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Status Updates posted by Pinky753

  1. Cos you fail like a scuba diver in the sahara

  2. Aww... a pwopper couple activity :D

  3. Awww dude...totally would have rather been there than swearword Hereford! Didja get very drunk?

  4. If you're anything other than fine, you're supposed to tell me, you know I forget to ask about things like that! And I sort of dumped Lee, I mean we're still friends and I'm going to see him on Thursday but he knows we're not properly a couple at least I think he does, well he was OK with it anyway and he knows I don't feel the same so if he gets too clingy I'll talk to him again, otherwise...yeah.

  5. *poke* Get him to send it back! I don't wanna be hairy no more!

  6. Did you not get my text about getting aid to send my razor back?

  7. Well then you fail. Cos it's an AWESOME site :phu:

  8. I know, I couldn't stop giggling :D

  9. :LOL: Yeah, screw Matt, I'm going to elope with teh Kirk! :chuckle
  10. yeah, he didn't post anything though. I'm off to have a nice long bath and read the next stephenie meyer book!

  11. Indeedy :rolleyes: That's the sort of thing I do when I've had Baileys :D (I did it ages ago)

  12. Oh good lord, yes :facepalm: I did that when I was drunk...:$

  13. Fell asleep on the bus on the way back from cardiff too :rolleyes:

  14. You bet your third nipple! You know I won't ever pass up on a chance to get drunk, and this time I won't have college/ work in the morning :D (but I pwomise I won't have so much I get sick or do something really stupid :yesey:)

  15. :chuckle Aw, I pwomise I won't steal you away from him ;)

  16. Aw, sounds like a classic romcom moment :rollseyes: Naw mate, you want him to see you with me, then he'd be really jealous! :chuckle

  17. I forgot to do the skin test :rolleyes: so I can't have my hair done tonight, I've got an appointment at 9 on Friday :D It shall be lovely and fwesh and bwight for you!

  18. Hey, I went to my college's career department but they didn't have a prospectus for the csm college, I spoke to one of the advisors and all she could give me was the website (http://www.arts.ac.uk/index.htm) Sorry I couldn't help more :(

  19. Oooo, I hadn't seen that...thankies :D

    I left it on invisible mode when I quit last, so I wasn't on when you posted that :rolleyes:

  20. I'll look for a prospectus tomorrow :happy:

  21. What sort of info did you want on it? Like entry requirements, fees, campus info....?

  22. Hmm, do you know what csm stands for? I'll look it up tomorrow, there's loads of prospectus' and books on universities in my college :)

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