will be off though. Sigh.


    Right, I need my bed. Good night!

  14. I never thought about staying in a hostel in Vegas. With all the hotels around the thought didn't even cross my mind. :LOL: Have you looked into any or are you going to wait until you know you're able to go for sure?

  15. Darn, I'm not even close to that episode yet. I'm only on #5 from season two. Haven't had much time to watch it this past week.


    The only gig they've announced over here is the Vegas one. I'm assuming they'll announce their proper NA tour dates before the end of the year (I'm hoping anyway...). Once that happens I'll be able to figure out which ones I can go to. Post-Muse Syndrome... I'm absolutely dreading that after I see them in December (I still can't believe I'm able to say that. Aaaah! :awesome:). I'm going to be a wreck the whole flight home I'm sure. When did you see them last? Must have been amaaaaaaaaazing.

  16. Holy, there are far too many convo's going on to keep up with. :LOL:


    I'm hoping they'll announce dates around December. T'would be a very nice Christmas present. I hope I can afford to go to all the places I hope to see Muse in next year. I'll have to start working a lot more. I'm still trying to figure out if getting tickets to Vegas was the right thing to do. I don't usually make such rash decisions like that. :facepalm::LOL:


    April 07? That was around the time I first heard about them, crazy! Sounds like it was the same for you too? That's even more crazy, ahah. I was trying to look up the setlists from the bands that performed at the Holday Havoc last December to see how long their sets lasted but couldn't really find anything. I found this and now I'm a bit worried though (this is info for last year's, not the one we're going to).


    Where: The Joint (Directions)

    Start time: 8:00 pm

    End time: 11:00 pm

    Address: 4455 Paradise Road, Las Vegas

    Cost: $26.50 - $62

    Age limit: 21+




    Also, I'm paranoid that the setlist won't be a full set. We're coming a long way for this and I'd feel so terrible for having my dad come along only for a half set or something. Aaah. I sent an e-mail to the radio morning show asking them if this year's is all ages. Hopefully I'll hear back from them soon.


    I wanted to go see The Sounds on my own but my parents refused to let me. Given the area that the venue is located I can actually see where they're coming from, but still, I think it would have been okay. It will be fun with my cousin though. She has a midterm the next day! I feel so terrible. She said she's not going to skip the gig though! That's good you know lots of people who want to see Muse. I'm sure by the time they come to Vancouver lots more people will want to see them too.


    Ooh, onion rings. Haven't had those in aaages.


    Once I'm done with CM and DW I'll look into Nurse Jackie. I don't want to start it now, it gets so confusing when I watch a ton of different shows at the same time. I want to watch The Office too.


    How did the SATs go? I still don't understand what they are exactly. Do they cover every subject or do you get to choose which subjects to be tested on?


    When I work the youth shift at work it's fun, but I rarely get any of those shifts. My regular shifts aren't as much fun. I see tons of little kids, some of which are totally adorable, but then there are a few who are not good at all and make me not want to go back. It's alright though I guess, just so few hours.


    That would be so sweet if you got a job there when you're 18. If Muse were to play somewhere nearby when you worked there we could have a mass Muser meet in SD and all go lazer-tagging. :awesome:


    Christmas cards! I have yours, Ashley's, and Aurora's addresses so far. Need to get the others. I haven't started the cards yet though. :facepalm: I want to print out a bunch of stuff to put on them, but our printer's colour cartridge is messed up. :indiff:

  17. I'm watching them on the internet. I'm still on the 2nd season so I'm not watching any on tv as I don't want anything to be spoiled for me. Oh, Dr. Reid... :happy:

  18. I seee. Hopefully you'll be able to get them sometime soon!


    I saw your post in the Vegas thread that you might be able to make it out! That's awesome. :D

  19. Are they really? Did you buy some?


    That's too bad how they left. Next time, next time!


    So... Vegas. Are you going to try and make it? :shifty:

  20. Oh heeeey there fellow Canadian. :awesome:


    Speaking of MGG/CM, I just finished watching an episode a few minutes ago.

