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Status Updates posted by Pinky753

  1. Do you still have that number we called on Friday? I'm going to try that tomorrow as well as teh internets

  2. yeeeeaaaahhhhh, maaaannnnn... definitely the same sort of theme as green day and 30 seconds to mars

  3. cheat shmeat, I was being resourceful :phu::yesey:

  4. heh heh, methinks I shall watch that tonight on me shiny pink laptop :D

  5. like omg dude, you keep chris' hilarious fear of small invertebrates! lolcakes!

  6. It wasn't that hard, I just looked through your friends list :p

  7. Yeah, college and whatnot took over a bit...hopefully I'll be on the board a bit more! :happy:

  8. 17 of my tshirts needed ironing after the mess you left them in!!! :mad:

  9. :kiss: Heya! I'm still hyper from the gig :D
  10. Yar...it's opening...still opening...

  11. I left it at ten to two in the morning...hence insomnia :rolleyes:

    And I've got the illness again too, I only just got out of bed, and I keep on falling into walls :(

  12. Hmph. I'll let that one slide...

    And check out when I left the message

  13. :stunned: I've fallen in love with a madman...:D Perfect match!
  14. Pfff, I wasn't reading it the whole time, i opened the window then did...other stuff...

  15. OOOOooooooOOOOO they've answered some of the questions!!! *is inappropriately excited*

    Shame the "who would you go gay for" question didn't make it :noey:

  16. Hmmmmm.....I thought they were longer :ninja:

  17. :mad: Dom had longer silver ones!
  18. :LOL: I wish I could see my teachers drunk! Well, I have seen them at the pub, but not drunk...:rolleyes:

    :eek: She sounds amazing! My maths teacher looks like a sort of prudish christian, like from the way she dresses and does her hair (certainly no hair dye!)

  19. Ah, I saw them, but I only like the longer ones :p

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