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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Cool! even better if asher has no shirt Wait, where did that come from? :LOL: Damn, I'm pervy right now.

  2. :LOL: I so want to meet your friends.
  3. I know I should...but I'm having fun so I'm not going to. :LOL:


    Chad Sexington???

  4. Lovely. Lamb heart sex=This new fetish..coming soon to a perv near you!! :LOL:


    I should really go to bed as it's 5am, but I don't want to!

  5. A human heart? :stunned::LOL: Yeahh surgeoning ftw.

  6. I think I'll end up in law or being a surgeon (surgeoning?). I'm boring. :erm: I do like the surgeon idea though.

  7. That's a good plan. Who knows what I'll do? :LOL: I'd like to travel, but I know I've got to do uni and all.

  8. God, we talk a lot! :LOL:

  9. For sure!!! We'd be so fucking awesome!


    I hope we are. :happy:


    I'm going to Europe summer before uni if I can.

  10. Haha I'm not sure the world could handle that. ;)

  11. Round eighteen I'm out of this fucking country!!!

  12. Yeah. I can't wait to move out.

  13. Ahh it's alright. Same with me.

  14. Ahh yumm. Dom Howard...Sex God (for sure!) and Fashion Muse. :yesey:

  15. Arghhh can't find one. :( Dammit, Dom's just about perfect though...mmm his smile and his hair and his butt and fashion sense.

  16. Hahaha I'll try. There's so many! Dom's ass is sexy like nothing else.

  17. Alright...


    OMG Dom's ass in the green skinnies. I would so make that my wallpaper if my mum wouldn't get creeped out.

  18. I wondered. :p


    Ahhh alright. Feeling better or do you need to Dom spazz or summat? :D

  19. I can't in public!! :LOL:

  20. Oooh you naughty girl. :p


    I have old pervs and this guy. :LOL: Not much. There are a couple guys I would cyber with tho even though everyone says it's stupid. :$

  21. Tell more!! :LOL:


    Aww you're making me feel bad now. :rolleyes: It was the drink, I swear.

  22. Yes. And he's being really slow which is making me think his hands are, ahem, "otherwise occupied." :stunned:


    :LOL: Yep. What skankish things have YOU done? :p

  23. It was bad. And also? The guy that I did that with? Same guy I'm having the convo with now.


    Yes I am. :$ Least I'm still a virgin.

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