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spider jerusalem

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Status Updates posted by spider jerusalem

  1. I was browsing an online store, where a friend has some illustrated t-shirts and posters. when I found your perfect gift:





    It is a shame I'm not your SS. :(

  2. Thanks for the happy birthday wishes!

  3. good, afaik.


    Ive been away from the forum and most social networks. Even though I log in in facebook everyday, I dont stick there. Im online on skype or gtlak, if you wanna catch up.


    How have you been?

  4. Hey! Im good at the moment. Its been awhile since Ive came here, so, sorry for taking too long to answer. What about yourself?

  5. nothing. here valentines is just a retail thing, afaik.

  6. thanks! though we don't celebrate it on february. and I wouldnt have much to celebrate, anyway. ha!



  7. ah, and I´ve drank Royal Crown and Jim Bean so far. You need more than 50ml of bourbon to make me tipsy.

  8. I admit I did not read the booklet yet. I don´t remember what made me joke about Texas' small town in the middle of a desert streotype. Im sorry somehow.


    Well, american football has a large following here compared to other least common sports. Though you don t have many people practcing, you have many people that supports teams and watch games on TV - ESPN and BandSports (a brazilian sports channel) broadcast most games and have programms about the sport. I don´t like it that much, but I dont hate either, so I watch them sometimes.


    My dog is fine, he was just being a bitch. Thanks for asking, though.


    I rarely play futebol (any kind) nowadays, but I play rugby and judo.

  9. I don't remember exactly. Was something like not wasting his time watching that film and saying like the Jets aren't a proper club or whatever. The commentators said what he has said, but I don't remember now. I always thought Tom Brady was an arse, anyway. hehe


    I can say the same about football. In fact, most sports are like that. What I don't like about it is that it has too much stops, e.g: Kick off, returner grabs the "ball", takled, ground. Stop. Attack team enters on side B, deffense team enters on side A (commercials). Lets suppose B does not archive their 1s down at some point. Punt. Commercials. Change sides. Lets suppose side A does not get their first down too. Punt. Commercials. Change sides. *repeat*. Until some one makes their first TD or filed goal. Commercials. Change sides. Free kick. Change sides again (I believe). Commercials.


    I believe that watching it live would change parts of the experience, but not the constant "stoppage", which annoys me.


    No, I'm not going to U2. You don't have any idea how expensive these tickets were. And how sick U2 fans are here. Like, in 1h the first wave of tickets were sold out. Plus, travelling till São Paulo is no cheap either. So, is not worth all the trouble and money to watch a 30min concert. I was holing for a solo concert, but there won't be any this time. Perhaps next semester or on the next tour only.


    My dog stopped howling. Or Im not waking up any more. LOL. I admit I should go out for a walk with it more often.





  10. Lets say I wanted New England to be kicked by NY Jets because I saw what Gisele Bündchen's husband (that is how we call Tom Brady here :chuckle:) said about that HBO's documentary of Jet's pre-season. So I thought "Tom Brady deserve to be sacked, intercepted and commit at least 3 fumbles that will lead to TDs". hehe!


    But seriously, I watch it before going to bed (they are aired here at 23:00 more or less) and I don't have much patience to watch an entire game. Is almost one break for every tackle. A game that last 1h takes 3h of airing. Is too much for me.



    And I have a brazilian terrier.

  11. No matter how many games I watch on ESPN I still find weird when you guys say "football" and you dont mean association football. :D


    Nevertheless, I thought Texas has no team on the play off... but Im probably wrong, since I don't understand nothing about nfl. And about dogs, my dog decided that now is cool to howl to the moon at 4:15. Every single day.



    I still havent finished stuff here, so, no review yet. hehe!



  12. Good. And I got your package filled with epic win. I will post a review later. I have to do some housework right now.


    And you? everything okay?



  13. cool. I wasnt sure.



  14. have I sent you my data for the mix tape swap? cheers!

  15. Thanks for the warning! I don't mind it will be late. International shipments usually take a little longer than expected. Im quite surprised mine arrived on time at its place. Now, Im curious to know who is my SS (and I've seen you posting on the board before) and what she did.


    Cheers! Happy new year.


  16. Thanks for the message, stranger! =]


    take care

  17. happy belated birthday? :awesome:

  18. so, happy birthday, my dear!

    and is that you on the avatar?


    and you vanished from MSN!!! =((

  19. heeey

    miss you! =(

    long time. I even missed your birthday. big sorry!

  20. oh hi! Just to say I love your Monty Python Related graphic jams . =D

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