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Everything posted by L'amour

  1. Also don't be surprised if I ask you about Asher, for old time's sake, though for now I've moved on to bigger and better things (mostly, he's still hot). :LOL:


    We totally have to meet someday. :D


    Totally odd..hmmm..might have to google them now and compare. :LOL:

  2. Yes, very much so. :LOL: Oh well, if we ever meet up don't be surprised if I've got an accent-having, blonde musician attached to me.


    That is an odd thing to notice. :LOL:

  3. Now give me a musician guy and lots will happen...:LOL:


    Hahaha nice.

  4. Sorreh, but no pashing girls for me. :LOL:



    "Shiny, shiny pants and bleach blonde hair" :LOL:

  5. He's so pretty! :LOL: Matt Damon's hotter though. My friend likes George Clooney but he's like 50 so a bit too old for me.


    Not so much. :LOL:

  6. Really? :eek:


    Not for pashing. Well, for me anyway. :LOL:

  7. I know!! :LOL: He's so cute. Brad Pitt is a little :eyebrows: too.


    Meh. Still love them. :LOL:

  8. I love Matt Damon in those movies. :happy:


    You've got that right. :rolleyes:

  9. Oooh you must! :D 12 wasn't too great, but 11 was awesome.


    Confusion over boy-type things, yet again. :rolleyes: Of course :LOL:

  10. I'm filled with boredom and confusion and thinking about turning on Ocean's 13 for the millionth time. :LOL:

  11. I couldn't tell you my favorite, too many. :LOL:

  12. :LOL: I remember that even though I've not seen it in ages.
  13. I'm...doing absolutely nothing. :LOL:

  14. Well that sounds...fun. :LOL:

  15. :LOL: Nice.


    Grrrr...I'm bored. The person I was talking to got offline and now theres nothing to do. Might have to put a movie on or something.

  16. Luuuucky! It was on bbca the other day but the tv was flipping out. :rolleyes:

  17. :D:D:D


    What's up?

  18. OMFG!! *spazzes* you're on???

  19. I suppose that's nice, but I love new, shiny things. :D


    Whoaa...seven thirty? When do you have to get up?

  20. Fuck, I've missed you. :(


    Whoaaa nice!! :D I love new houses because they usually don't creep me out although now I like being able to feel presences and all.


    I'm inclined to agree. :LOL:


    Decent. Bored as fuck, honestly. Doing stupid things. :LOL:waiting for a myspace message from a certain someone.. :p No, jk, I'm not quite that sad. :LOL:

  21. :p no you've not been.


    Omg..wow!! To a better place or what? :eek:


    Dude I'm going homicidal over my stepbro. Are all guys fucktards, seriously? :rolleyes:

  22. Hey sexxah ginger. :D How's you?

  23. Mm, well, hope you'll be alright whatever it is.

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