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Citizen Erased

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Everything posted by Citizen Erased

  1. Art, it's a little long winded, just started it today, and it ends with me having to graffiti some furniture :erm:

  2. Depends when. I start school on the 3rd. And I don't think it would go down very well with my mum if I tell her 'you know that Manchester meet up? It's in Teignmouth now'
  3. Hey, I'm okay, feel a bit crap though, just generally ill, you?

  4. It's GCSE homework...I guess it's needed :LOL: and okies about volleyball

  5. :( I got some art GCSE homework that I still haven't started :eek: I don't have the sheet for it either, gotta wait for my friend to give me a copy :erm:
  6. Hey I start school on the 3rd :(

  7. Hey, I'm good, absolutely shattered, but good, how about you?

  8. Hey hey :) I'm good! Yourself? Sorry for the delayed reply :LOL:

  9. Not really Muse, more Muse board I had a dream that I was on Mock The Week, and got assigned a topic to tell a funny story about. I got assigned the random topic of 'muesli'. So I decided to start by talking about how my mum works in a shop and has to sell muesli (buh dum dum tsh). Anyway. I started talking, but all of a sudden I was on a massive stage, and I couldn't stop laughing hysterically. I went into a full blown laughing fit, and then all the audience started laughing at me too. Turns out the whole audience was made up of members from the Muse board, and that every time I laughed, giant numbers flashed on the screen behind me, saying 2+2=5 Apparently all you lot found it hilarious.
  10. Is there any tentative date yet? We're having a new kitchen fitted and it's staring on Thursday :/ So either tomorrow or Wednesday is best for me.
  11. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :awesome: I can't wait for it, I keep looking at my tickets and either grinning like a fool, or crying :LOL:

  12. The artwork is :awesome: It's my first actual pwoper gig, in the past I've only gone to concerts of bands I didn't really like...but I'm FINALLY going to see my all time favourite...plus, with my best friend, so it's gonna be even better. And we're going like 6 hours early, and staying for a few hours at the end in the hope of meeting them :awesome:

  13. :LOL: Yes, I LOVE Uprising. United States of Eurasia is still growing on me, but I'm loving it more and more now. XD I'm so psyched for the new album and my first ever Muse gig :awesome:
  14. Any day is fine, just my mum finished work at 12pm all week, and it'll take us about and hour and a half to get to Manchester.
  15. Hey, welcome to the boards then :LOL:


    I'm good, yourself?

  16. Well, I don't think it's that important when it is for me now, so, is there a probable date yet?
  17. There's more of a possibility I can come towards the END of the week
  18. Had an injection in my mouth D: Two teeth pulled out :LOL:

  19. I can't sing at all at the moment :LOL: My mouth is numb and I can't talk properly XD


    Don't focus on my singing D:


    But then there's my Muse thank you Project Eurasia thins (exclude the beginning because I fail at singing low, and I didn't know where the hell I was meant to sing when it came to 'BE OOOONLY ONE!'



  21. Hide from the mirror, the cracks and the memories, Hide from your family they won't know you now You left us far behind So we all discard our souls And blaze through your skies So unafraid to die
  22. Tarraa, I'll send you the link later :LOL:

  23. XD I love all Muse songs except Pink Ego Box. I mean...wtf? XD


    I'm not a terrible singer, I just gotta learn how to use my chest voice a bit more. I'd send you the video of our cover of TIRO, but I'm scared you'd think it's shite (mainly my voice) :LOL: But I got my 'Thank you Muse Eurasia Project' video on youtube too XD

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