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Everything posted by hysteria4444

  1. You're welcome! :D Its realllllllly good!

  2. You're welcome! :D Hows it going?

  3. Yeah youre so lucky that you got them already!

    Yeah Im in STL. Im hoping for a show here or atleast Chicago! :)

  4. Haha no problem!! :D

    Hows it going?

  5. Awesome!!! :D Im waiting till monday when they announce more! Where are you seeing them?

  6. Haha i was looking through the controversial muse thread :D

    no worries

  7. Haha no, but I was just adding people :LOL:

  8. Haha your welcome! :D Hows it going?

  9. Oh my goodness I love your avatar!


  10. Ohhh okay :( I gotcha

    I cant wait till they play on SNL

  11. Haha true, true, that treasure hunt was pretty intense:D

  12. Yeah I agree, I dont really like USoE much either :/

    Mk ultra is my favorite, undisclosed desires, i belong to you, resistance, exogenisis's and unnatural selection. basically all of them, haha :chuckle:

  13. Yeah I pretty much thought the same thing :D

    So what are your favorite songs from the resistance??

  14. Cool, me too! :D

    Oooooo thats fun! We just stayed in charlottesville the day after and went to monticello and stuff like that, and then stayed a day in lexington KY :)

    Yeah snow patrol is sooooo boring :p

  15. Ohhhh gotcha :LOL:

    Hah cool! Did you get outta school too? Everyone thought my family was nuts for taking me outta school for a concert :LOL: We would've gone to the one in chicago, but no, dumb snow patrol had to be opening there.

  16. Haha oh me too! :)

    Sweet Im glad, but I heard that a ton of people had problems with the pre-sale... I hope its better now...:indiff:

    Yeah I did! From St. Louis Missouri! haha how about you?!

  17. Oh really?! Man what a shame, that mad me so mad :(

    REALLY?! Awesome! :D are you for sure? I hope they release a st. louis or chicago gig....

  18. Ohhh okay, ;)

    Haha yeah me too! But it was really sad that they didnt play anything with a piano :'(

    That was the only thing that dissappointed me! Oh and I hope they release more US dates soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :erm:

  19. Haha like tried taping the whole show? Man that'd be great if it worked!

    No way! LUCKY :awesome:

    Sounds like you had pretty good seats!

    I was sooooo happy when they started to play the good riff at the end of knights!

  20. Oh my goodness me too!!!! :)

    It was sooooooooo windy! Ugh I want it too stick, hopefully it sleets a lot and then snows a ton over it so the roads are icy and theres no school :yesey:

  21. Eh it was okay, from where you were looking out, we were on the left side. Not the best though...

    Haha thats awesome!!! :D I got a good pic of him waving goodbye to us, and then walking off the stage.

    These people next to me thought muse was U2. I was like why are you even here? :LOL:

  22. Yeah! Haha cool i think i was like 120???? Or something like that, cant really remember either :happy:

    I wish I would've got floor tickets though... :(

  23. Pretty good! :D

    I went to the Charlottesville gig too!

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