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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Haha I didn't know you had a brother!


    Oh by the way...guy you like is free. ;)

  2. Err...meh.



  3. Helloooo dahling! :D

  4. your msn still freaking out, blondeh? :LOL:

  5. aww that sucks :(

  6. hey lynz. your msn still down?

  7. cool. :D i'm trying to figure out the time differences for all my boardie friends.

  8. what time is it around there?

  9. i'm going to find something you won't be right about.

  10. hey blondie. :happy:

  11. i don't know any though..:p maybe you'd better stick with blonde.

  12. haha well i'm sure there are blue hair groupies out there somewhere. :p

  13. Blue? :LOL: Blue hair is :noey: Blonde hair is :kiss:

  14. :LOL: well that's not a bad thing! you should like it. blonde hair is teh sex!
  15. no one said that was a bad thing! :p

  16. ooh that's annoying!

  17. aww that sucks. :(

  18. your msn still being stupid?

  19. :LOL: you're really blonde.
  20. Don't forget to tell Asher about his stalker. :LOL: I'll get on again same time as you as soon as I can. :D That was fun.

  21. hey mr. im always right. :p

  22. :LOL: Great. Woo! Restraining order!
  23. Just tell him he's got a short ginger stalker from the US who would very much like to see him with his shirt off. :LOL: I'm sure he wouldn't get creeped out or anything. :p

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