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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. :LOL: I once had a dream about bellamy in a small gig he was all rude and LOL I CAN'T CARRY ON
  2. steph steph steph hello you never come on msn anymore why is this? :(.



  3. steph steph steph steph!

  4. Haha yeah what a bellend :LOL:.

  5. Do you have any more photos of you with Muse to upload?? Hows you btw?? x

  6. never said you couldn't ;).


    pretty bad opinion though.


    hahaha only kidding, whatever floats your boat really?

  7. haha...pffff to you! :p.


    Ah nevermind anyway, glad you had fun!

  8. Oh right cool yeah I do! I saw her at dublin lol, but didn't say hi. Have fun?


    I had a good weekend, went to some party that got broken up by police..bah...and saw russel howard comedian bloke and some other stuff. Saw Oasis last night and i'm seeing them in a few hours again tonight! :D.

  9. hello :D.


    anyway what have you been doing lately?

  10. oh I see!


    hello again :LOL:.

  11. Why do u say that? U STILL HERE?

  12. Ah fuck man that was my last ounce of credit! When you get this yeah we can sort somehting out! I'll be on friday

  13. Yeah i'll probs be on man!

  14. hi who are you

  15. hhahaha I know man! You cheeky sod stirring things up :LOL:.

  16. Hahaha fair enough.


    Whoa I can't exactly remember what we were talking about, how long ago did I post here? :LOL:.

  17. lmfao what went on here man?

  18. errr probably not apparently...but i'll try! What a shit.


    Haha anyway were you seriously called i luv matt bellamy once? :LOL:

  19. It was played down a semitone...basically it sounds a bit lower than normal, making it easier to sing for matt :LOL: but still sounds proper epic!


    so gutted atm, Oasis got cancelled this weekend and I was going to see them and spent 80 quid on train tickets today :(.

  20. V festival is full of dickheads simple as...never going again, unless Muse are there again! Awful place and awful festival. We had the same...it's so shite when you're going mental and a few twats just stand there doing nothing! But they were as good as ever and Invincible sounded epic half a step down!

  21. Ooooooh sorry I got you confused with someone else woops!


    staffs sounded good, I went to chelms and the crowd didn't move that much, and essex is such a shithole, haha.

  22. booo.


    don't think we can be friends now sorry! :p


    haha ah well at least you went to dublin, what a gig.

  23. yeah lol, you don't find it funny do you?


    i'm seeing them next week! :D

  24. STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPH! :D How are you? How's uni? You getting on fine? Tell me all! :LOL:

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