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Status Updates posted by iNGO

  1. Yeah, it was absolutely stunningly beautiful! I'd seen it on Youtube, but OH MY GOODNESS... LIVE... JUST... :dies: I didn't take any photos haha, I was a bit busy, if y'know what I mean? XD

  2. Hey! I went to two shows :) One in Virginia, and the other in Maryland :) Was going to the New York show, but it didn't work :((( Though I was well pleased with the two gigs I went to! :DD SO WORTH THREE YEARS OF WAITING. OMG. At the Maryland show, I got barrier between Chris and Dom! :awesome:

  3. OHMYGOD Why couldn't you go to anything in the last decade?!!! DDD: That's terrible! :( I'm so happy you got to see them four times, though, which gigs?

  4. OMG I haven't talked to you in so long! Sorry :'( How are you? I remember you'd just seen Muse last time we'd spoken :DD I'm seeing them in less than two months - twice in a week! :)

  5. Hello! I see you live in MD... me too! I only know ONE other Muser here, so it's all ways nice to meet more haha :) You going to any gigs?

  6. ooooo a CALENDAR?! ...I can haz?? :D

  7. ZOMB hai! :happydance: Twitter buds AND boardie buds! We win! :D:D:D

  8. Yeah, Who Knows Who is... interesting. I can tolerate listening to it haha! :) Ah, gosh, I know, right?! Once you can play the songs, their magnificence is just like WHOA, it's so fun :DDD Did you see the Mosaic Resistance guitar?! OMM it's beautiful. :D

    Those two will be so epic to play! Guiding Light is soooo intense considering the subject matter aha :p Unnatural Selection, too, I keep thinking "Counterbalance this commotion, we're not droplets in the ocean" BRILLLLLIANNCEEE gosh haha

    They better play some oldies! Defo The Groove and Escape... and I wish they'd play some B-Sides more often, you know? They always play the predictable songs :( I want more than Starlight and TiRO and all that...

    And can you believe they only played Part One of Exogenesis @Helsinki?!!

  9. Rotfl, GOOD! I thought I was going to have to deal with one of those "UGGHHH TR IS SOOO MAINSTREAM AHHH" people baha :p I'm the same as you, in my mind, Muse can do no wrong! haha :)

    Call me sappy, but I absolutely love IBTY... my favourite part is the operatic majiggy thing haha. And OH the symphonic monster indeed! idk how they did it!

    I'm really liking Resistance, too. I love how it's got a story to it off of 1984 - Matt's mind works in wondrous ways!

    You going to see them on their tour this winter?

  10. Rotfl I do! ...I mean, not as good as OoS and their old stuff, I guess, but I think it's still brilliant. Still a bit shocked as to the symphony, though... It's so beautiful, I don't know how it all came to Matt!

    What about you? Anti-TR or Pro-TR? :p

  11. Aw no! :( I posted here a while ago, but you didn't respond :sadface: Still wanna play the question game? haha, you can start this time, I'm not good with question listing, as we found out :p

  12. Haha I sent you your supermassive list of questions and told you to answer a few! But we can start over if you like :)))

  13. Why hello :D Sorry we haven't spoken in eonsssss... I am SOOO busy it's ridiculous =/ Thought I'd drop a hello... so.. yeah :D haha, and I'm still working on dying my hair this summer, MATT red, haha :D Hope you're doing well... hit me up on myspace or something, cos I don't check this extremely often :D Do you have a twitter?

  14. iNGO

    I feel like a twat for saying it after everyone down there... but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D Maybe you'll get a chance to try out that jet pack :D

  15. Ohhhhhh... she a friend of Emma's? Is Emma on the forum?

    Haha, there are other Ingo's?! I had no idea! Weirdness 0.o

    ROTFL... I luff your pic XD MUSHROOMS = Plug In Baby ^.^

    I wonder if Matt's really deaf in one ear cos of them... ?.?

    Haha... maybe...


    I'll make mine big and pretty too ROTFL...



    haha... it's Cheers on steroids...:LOL:

    people are always telling me I'm random when I say Cheers... I tell them it's sexy and more epic to the nth degree XD

  16. Ohhhhhh... she a friend of Emma's? Is Emma on the forum?

    Haha, there are other Ingo's?! I had no idea! Weirdness 0.o

    ROTFL... I luff your pic XD MUSHROOMS = Plug In Baby ^.^

    I wonder if Matt's really deaf in one ear cos of them... ?.?

    Haha... maybe...


    I'll make mine big and pretty too ROTFL...



    haha... it's Cheers on steroids...:LOL:

  17. Hello! ^.^ It's Ingo... yeah... haha

    Um... I'm guessing Stefamoe be the one from quizilla? I read her in all the stories and haven't a CLUE wot her profile is rotfl...


    cheerscheerscheerscheerscheers... I just LUFF saying that ^.^

  18. Ah, yeah, I HATE not getting on here a lot, I used to be on practically everyday. T.T

    0.0 OHNOES... how'd that happen? o.0 I wonder where it went XD

  19. Ehm, no I haven't got the videos yet =/ I got one email saying 'here's the second one' with part two attached to it... so... haha I don't know, try to send it to the other email I gave you

  20. Yeah, what's your You Tube? I accepted your MySpace friend request ^.^

  21. ZOMG. Did you see the TV Advert thing on the front page? I'M SO ANGRY I DON'T LIVE IN LONDON!!

    Somehow, I don't think I could get to London in time for the shoot XD The entirety of the MUSE community may move to the UK just to be ready for short notices like these... I'd do it in a heartbeat!

  22. Wotcher! I love your avatar ^.^ Been trying to make friends around the site... how long you been a MUSE fan? Got a You Tube?

    Wow, I sound nosey, don't I? XD

    ZOMG. Is that a guitar I see? Cheers to you for playing ^.^

  23. I'm super angry at Warner for removing videos, but otherwise, I'm quite well! It finally snowed where I live- we haven't seen a proper one for years!

    And I LOVE your banners ^.^ Which software do you use?

  24. Oh, good! Well... I mean, not the removal, but yeah, I found out at the same time. It just infuriates and depresses me everyday when I think about what they're taking away from us... if they touch shineinhell's videos, I'm launching a protest! :angryface:


    ACK! No way! That's so not fair... how'd you get them there? You mind emailing them or sumfing?

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