  21. Aw, haha. :LOL: Sounds like you had a good time though!



    Duuuude! Your Muse quest is starting soon! I'm so excited for you and Liz! :D:D

  22. Hallooooooooo! :awesome:


    I have never heard of that film before. *googles*


    As I've said about a million times, I will try my best to see them in SoCal. If only they'd annouce their NA now so I could plan! :mad: I couldn't agree more with the seeing them in a smaller venue thing. But I'm predicting that they will have an orchestra and play Exo at Wembley. :yesey: There's no way in hell I'm going to miss that. I could cry right now just picturing myself being there... aaah. :happy::supersad:


    You know what? I think I have seen those pictures before! That's so awesome. How come you didn't go?!


    Wahoo, gigs! So much fun. It's such a shame none of my mates have the same musical interests as me. I'm dragging my cousin to see The Sounds with me. :LOL: I want to try and meet the band afterwards and I'm pretty sure she won't be interested in doing that kind of thing. I'll have to talk to her about it when I see her tomorrow.


    Mr. Peabody's! :LOL: Great name. We'll go there when I (hopefully) head down there for a gig. If you ever come up here we'll have to go to the Tomahawk restaurant Alex was talking about.


    I'll have to remember to check out Nurse Jackie. It that Peter whatever-his-name is guy in it a lot? You really need to watch all of Extras. For serious. Are you still obsessing over your tea? I certainly am. The only thing that would make my tea better is if I had a Muse mug to drink it out of.


    Getting paid to do fun stuff is awesome. Whenever I do the youth shifts at work it's hard to believe I'm getting paid for it sometimes because you get to hang out and talk the whole time and play Rock Band and stuff. I even played Scrabble one night. :awesome:


    5x7 you say? H'oookay. I still haven't started mine yet. :(


    Dude, I'm a hermit all the time. No worries. :LOL:

  23. What movie was this? :wtf::LOL:


    Oooh, you should! I'm sure he could walk quite well in them. He is very ladylike after all. :chuckle: Aw, Dom. He's so easy to tease.


    Very odd indeed. But it leads me to believe that their NA tour will be done before June. I've already decided that if they do Wembley next year I'm going. :yesey: I also want to see them in NY.. not to mention AZ and all down the west coast. :facepalm: I wonder when they'll finally announce their NA tour. If they do it sometime soon I'll be kind of creeped out since I just had that dream where they announced them. One of your sisters has seen Muse?! I didn't know this! When did she see them? The first concert I went to was BSB in... grade 6? :cool: I can't remember what year that would have been. 02 or 03 I think. I can't stop going to gigs either now. I have three lined up at the end of the month. I hope that when we know when Muse will be performing around here you won't have much trouble with your sisters/parents and getting tickets.


    Next time for sure! We should write all these plans down in a notebook or something otherwise there's no way I'm going to remember them all.. since we have about 352535274 of them :LOL:. Nick's awesome. We're awesome. It's a win-win situation. Oh! You must remember to let Paul know about it next time they're in the area. What was the place called?


    CM and card making? Naaaaw. :happy: Earl Grey is nomnomnommy. I also like Orange Pekoe. I like green tea most of the time, but some brands of it I find horrible though. I like drinking green tea with the actual tea leaves, not a tea bag. My uncle always find these really neat teas that he gets us sometimes, like the white tea you were talking about and some other herbal tea that's supposed to help you get to sleep. I'd use it for that purpose, the trouble is it would make me have to wake up every few hours to pee so it would kind of defeat the purpose of drinking it. :LOL:. I've never heard of Maté tea before. You mix teas together? Interesting.


    Ozzy. :happy: Why are dogs so awesome. Seriously. They're so amazing. As are cats. I know some people don't like cats much but I don't care what they think, cats are awesome. :phu:


    That's a good thing to keep in mind when you start going to uni. Having a job that close will make things so much easier and less stressful.


    My card is going to pale in comparison to yours, just to warn you. What dimensions did you end up going with?


    I prefer playing/running when it's cooler out too. This summer was too hot to do anything, but I managed to go for two "runs" this week since it's colder (a LOT colder, and it's only going to get colder though, which I do not want :'().


    I need to get everyone's addresses too!

  24. Ehehe, that's a nice saying!


    I hope your weekend is going swell. Can't wait to hear about all the bands you run into!


    You might make people feel that way... but who cares?! :awesome:

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