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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. that's alright no problem! You should redo it anyway, you know how to play piano obviously haha! What others can you do?


    I've never actually listened to them, heard of them though, I think i'm gonna have to download some now you've recommended!


    Aw thanks alot appreciated! :D x

  2. Just had a look you're bloody good that in your world was awesome!

  3. Yeah it's cheesy but still awesome I love it!


    Aaaah I have to listen to it now, it's sooooooo amazing, the best song they've done for me. The heavy riff is amazing. And octavarium is so unbelievable epic it makes me want to cry also :LOL:. Haha yeah I know I just gotta play it well now without nerves getting in the way! Loool yeah that would be much appreciated :D.


    Yeah he adds an extra note to one of the chords to make it sound better! I tried it as well but I sorta couldn't get my finger round it, or the timing, haha.


    Awesome i'll have a look now! :D.

  4. Yeah it is I love DT! Nah I have to break it down into 4 minutes, it isn't enough time! :LOL:. I can do the first 8 and a half minutes until that crazily fast shredding solo with the keyboard as well, i'm not that good :LOL:. But yeah i'll get all the good bits in and they'll hopefully let me in!


    Awesome then, great placement for it! Sounds like you enjoy it :D.


    Really, if you can play muse even that's good! I can actually do the new born intro on piano. Haha love it! I'll have to check out your vids then, especially space dementia, you must be good if you can even attempt that :LOL:.

  5. awww awesome! I actually really like that name, and sooz...cos it sounds like ooze, I really like that word, it sounds all...nice, I dunno why, lol.


    fashion...girls dream haha! I know someone who does that here actually, I tried to fit into one of their skirts they made once but errr...couldn't fit. Not that I wear skirts or anything...


    Thank yoooooooou very much! Yeah that's true, nerves sorta dissapate a bit don't they! Oooo piano, sweet, I need to learn that sometime. You good? :D. Yeah i'm gonna play In The Name Of God by Dream Theater, awesome song, should show off some cool bits and pieces.


    Aw sucks as well then! :(. Silly doctors should be seeing you right away! Rubbish people indeed :LOL:. The bastards! Oh well it'll get better soon don't worry!

  6. I'm afraid I don't sorry! loool it's hard when you don't have your name in your username like me :p. I guess you better tell me...unless you want me to guess until I get it right? :D. That's alright anyway! Never knew bleach ruins it...lol idiot.


    Yeah exams suuuuuck but the last few went well I think cos I revised loads! :LOL: It pays off sometimes. Baaah you poor thing all this work sounds bad :(. At uni I wanna do professional musicianship, i've got an assessment at Brighton in a week and a half...shitting it, gotta play them some guitar for a while then talk about what I wanna do. Should be alright, but the nerves will be huge, better not affect my playing! :LOL:.


    Awww no how'd you do that sounds shit as well! maybe if you drink it off the pain will go away...lol.


    Oh and don't worry about the swearing I do too alot...it makes me feel like a big man, yeah.



  7. awww gutted :(. It looked soooo good aswell! Why did it fuck it up? I didn't know dye could do that, lol. I stopped dying mine anyway now aswell :LOL:.


    Yeah I think you showed a pic on the board of that? Still looks goooooooood! I think you naturally have great hair, lol.


    Same really just finishing off a levels and 'revising', I really should start putting in some for the exam this friday :(. Sucks. Ah well can't wait to go to uni if I hopefully get into the one I want. Other from that...errr a few things been going on in ryanland, that muser meet in london sat, good fun, and this week should be fun with a gig and some parties and stuff, should be fun! how about mueland?

  8. I don't either! They must continue from now...:LOL: i'm good anyway thanks, you? I see you've changed your hair :eek:.


    Still looks great though!

  9. Hey thanks for the add friend (still jealous of you meeting Muse lol!)

  10. I just wanna say you're really hot I really fancy you and I think we should go out some time.


    This is all meant in a none scary way, honest

  11. I also like molesting little kittens while looking at pictures of belldom on the internet. mmmmmmm.

  12. Hi adam nice to meet you my names Ryan

  13. Oh ok sweet. I might do in the name of god then cos I can't do 5 minutes of Glasgow Kiss haha..


    how embarrassing it was walking in late to that thing anyway loool.

  14. shit I was gonna do in the name of god as well! how long do we have? I hear it's about 4 minutes or something. haha if you're gonna go for that i'll go for glasgow kiss. what you think of it in general?

  15. I'm doing it in a month, I dunno what to do, i'm thinking of Glasgow Kiss by John Petrucci but i'll be shitting myself and as the guy said my performance will go down haha. What you planning on doing?

  16. FUCKING HELL that was you!! Nice one man I though so. It is actually fucking amazing, I need to get in.

  17. Oh definitely! Place For My Head was insane, never thought they'd play that! Yoooou try to take the best of me.


    Oh and 'shut up' was definitely one of THOSE live moments ever :happy:.

  18. Yeah it was pretty mental where I was though! Were you infront of the barrier? I was and it got quite brutal in there, but I got a few funny looks during No More Sorrow which let's be honest is a mental song! Bastards. That and One Step Closer was blatently the best. Oh and somewhere I belong! Infact i'm surprised with how much amazing old stuff they played.

  19. almost a year since I 'met' you! :eek: How time flys. Great gig though wasn't it!

  20. Awww that's alright any time :happy:.

  21. What you are? Hahahahaa

  22. :eek: I wouldn't listen to him he spouts all kinds of evil shite.
  23. and I thought it would be a fantastic icebreaker :'(.

  24. as in...you know...the one! I just had to tell you :$.

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