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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Nighty Night! I should go to bed too.. :kiss:


    Don't think of him...think of Dom. ;)

  2. Matt's the god of sexy dreams then. :LOL:

  3. :LOL: Dom is the god of all sexy thoughts.
  4. :LOL: Most definitely.


    Mmm...Dom's lips are so lovely.

  5. :LOL: Yeah..Dom it's like 'OMFG I want to shag him now!!' (not that I've ever thought that :$) and Matt's like 'Ooh he's sweet.'
  6. He's hotter than Matt, but Matt seems more romantic-like.

  7. Yeahh he's a cuteh. :D

  8. Oooh, that's not good. Don't worry too much though. You really don't want to get caught up in this. I'm sure he'll be alright. He got some good advice.


    Let's take your mind off of that...


  9. Aww..yeah, you lost your voice, I forgot. :(

  10. *sings badly* "cause she buuuuuuuuuuuurns like the sun and i can't loooook away!"

  11. Gooood idea. :D

  12. Yeah...:LOL: I'm guessing..No.


    Gah, I'm so bored.

  13. :LOL: I'm an alright typer...my school forced typing lessons on us.


    You still need to ask him if he's into short gingers (that are insane) :p:LOL:

  14. FAIL. :p


    So...how's your hot friend? :LOL: I don't think I've asked that yet tonight.

  15. You're lucky though..the drinking age is a LOT lower there. :LOL: That's probably a good thing though, with my low tolerance for it.

  16. Yummeh! :D


    Urgh, that person in the Suicide thread that replied to you pissed me off. Hell no it's not OKAY to commit suicide!! WTF is she smoking (for once I don't want some :LOL:)!!


    I want illegal alchohol now. :indiff:

  17. I knooow. They can't. Ever. They must be immortal and be awesome forever. :yesey:


    Thanks! :D


    Oh and you neeeeed MSN. Just a reminder. ;)

  18. Oh well, I'm mostly over that now. Unless I have a HUGE mental break, which won't happen unless Muse breaks up or someone dies, I probably won't be hugely suicidal again. :LOL:

  19. Woo! Sounds good to me. :LOL:


    That suicide thread is annoying me...I doubt he is and it pisses me off when people do stuff like that. I've been there. It's not something to fucking joke about. :indiff:

  20. Aww lucky! :D Maybe by then I'll be rich and I'll go down there as well. :LOL: Most likely not.

  21. I've made it my mission in life to meet my favorite boardies. :LOL:

  22. It's not too bad at all!! And omg, if we ever meet you have to teach me to put on eyeline. :LOL:


    Yes, we've got to do that!

  23. Yes!! :LOL: We should go to England together and go find us some British hottehs!


    That's okay, I've got the same thing a little for doctor's outfits. But that's just because of Jesse Spencer. :LOL: Not to mention my huge hair fetish.

  24. Oh, and a British/Irish/Aussie accent. Can't forget that as well. :LOL:

  25. :LOL: Thought so.


    Also what makes a good husband? If they're blonde and named Dom/tiny and named Matt! :yesey: Then no awkward moments in bed. :LOL:

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