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Status Updates posted by Wazlib

  1. Oooh yes. :eyebrows:



    Oh my god... last night Ashley and I got an amazing view of his lower stomach when he lifted his guitar above his head. :eek:

  2. It was totally worth it. :D

  3. Correction: Franz TODAY.



  4. I'm guessing it's not finished yet otherwise I'm sure we would have heard about it already.

  5. Hmm. I'll probably wait. Who knows if I'll even be able to afford it by that time, what with the AZ meet and other US locations I'll most likely be seeing them in.


    You're lucky you get to see the YYYs. They're at Bumbershoot this weekend too! I think they perform tomorrow though so obviously I'm going to miss them.


    Any news on Portland? :chuckle:


    Thanks! I'm so excited. I really need to get some sleep now.

  6. I don't think so.. I'm sure we would have heard about it when it was finished.

  7. Ehehehe. I'm still mad at myself for not doing anything about that fan video. Ah well.


    AZ! :party:

  8. They just pwomise to go on and on and oooon.



  9. I want it now, I want it nooow! It's so expensive though. Might have to go for a one day ticket whenever those become available and when we know if Muse will be there for sure.


    That's really interesting! I had no idea.


    I haven't listened to Them Crooked Vultures... I saw their thread in the other bands forum though. Maybe I'll give them a go when I get the chance. That's exciting how you'll be there for the whole thing. Do you have it worked out as to who you're all going to see yet?


    I'm really sorry about the trip. I know you'll make it happen eventually though. I hope you're able to go to Portland!

  10. The videos were schmexcellent. I think I saw one or two parts that looked like he was looking in your direction, I can't be sure though.


    A week from today and my Franzy weekend will be over. :supersad:

  11. Post the videos! Nooooow!



  12. Own country eh? Did not know, how interesting!


    For the ACL, do they allow re-entry or do you stay in tents there? And how many days does it last? I hope you're able to find some passes for a decent price. I'm so sorry you had to give up 4 tickets... are you not going on the trip at all now or are you still going? Vancouver, eh?! :awesome:

  13. Glad to hear you had an eeeeexcellent time at the gig! And a point?! A-buh?! :eek: Lucky lucky.

  14. I'm glad you and your sister were able to make it to Hollywood today! Hope the bio test went well. Most importantly, I hope you had a fan-bloody-tastic night at the gig! :D

  15. Nope. The issue's about a month old already so it's full of the same old stuff that we've been hearing.


    Edgefest? Texas has a lot of festivals, eh? Are you going the ACL? Weren't you trying to decide which day to go or something?


    I hope it goes alright with them if the topic ever comes up again. Do you still think you'll have to sell one of your tickets to see Muse/U2?

  16. Two more days Erin! I'm excited for you. You definitely deserve to go out and have an awesome night on Thursday.


    You MUST show her the video! That will teach her not to be so negative when it comes to meeting the band.


    Yeah, I need to figure out the whole VIP lounge business. I feel like there's so much stuff to do before next weekend, yikes!


    I hope you're doing better than you were a bit earlier. I know you said you had a test tomorrow that you need to review for but remeber to take a study break every now and then.

  17. I found the copy of NME today! :awesome: One down, two to go.


    Austin City Limits would be sweet. That's the one where the fans busted the barrier, right? What time of year does it happen?


    Have you had any luck with the parents and the trip recently? Or are they still causing you problems?

  18. That's good. :happy:


    What time are you planning on arriving in Hollywood on Thursday? And do you know if you're able to hang around for a bit afterward or are you going back home pretty quick? I hope you're able to hang out!


    I still can't believe you saw Paul perform, that must have been amazing. I would have stayed to watch him too. I wonder what security will be like in Seattle... I'll just have to wait and find out.


    Sunday, Sept. 6 = Franz in Vancouver

    Monday, Sept. 7 = Franz in Seattle (Bumbershoot)



  19. Spin, NME and Q... must have now! :supersad:


    Did you hear one of the radio interviews with Matt that was done a few days ago? He talks a lot about Texas and some festival you guys have. Here it is: http://www.101x.com/DiscDrive/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10046347.


    Haha, yeah, I don't even think much of it when I say that as it's so close. When there's no traffic it takes about half an hour to get the the nearest border crossing. The line-up to get across is what kills you. Sometimes you can be waiting for hours.

  20. Aw. I hope all the Franz excitement from last night was able to cheer you up. It certainly did for me.


    That first video is just insane. :LOL:


    That's a good idea, be nice and hopefully she will treat you the same way in return. Kaaarma!


    Yes, I'll be going during the Labour Day weekend. It's going to be packed. However, I think the busiest days at the border crossing will probably be Friday (because everyone will be heading to and from the States/Canada for their trips) and Sunday (everyone will want to get home before the Monday probably to get ready for the start of another school year). My dad and I will be leaving eeeearly Monday morning (I'm going to get zero sleep that night, especially if we meet the band after the Vancouver show!! I highly doubt it though, they'll have to leave right after their set in order to get to Seattle and rest up before they play at Bumber :(). But after their performance in Seattle they might hang around as they're off for like, a month! I just hope my dad is willing to put up with my wanting to try and hunt them down. We're coming back home late Monday night... I'm so worried my dad will want to leave right after the festival shuts down, but uuugh, I'm going to try everything in my power to try and find the boys after because I really do have a feeling they might hang around.


    Sorry to ramble on there, I doubt any of what I said makes much sense.

  21. Erin. :( I'm sorry you feel that way. If you need to rant about it here or in the thread feel free to do so, it might make you feel better to get it out. If you'd rather not that's totally understandable, I just hope you feel better soon.


    That first video = wow. That's insane. The second one was good. I need to get a decent rope though.


    Three hours isn't that bad. Plenty of opportunity to listen to Franz and Muse. I think it's about 2.5 hours for me to drive down to Seattle. The border line-up could be hours and hours and hours long though, that's the tricky part. I hope it's not too bad when I head across it for Bumbershoot. It's a long weekend so I have a feeling it's going to be busy... uh oh.

  22. Cheesy, but I like it. I was so excited after seeing that they were in it, and then today when we found out they were in Q as well I was just like, wahey! From what I remember, Q Magazine isn't that cheap, it was at least $12 or $13 when I last saw it. So worth it though. :yesey: An hour and a half is quite a trek for NME. And like you said, it's probably gone now anway, which is too bad. It's the music store that I keep checking for the magazines, the bookstore I went to last night was the first time I'd been there. I may have to return within the next week or too. I'm actually going to the States next weekend, maybe I'll see both Spin and Q magazine there.

  23. It so is. I hate it. Grrr.


    I just did a bit of jump rope - I'm such rubbish at it! :LOL: I want to be able to skip like boxers do in all those movies, like Rocky, but I can't. I can only hop on both feet and try to go as fast as I can, which isn't even very fast. Have any tips? Ehehe.


    Can't forget the gas moola! How long a drive is it to Hollywood from where you are? I hope you and the sister are able to work things out. :happy:

  24. Schweeet. I went to a bookstore yesterday and they sell copies of Spin, they still have the previous issue out though, so I'll have to keep checking. I need to get my hands on Q magazine too! I know the HMV at my mall has them, but they aaaalways get magazines in so late. They still don't have the NME with Muse on the cover and that was from July. I go in there once or twice a week and head straight to the back to check out the magazines then leave right away once I see they still don't have it. The staff must think I'm crazy because I go in there so much and never buy anything. Some of them I recognize form my high school too. :LOL:

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