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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Not for a few years anyway, I'd hope. :p


    That's..odd. :LOL: A venus fly trap? That sounds like a really, really bad std.

  2. OMG I read that as "I've had sex several times in school(s)" first and I was like :eek:!!! :LOL: Yeah, got that sorted though.


    Haha wow. It isn't that hard! So I've heard...:LOL:

  3. Haha. Pervy boys are fun to play with, but also somewhat dangerous. Bit like fireworks. :LOL:


    :rolleyes: Typical. Sex Ed was scary. Nothing new, but didn't need it repeated by a teacher, thanks. :LOL:

  4. Woo!


    Not a thing. Except I'm laughing with my cuz over the pervy boys I told you about earlier. :LOL:

  5. Byeee. xxx. I might be off, but I don't know.

  6. :LOL: "First Battalion, Transvestite Brigade." Eddie Izzard ftw!
  7. Right, now I've got to go watch the entire thing on youtube. :LOL: Eddie Izzard <3 If he was young, hot and not a transvestite, I'd be into him. :LOL: That's the weirdest thing I've ever said I think.

  8. Ahh well that's good then. :happy: Nothing too hard.


    Haha I really want to watch Eddie Izzards Cake Or Death thing right now..I don't know why. :LOL:

  9. :( I'll be better I hope. Please let it be soon.


    *moves to aus* :D


    Christey Christ!!! That's a lot. :LOL: Three months off and I only have an essay.

  10. You don't want to know...:'(


    That sounds awesome!! I wish I had friends who would do that. Or ones that would wear braces. :LOL:


    Haha yeah, I've got read this book and write some essay for honors english. Crap. :p

  11. Thanks. :( I'll ask my mum to talk to my dad. I really should be on meds I think...:erm: I don't get why I'm depressed.


    Haha points, alright. :LOL: So what're your plans for the hols?

  12. Yeah, I don't know how long I'll be on though...honestly, all I want to do is go cry in a corner and drink a bottle of nyquil. Fucking depression. Oh well, don't want to bother you with that.


    Haha I can't either. Housework<muse!

  13. You better be back soon! :p I don't know how long I can be on and we never see each other anymore. :LOL:


    Cya! :kiss:

  14. And not the fun, consensual type either. :LOL: Just fucking scary.

  15. Twas a bit scary. :yesey:

  16. Christey Christ. Fuck, you were right. :LOL:

  17. arhkghreao'tjweoijtiohewroith!!!!!



  18. I am!! You are too. :D:D:D


    So yeah...expect a pm. Like in two seconds.

  19. umm..so dearie. feel like listening? :/

  20. Cool.


    See ya! :(

  21. Awww. :( That sucks.


    How's you, anyway? :happy:

  22. Whoaa are you actually on? :D

  23. It sucks. :LOL:



  24. Ooh right! I've got two stepbrothers. The little one's afraid of me and the big one's alright. :LOL:


    *coughcough* You don't want to know the things I've done, babe.

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