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Status Updates posted by InsertCreativeNameHere

  1. Okay :happy: erm... I don't know, I think its on like page 5 or something :erm:

  2. I don't know, I can't even listen to music cause parents are in the room :indiff:

  3. ok thanks, just bored :(

    Do it! Can't see you properly in that one, can tell your pretty though :$:happy:

  4. Hi :)


    Its about time you had a new pic ;) How are you hun?

  5. It looked a twat before to be perfectly honest.

  6. Oh cool, means I won't have to worry about being IDed when I go out on Saturday :D

  7. lol fail :(:LOL:. I can't wait for my mates 18th in a few week, were all gonna get absolutely rat assed :LOL: You've got ages to wait till your bday :(. I'll remember it and send you an e-present ;) X

  8. Hyper is good, I was full of energy last night, I really wanted some "other stuff" :LOL:. Thats gonna be our little code now :LOL: I was up while like 3, didn't sleep too well I was too giddy :LOL: You been out then? X

  9. Aww :$. Haha have you been drinkin? Why you hyper lol? I'm good thanks had a good night last night :D. Hows you? Great I assume :LOL: XXX

  10. Awesome! Do you think you've done well? Nice profile pic by the way ;)

  11. Aww paranoia sucks dunnit :(. Thanks Pearl, thats made me feel a bit better about it :happy: I'm defo gonna try and do it next week. Am off to bed now, thanks again :) talk to you again soon hun :kiss: xxxxx

  12. Aww your sweet, thanks :happy:. I'm really nervous about having interveiws and stuff too, I mean I know its only a little part time job but I'm terrible with shyness :$ I'm gonna try and do it next week, but I know when it comes to it will be difficult to force myself. I really need money though and I wanna learn to drive. Its kinda embarrasing because its just a little job and its not much really, I feel like I'm making too big a deal over it :$. How often do you work? Everday? X

  13. Yep, and it was windy too, didn't really feel like playin but didn't want to let my dad down, ended up playin really well, might have won another comp :happy:. Nah, I really could do with a job, but I'm too scared lol I keep sayin I'll go to the job center but I always chicken out :(. Where do you work again? I think you told me but I forgot :$

  14. Am good thanks, went golfin and got wet but, meh I played well so it don't matter lol. Hows you? Whatcha been doin today? X

  15. Thanks :happy:.Its a Radiohead promotions thing, found it on teh webz, I love it too :)

  16. What happened to your old avatar Hans? :noey: it was awesome!

  17. *randomly hugs* I took your comment virginity ;)

  18. Just thought I'd say thanks for sticking up for me last night 'preciate it :)

  19. Your funny :chuckle xxx

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