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Status Updates posted by Sarah.Plug.In.Baby

  1. saw you in b'ham near to tom kirk :ninja: ( lol i sound like a stalker - . - i dont mean too XD i just thought i'd mention it )

  2. Heylooo Maria Aint talked in ages :( how are you ? Hopes your okay speak soonies x Love Sarah :D

  3. Haha IM IN SCHOOL and on the muse board :p

  4. SHANNONNN !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D i shall gives you present next time i sees you or something in the meantime have a wonderful dayyyy :p

  5. Lols dw msn is crap sometimes xD

  6. Yeahs stupid exams :noey: but at least im off school timetable so i only have to go in when i have exams which means i have today off and 3 days next week :DKwls how long you off for ? when were off we has 6 weeks but in ireland they get like 2 months

    Lols Maffoo be fine he is Gonna help with my physics exam :D xD my teacher said supermassive black holes in class and the entire class turner around and looked at me :LOL:

  7. Im good thankies :D school is all but over now i has exams next week and then work experience the week after and then no more school so i should be on here alot more :D Hows daveh ? :p

  8. MARIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -HUG ATTACKS- i havent seen you in ageeeeeeeessssss :( How are you dear ? :D

  9. Hai Paris :D s'been a while since ive been on here howz you ? going to any of the tour dates ?


  10. Happy Birthday Parris !!!! :p

  11. Heehee Lol thought i would leaves you a message as i am stuck in horrible school :( oh wells at least i have media studies making music videos next to cheer me up :p How be you ?

  12. Hey Maria Havent talked in ages Hope your doing well :)

  13. Hey next time your online come on msn i has aproposition for you :p

  14. Bethany :p didnt know you were on the muse board

  15. *Highfivesback* Niceeeeee :p LMAO Megalolz g2g for xmas lunch now speak to ya laterz :D

  16. An american fender telecaster and an ipod touch xD Happy days indeed :LOL: Santa bring you and morgan anything nice ? :D:p

  17. Yey Thankies Parris Have a wonderfull xmas =D :D

  18. Merry Xmas to you 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  19. Thank you Bonnie -huggles- how have you been ? :D havent spoken in ages

  20. Thankies Kris -huggles- :kiss:

  21. i cant stop grinning seriously lol it blew me away more than i expected kelly is now one of my hero's :yesey: and my friends are all still seriously high xD

  22. btw sorry my msn has crashed again :rolleyes:

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