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Status Updates posted by stefko_25

  1. just doing quick checks on the board, am off to study for exams now :(

    i'll be on l8r i hope, cya then xx

  2. okies, will be waiting for ya :happy:

  3. naww :happy:

    and how are you doing today? :)

  4. naww, why ain't we on pmt anyway? :erm:

  5. i was just gonna pm you :LOL:

    dunno, i just appeared one day :LOL:

    was replying to hails and saw you :p

  6. pretty fine i guess :happy:

    i had a really boring day :LOL:

  7. hey georgia, long time no see :happy:

    i'm at school atm :LOL:

  8. let's not and say we did :rolleyes:

    okies, cya x x

  9. sorry, beat you on that :rolleyes:

    1. i can stay awake for ages. my record was almost 3 days (in a row) when i was on vacation with ma friends :p

    2. i'm semi-colourblind which apart from me not really being able to tell purple and blue, gives me a better night vision than normal people :p

    and 3. time zones :LOL: it's night here for about 2 hours now :LOL:

  10. naww, but we're brother and sister :happy:

    we have the same thoughts :happy:

  11. about the new pmt rules - does she like it or not

    she said she likes it, i say i like it - i'm her :LOL:

  12. omg, shannon said exactly the same thing as i did when you asked her :eek:

    from all the convos with her now i'm turning into her :eek:

    i can feel blonde hair growing on my head right now :LOL: (she is still blonde, isn't she?)

  13. thanks for clearing the rules and stuff about pmt, Caff :)

    i appreciate it

  14. yeah :happy:

    i think i kind'a like the new pmt :)

    you have more time to answer one's post :LOL:

  15. do they deliver the post tomorrow? :erm:

  16. let's just hope i'll be here too :LOL:

    u on pmt?

  17. omg, you're here! :party:

    it's like anything i wish for comes true :LOL:

  18. omg, netty, we haven't spoken in *counts with fingers...* a really long time! :'(

    miss ya sis :'(

  19. boo :p

    letter-mwhetter today? :p

  20. и аз не знам вече кво ще се прави, аз съм там само заради чата xD

    аз съм стефко (каква изненада!) от русе :Р

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