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Status Updates posted by altrocker1807

  1. LOL, how were we not "friends" before? :(:LOL:

  2. 21. A pretty big milestone, lol. :happy:

  3. Quite fascinating. What do you think?

  4. quick question (cause it's been bugging me...grating meeee!):

    where did you and the other Musers get your avatars from? those are cute

  5. I'm at Fullerton College (jc). And you?


    I'm trying so hard to avoid premed but I think at this rate I will have to attend med school anyway. After switching majors so many times to try to find an "easier" way out...I found out that it's impossible. :LOL::$


    Seriously. STUDY HARD NOW.

  6. Currently I'm taking a few bio/health classes, but I STILL haven't decided what my major is going to be. Ugh. Perhaps you have a better grasp on your study plans lol?


    Also, congrats on getting a job. Welcome to the workforce :p

  7. ahh good....but you're not working at the recording studio anymore?

  8. Hahah I just posted the announcement yesterday. Give it a few more days...say until Thursday?

  9. LoL I better go to bed now. It's officially late and I have to be up early.


    Take care of your day, Sam! =)

  10. On a technical standpoint, this new album isn't my favorite at all (let alone their best up-to-date).


    But otherwise, it's a good album anyway. At least they didn't completely do the same things over again.

  11. Mmm new pedals and guitar effects! But honestly I miss Johnny from AROBTTH and X&Y


    (that, or I need to listen to the new album more carefully to see the growth/changes)

  12. Agreed. Though Will has totally been the one stepping it up for the group ever since. :)

  13. from what i hear so far...the setlist was just 'okay'.

    i was somehow expecting more though

  14. btw: what are you doing up at this time?

  15. it's only 12:42am here. not much sleep lost (yet) :)

  16. yep :LOL:


    too excited about the Coldplay concert tomorrow (thus staying up for details about, uhhm, last night) :$

  17. ZOMG it's tomorrow!!

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