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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Your rubber?? :LOL: Err...guessing that means something else down there.

  2. Er, yeah, nothing really...


    Haha get the family tree done? :LOL:

  3. I was going to quit the internet...but now I'm not. :LOL:



  4. Hellooo ginger. :happy:

  5. Okay, my dad's a fuckhead so I've got to go!!


    Nighty night! :happy: Cya. :kiss:

  6. I can't stand Bella. She's annoying. I'd hate her if she was a real person. :LOL: I don't know if the Edward ones will be better because I'm not a fan of her writing style. /book snob


    You should read The Vampire Chronicles. :yesey: Amazing books. Love them.


    I g2g in a min.

  7. Ahhh nice. Those things bothered me as well. And the fact that Bella's SO obsessed with Edward. She basically can't live without him. That's not romantic, that's a feminist's nightmare! :LOL: Honestly, the feminist in me just can't deal with her stalkerishness.


    Also the fact the books are a bit ripped off of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, which are actually well-written books instead of total crap.


    Sorry, sore spot of mine. :LOL:



    Yes it did. But no one agrees with me. :(

  9. Well...you know me. :LOL:

  10. You shouldn't. :LOL:

  11. :LOL: Screw them then.


    Not unless some amazingly hot, British/Aussie musician comes to my town. Or I get out of this sucky country. :LOL: Then...who knows? :$

  12. Hahaha well whatever it takes to get it done, yeah?


    Ahhh well then I'm definitely a skank. :LOL: No sex till it's legal for me (probably, maybe, I think).

  13. Ahaha me too. :LOL: Glad I don't have to do that.


    Sooo you never told me the difference between a whore and a skank. :p

  14. Also...on a completely unrelated note to what we're talking about...Ghost Hunters is the best show ever!! :D

  15. Oh really? Explain, please! :LOL:


    Ah well, when we meet (it'll happen, dammit! :p) and get smashed together you'll have to slap me when I fall all over random guys. ;)

  16. Err honestly I think I'll make it to 15...maybe. :LOL: Me=whore. :$


    Haha I'm a lush too. Doesn't matter though. I can usually handle my drink. Usually. :LOL:

  17. Hahaha will do. :LOL: *crosses fingers she'll make it till the age of consent*


    Aww lucky you. :p

    Lush=someone who enjoys their drink muchly.

  18. I'm not sure I can say the same. :LOL:


    None of my friends really like alchohol very much. :erm: I don't get it. :LOL: I'm such a lush in the making though.

  19. Hahaha well just make sure you don't end up preggers as well. ;)


    I'd need to be half-smashed to try any drugs, honestly. :LOL:

  20. Ahaha yeah...that's pretty much the only drug I'd ever do. I feel bad that I kind of want to try mushrooms though. :$ In the same way that I feel bad for enjoying alchohol.


    Pot is :noey: My mum said it's not worth it. And she'd know. :LOL:

  21. Bit of a druggie are we? :p

  22. Skillllls. :LOL: I'm not sure where that came from. Er, yeah. I'm high tonight or something. :rolleyes:

  23. Oh well. I am a crazy stalker person. :LOL:


    That sucks. :( I hate my dad's laptop's mouse. It has a vendetta against me.

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