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Status Updates posted by Wazlib

  1. Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! You met Muse! :awesome:


    Can't wait to hear all about it. :D

  2. Ooooh, that's exciting! I hope you hear back from him soon. That's awesome how he put you on the "list." :awesome:


    Duuuude, you're going to have such a wicked time. You best be taking lots of pictures of everyone dressed up in their gear. The hairspray would have been sweet! Muse should have blacklight lasers.

  3. What. I just saw your last comment now! I can't believe it, I'm so sorry!


    Sorry those writing jobs don't pay much, hopefully it's just the start of bigger things to come! Do you know if you're able to interview Muse? :awesome:


    Seeing them on St. Patty's Day is going to be an absolute blast. Can't wait to see what goofy things the band will have in store for you guys. A green wig sounds like a good idea. Some light-up shamrock headbands would be pretty sweet too, don't know if they'd last on your head the whole night though. Have you got anything else planned?

  4. Hi! It's been so long since we last talked. I'm doing okay, thanks. What about you? All geared up for the upcoming Muse gigs? :D

  5. Oooh! I haven't had those in a very, very long time. We can build an igloo out of them all!

  6. Cereal! Yes! I'm so up for that. What kind? Cheerios? Lately I've been really big on Special K. And Rice Krispies. :LOL: I also enjoy Mini Wheats as well. We still have a few months to go to figure it out though. We'll have to do a late night shop to the grocery store and pick out a nice box o'cereal. :D I can't wait!

  7. Wee, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was fun putting it together. :happy: I'm also glad you didn't show yo mama the meaty bone, phew! :LOL: We will meet. And when we do it will be glorious. I think you just got lucky - my writing looks different every time I write. I tried to make it neater for everyone's cards... it's usually a pretty untidy scrawl.

  8. Where are you on CM now? I haven't watched an episode in almost a month. It hurts to think about, aha. I have zero time to watch it at the moment. I'll commence my CM watching over the holiday break though, I can't wait!


    Is he? I honestly have no idea, I'm really out of touch with what new shows are out right now. Speaking of The Office, I've only seen a handful of episodes over the years, but I caught the one with Jim and Pam's wedding a few days ago and I actually got all misty-eyed and emotional at the end. :$ It was just so sweet. :happy: I envy you and your ability to work out whilst watching your shows. I don't have any fitness equipment so I can't really do that. I suppose I could break out a skipping rope or exercise ball though. :LOL:


    I think we should just move to the UK. All the good stuff happens over there.

  9. Ticket master charges 18.50 pounds to ship tickets to Canada! No thanks! A fellow boardie got tickets to the Sept. 10th date though and has an extra for me. Still don't know if I'll be able to use it though. Did you get tickets for the second show as well? Now I just need to get a ticket for the 11th. I'll probably wait until next year when I know for sure if I can make the trip or not.

  10. I don't think so either. Best save the real "stuff" for PMs.. which we've mostly been doing anyway. My inbox is almost full, again. :LOL:


    Holy shite, I still can't believe Vegas is happening. :awesome: So so so SO excited. We have to take lots of videos/pics before and after the gig as well. I want lots of memories from this weekend. :happy:


    I found what it was using that site. :eek:




    It's a chalazia (it's kind of fun to say actually :chuckle:).


    A chalazion develops when an oil gland in the eyelid becomes blocked. If an internal hordeolum doesn't drain and heal, it can turn into a chalazion.


    * Chalazia grow more slowly than styes. If a chalazion gets large enough, it may interfere with vision. (:stunned:)

    * The inflammation and swelling may spread to the area surrounding the eye.

    * Chalazia often go away in a few months without treatment.


    Nice to know it will most likely go away on its own. Phew.


    Yikes, I gotta go. My ride is almost here!

  11. Duuuuuude! :awesome: I'm so excited for you. Are you going to get tickets for the rumored other dates as well?


    I still don't know if I'm going to be able to go there next year. Depends on whether I get accepted into this program I've applied for. I won't know if I'm in it until April. I need to decide whether to buy them on Friday through ticketmaster (I think they're the only ticket site that will mail them to us overseas. I want to have the physical tickets in my possession so I'd be able to sell them if I'm unable to go) or wait and see what pops up in MuseBay sometime around April.

