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Problematique MX

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Status Updates posted by Problematique MX

  1. :O


    What do you have?

  2. Hei!


    Fine and you?

  3. Ando muy torpe este fin de semana :awesome:


    Feliz Día de San Valentín Caro!!!

  4. Jajajajaja... no había visto que me habías dejado mensaje..


    Feliz Día de San Valentín Pau!!!

  5. Japi niu yir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  6. Oh I see..

    The same thing happened to me some months ago, my computer went down. :(


    I was thinking about your website because I'm in Origin Of Black Holes, a Muse fanclub in Mexico. And many of our members likes Finn people (not kidding! we do!) so I was wondering if you want to be one of our allies.


    I just need a small banner and the link. Think about it and notify me please.


    HYVÄÄ JOULUA!!! ;)

  7. Thanks!!!


    Merry Christmas to you!!! :D




  8. Moi!!


    I was wondering... you have a website for Muse in Finland... right?


    Like a forum or something?

  9. Ay Dios!


    Eres tu!


    La de los photochopeos!!! :LOL:

  10. Loooooooooooooooooser!!!




  11. Toy bien wey... te contesté en mi propio perfil, jajajajaja.


    Ahm... este... jejejeje... :erm: YA DESCUÉLGATE DE LA COMPU!!! :LOL:


    Naaa pues, yo también hago casi lo mismo que tu, la onda está en que aprovecho para entrar cada que puedo desde mi escritorio y sin que mi jefa me cache, jajajaja. Además, tengo mucho tiempo libre y todo se me va en puro MYOOZE!!! xD

  12. Uuu!!! No inventes!!! :eek:


    Yo te veo casi todo el día conectada! No quiero imaginarme cómo vas a estar en vacaciones completas!!! :LOL:

  13. Ya descuélgate de la compu!!!! :LOL:

  14. Cómo no te madreo me cae...

  15. I thought you were dead!!!



  16. It's moved. I had to search for it in many pages.

  17. Yes I found them, but they are telling me that it's quite hectic searching for yours in that sea of questions. I don't know if they are really going to vote for yours. :erm:

  18. Moi! Mittä Kuuluu?


    The first time I heard about Apocalyptica was since they released Plays Metallica by Four Cellos (1996), but I started to like them with the Reflections album (2003) . I met them in a signing event in 2005 and went to my first show in February 2008. :p


    I wanted to see their show in 2005, but I couldn't because I was very young in those days. And it's funny, because I saw them one day after my b-day. :D


    Thanks for the link! It's going to be easier to vote for your question. :)

  19. Olen oppinut kautta ystävilleni ja Internet useita vuosia tavata paljon bändejä Suomesta, siksi minulla on kiinnostunut tällä kielellä.


    Muse and Apocalyptica are the best! Definitely!


    Kippis Johanna!

  20. Moi!


    Kuten voitte lukea, puhua myös vähän suomeksi, hehe. Minä rakastan Apocalyptica! :LOL:



  21. Thanks!


    Your welcome! It was nice chatting with you! :D

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