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Status Updates posted by floccinaucinihi

  1. i've been busy these days as you know, exams and everything. how r u?

  2. hi zoe :) thnx for adding me.

    nice to meet you!

  3. nice to meet you tooo :)

    i'm jin btw, what's your name? you don't want me to call you bb, do you?

  4. hi, you added me

    do we know each other?

    guess that doesn't matter though.

    anyway thanks for adding! :)

  5. i thought so cuz you didn't answer.

    i don't know how did it go yet.

    the results will come up soon, i'm waiting for it. how about you?

  6. oh i'd prefer winter than summer. it's too hot in summer! well but sometimes if the weather's too cold i might say i hate winter lol

  7. unfortunately it has stopped soon so i couldn't :( think it's cold enough to snow, really. how's the weather there?

  8. oh my god it's snowing now!!!!!!!!

  9. oh lol but i don't either!

    well good to you there's no beach where i live now. I'm moving next year to the another city and there might be some. but it's winter, it'll be so cold out there and the beach here is so rough especially where i'm going. envy you!

  10. well you might be busy then :) so different, here it usually takes just 3 or 4 days. not that students here study less than the others of course. but i think you study harder then me....... lol

  11. u r not online now but how can i see u on chat?

    funny :) mayb there's sth wrong with it. anyway..... how do u do??? long time no speak, again! exam's over.

  12. lol u drunk? :) well, it's like SAT, examination to enter the uni. it's not that important to me cuz i'm NOT going to the uni next year. just to get experience, that's all. Means i don't study at all..!!..... and, didn't i tell you that i don't go to school..??

  13. great, great, never better, except that i have to study because of the exam,.... lol anyway, long time no speak, really!

  14. ooooooh i loooooov chocolate!!!

    that's my fav:) actually all foods are my fav!

  15. hey kylee :) how are u??

  16. yeah i understand that maths thing, and i hate it too :) wooow wait, 3 months? that's long! so different, students here can never have such a long holidays you know :( but not me, i'm special

  17. oooh that IS bad!!!:) well i have one too, next thurs. not that important really but, think i should care more. hehehe

  18. great, thnx.

    u know what, i've got ur birthday present!

    considering the distance between us, i'd rather keep it till i c u.

    lol, anyway. how's ur schoool?

  19. mouse!

    happpppppppppy birthday! i miss u toooo;) and sorry i'm late

    i'm very well, a bit busy though. how are you doing?

  20. south korea

    where do u live, sydney?

  21. lol i luv her! and yes of course, i am nice :)

    btw, where r u from, just asking.

  22. hey nice to meet u, i'm new too :)

    so wat, u live in mars? lol

  23. hey..moussssy, what should i say :)

    um, thnx for ur visitor message, hehe

    i really impressed, u know.

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