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Status Updates posted by floccinaucinihi

  1. i mean perhaps ...uhh..

    we need to talk lol

  2. no but i couldn't even hear it

    ........so.. what are we gonna do to him?

    i remember what you suggested but that one is not a good one perhaps

  3. you might be sleeping now. how's the weather btw? it's snowing here!

  4. you say like you've really seen it buddy! wanna see my second one? that one is nice!

  5. :( srry..........................lol
  6. goodnight :) don't stay up too much bcuz of me lol

  7. great, how's your day today?

    another sober day or what? lol

  8. just

    get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. you can't make me shut up boy

  10. no you didn't

    and lol

    you sucks

  11. yeah sure of course so many

  12. well, most of students learn just two kind of languages -english, and japanese/chinese. but there's some special high school so you can learn french, spanish, german, russian and everything. the school here usually start at 8:30 , end at 3 or 4, but in your age they start earlier and come home at 10 or 11.

    and it was not that boring actually so don't worry lol

  13. yeah i'm a student. though i'm not in the last year of high school.

  14. ahhhhh i see. thought it means really red like matt lol but i think it would suits you well why don't you try..haha

  15. well guess you're better than me! lol good to hear that you like korean dramas btw! are you a high school student?

  16. you mean red the red? have never seen anyone whos hair is 'red' except matt lol and i've never dyed mine.

  17. woow can i?? i've never had turkey before! i don't even know what it does look like! lol

  18. ahh, thanksgiving! yeah, i heard. there are many holidays of course but i don't celebrate it. i really want to have some turkey though.

  19. it's raining here and i feel melancholy. :( but everything's not bad. and i'm going to have my haircut soon to make a change!

  20. lol i didn't know that bb's your name so i was kiddin, anyway i'll call you B. ok? and i'm korean.

    nice english btw.

  21. good to hear that you're happy and lol nice hobby! are you on holidays now?

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