  12. Okay. Hopefully ticketmaster isn't confusing the way they list out the different seating arrangements. I still don't know if I'm going to order them Friday or wait for MuseBay sometime early next year. Eeergh.


    That German ticketmaster site took the new dates down. I'm thinking Muse management caught wind of what they were doing and asked them to remove them. I think two dates is good, but three... I don't know. It seems like it would ruin some of the "specialness" about it, y'know? Having said that, if I'd probably go to all three though.

  13. I know! It's coming up fast. Oh boy. :D

  14. It's so frustrating. My best best it ticketmaster I guess. When you bought your tickets what option did you choose? Was it "GA" or did it say something else? I know there was "level 1 unreserved seating" or something along those lines... does that include the floor/pitch area too? Slightly confused about that bit.


    Three shows in a row now? That seems crazy. How do they expect people to afford it all?

  15. Weee! I think I might buy some of Friday when I can get them from ticketmaster and have them send the tickets to me (I'm hoping they'll send them to me.. they will , right?).


    Did you see this: http://www.ticketmaster.de/search?tm_link=tm_header_search&q=muse+wembley&search.x=60&search.y=19


    It's not in English, but you can make out that it has two more Wembley dates scheduled... :eek: Who knows if it's true though!


    You're so lucky you have someone you know who lives there. I hate how the only ticket seller they go with for both presales is the one that doesn't ship overseas. :indiff:

  16. You got tickets! :awesome: That's amazing. It really is. Mind if I ask ye a question? If you go are you picking them up at the box office on the day of the concert or are you getting them sent to someone in the UK who's going to send them on to you?

  17. That's okay. I don't like how anyone can read them anyway.


    Pfft, what makes you think I'll let you look at my peektures/videos. :phu: Keeeding! :happy: Mine's a 2gb. For all the gigs I've been to this year I've borrowed my mum's though, which is 4gb. I'm sure 4 is more than enough, but I think I'm going to get an 8gb just to be safe. I still have a Best Buy gift certificate that my broseph gave my for Christmas last year.. I think it's time I put it to good use. :yesey:


    Yup, still there. It doesn't bother me or anything, it's just weird. I'll have to check out that site, never heard of it before. On second thought, I don't know if I want to, what if I find out it's a tumor! :eek::'(

  18. Aaah! Can you imagine?! I don't want to get my hopes up though. I'm just grateful we get to see them perform! Can't wait to meet everyone. :happy:

  19. Ah, sorry about the long wait! I had a bunch of people I had to reply to and thought I got back to you already, then I just noticed now that I hadn't. I feel so bad. :(


    I thought the first season was really good. It was so cool the way Wentworth Miller's character (Micheal) planned everything out. They should have ended it after the first season though. The other seasons were terrible. :LOL: I stopped watching Heroes a while ago, yes. I don't even know what season it's on now. Once the winter break starts I plan on doing some mega CM and The Office watching. I'm going to get so out of shape. :LOL:


    Dude! Muse @ Wembley and Manchester next September! I can't believe it. :supersad:

  20. There will be more chances to win pretty soon! :happy:


    It just is! I don't know why. I'm always afraid the computer will crash or I'll type in the wrong info and have to start all over again or something. Getting them on Thursday was no problem though, phew!


    It's a month away tomorrow, oh my! :awesome:

  21. Why am I just seeing this now? :LOL:


    Oooh, right, we were taking about peekture taking and stoof. That's kind of creepy, because earlier today I was playing around with all the options on my camera to ensure I take the best pictures/videos during the gig as I can. I've had the camera for a while and I've never bothered to look into all it can do. I finally know how to make it so I can just hold down the button and it will take as many pictures in a row for as long as I hold it down for. :awesome: I also made sure it was set to take the best quality looking photos/videos too. It takes up more memory though. I still need to get a new memory card. I also discovered I can film/take pictures in widescreen. Probably won't worry too much about that though.


    Ah, no! I haven't made it in to the clinic yet! It's on my list of many things to do though.


    A-woo-hoo! :awesome:

  22. When I first read that I thought you said you won the VIP tickets already. I was like :eek:!


    Good luck!


    I think I'm ready. I hate ordering tickets. So stressful!

  23. I couldn't believe it when it happened. :LOL:


    Ready to get your pre-sale tickets on Thursday?!

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