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unintended angel

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Everything posted by unintended angel

  1. yep yep yep :D


    wooo this boy is going to be dead famous ;) and you are going to have him all to yourself :p

  2. lol add this to jj's abilities: able to walk in stilettos :yesey:


    should be interesting, but one parent can do it :p


    edit: no it's going to be dance too :D

  3. just a thought my good peoples should we have pics of the stupid shirt? no hang on...where is that person who had that animation in their sig? the whole 'oi dom, no, burn it' or whatever it was
  4. omg i just saw your post in my boat


    the party has started


    and i really appreciate that :D:kiss: i shall have to reregister myself as another member to go on your boat :D

  5. how much do i love you? haha can't draw on here dammit :p


    but anyways :kiss: and i think chris was the hottest there ;)

  6. the name! (see previous message below this one) that's the new love child!


    all you gotta do is take the middle names of matt and dom...both james :chuckle


    so that becomes jj (jayjay) and then for the last name...you add howard and bellamy (howamy) and there we go :D

  7. same religion...different sects? i dunno anymore :LOL:


    i believe in bowie too :D


    yeah well you may be right there


    btw i was mean not to tell you the name :p tis jayjay (jj) howamy :D

  8. oooooooh i see now :p how did you know i am part of the belldom cult? :$

  9. friggin' hell, when is she going to get back? i will be able to write a whole album by the time she gets on here :p



  10. "maybe if i try this she will come back soon.."


    and that is why matt dyed his hair blonde :D just for YOU :D



  11. yeah we know how to show our love for each other in a peaceful way ;)


    whereas poor jj is growing up in a rather strange and often borderline-violent environment... :(



  12. mattbellamy12.gif


    may the powers of the zetas be with you always, dilshad, as you battle with the IB...

  13. :chuckle matt and i decided to amuse ourselves whilst waiting for you ;)



  14. oh you found him...odd how you do :p


    i think i spied yours today as well....


    :ninja: (has the pic to prove it)...


    pfft you musn't be up to much, your god has fallen asleep on the job :chuckle



  15. awwwwwwww rockets :p we never make those anymores :(


    how are you? should i just head to a thread and chat or what? oops gotta go for like 15 mins, but will be back :D


    have you seen my stalker anywheres? he seems to have gone missing...:erm:

  16. :LOL: have figured out how to make this work at school now! woooohoooo :D


    damn english is boring :p


    talk to you tonight :kiss:

  17. OMG


    i just discovered your stalker...they were here all along :eek:


    will tell you in a minute :p

  18. yep i getcha...i will wait ;)


    see you soon! if now, we can always chat thru here or sumthing :p

  19. :ninja:


    i will get in contact with my sources and see what we can do for you...


    till later ;)

  20. :ninja: do you need a stalker too?




    anyways, wanted to say HAI


    and now BAI :D

  21. :p "my stalker is my guy" that works :D


    oooo so your stalker is watching you...that means all of us :erm: but i don't mind one bit :p

  22. :yesey: i know that song :p so your stalker is your girl now? :LOL:


    go and buy him some more then :p i might want his old ones, you never know ;) unless you have laid claim to them already...but that means you have spoken to him! :eek: must not maintain contact with stalkers...gives them the wrong idea ;)

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