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Everything posted by MistressMary

  1. It's JULY!!! You are at the ZOOOOOOOO!!! Are you major pleased? Is it hard work? Is it rewarding? What're you doing? lol


    Your picture has changed once again. From a kiwi to a ... toad?


    I gave blood today :) I am a contributer to the well-being of individuals in society! YAY! lol I am thinking about bone marrow donations. It is supposedly painful... But I figure the pain will only last awhile and the long-term benefit is huge. I don't know. Still thinking.


    What is with his United States of Eurasia stuff? I haven't been on here ... for a couple of weeks or so and there are all these updates that I don't understand... I will keep searching though...

  2. Date has been announced! ARE YOU PSYCHED!?!?!? lol


    That's kind of a bummer - your flatmates leaving. They just couldn't handle your awesomeness I suppose. How's the place-hunting coming along?


    Uni is plodding along okay.. I have one exam to do now. The last one I had I was semi-confident about. but this one... It's like whenever I think on it, my guts just fall out. Not literally lol. I keep telling myself that next semester I will be better prepared - I should do as I am doing more points next semester. *sigh*


    Work experience sounds like fun though. Sure beats staying indoors. :)

  3. Hey! How's your laptop doing now?


    Are you excited about the soon-to-be-released Muse album?


    How is everything with you? I have been ... kinda studying away. Minus this.. and a few other things... lol.


    What is your picture? A kiwi?

  4. That sounds like an awesome experiment! So much fun! lol... or not... I suppose studying something kinda takes the fun out of things... Like studying novels etc.


    Anymore assignments? I have like... 1 left... And a test... Then i can start on a revision scheme. I suppose I could start revising now.. But I am starting to feel worn out. Should press on though!


    What've you been up to lately? Other than uni-work? I bought another laptop. it's so worth it though. It's small and easily fits into my bag. I use it to take notes... And that's all. So it serves its purpose. :D


    Good luck for your exams!!

  5. I take the little pills lol. So it's like 1/4 of the recommended dose lol


    I'm going for the test this coming wednesday... again. I have a note from the doctor! Success! lol How do you get around normally if you don't have your licence yet? Walk? Bus? Taxi? lol


    Making a maze? Golly... what does your experiment entail? I have cell biology labs... The experiment we're working on at the moment has something to do with hormones... It requires a lot of pipetting...


    That's great that you're finishing your assignments! I'm to start my 4... well, a week ago... But I have been putting it off... no more! I will start it today... NOW even :LOL:

  6. AH!! Vitamin C has not been working for me then... I have one every morning... I like the taste as well though. lol. I'm all good now :) Only 3 weeks of being slightly under the weather lol.


    I went to take my full drivers licence the other day and I didn't even get to go in the car because apparently being able to see clearly out of your right eye is important lol. *sigh* So much money too!! *bigger sigh* lol


    How did the experiment go? Did you manage to get it sorted out in the end? I had my first lab today for my biology course... I thought it was going to be horrible because it normally goes from 2-6... But no, I enjoyed it. I think it must've been the people more than anything else though.


    SHOPPING!! lol. I went into the warehouse intending to buy a calculator but ended up spending $40. Tha'ts not a lot of money though... But it's more than what I usually spend - only because I don't go to malls and stuff a lot... I suppose there is online shopping...

  7. How did you like Tropic Thunder in the end? I hope your tests went well :)


    I ended up getting sick the night before an assignment was due... and I was still in the middle of reading Breaking Dawn. So one of my assignments is going to be abysmal.


    WOW! That's a looong list! That's crazy!! I hope you have gotten through a bunch of your list. I have been mostly working these holidays... I have tried to get a bit of study done after work or in my breaks. But it still doesn't feel like enough. *sigh*

  8. Did you hear about the retard protest for tropic thunder? Everything is so PC these days... I'm getting kind of tired of it...


    Everything is due this week!! *stresses* 'tis a sucky existence... But my friends and I are planning on going to hanmer in the holidays. I can't wait!! When are your holidays?

  9. Oh yes!! The Dark Knight was amazing!! I loved it. I didn't think it was too long at all. I was so engrossed. But some of my friends thought it was too long. Oh well.


    I haven't been online in aaages. It seems like I've missed out on a lot. Muse winning another award and Dom wearin a costume in the acceptance speech. I must try harder to keep up lol


    That sounds like quite a load you got for your birthday :) I hope your week's been good :)

  10. 8am start!? That is craaazy! lol


    I have been okay. Nothing majorly big.. My friend and I have started going to yoga classes. We both agree that it de-stresses us... Until the next day. lol. I'm only in 2nd year and I'm stressing about uni! RIdiculous!


    How did you like the dark knight? What did you get for your bday?

  11. My double degree is going ok. My gpa has depleted which makes me sad. So this semester I'm going to try to get it back up. lol


    You're right, that is scary. I don't envy you. lol. Although, I know what I plan on doing after uni. BIG OE!! lol. And hopefully follow Muse around for a bit... I'd have to save up though.


    How have ya been? I haven't been on here lately... Well, it's only been like 10 days... But a lot can happen in 10 days.

  12. lol. WE will use it!! Awesome. There are endless amounts of technology that will help us keep in touch. Awwwwesome!

  13. Awesome that kung Fu panda is good. I was a little iffy on the whole thing. lol. But I will rest assured now :)


    I am good. It's rather cold at the moment... I'm always cold *shakes head*


    Are you in your 3rd year in biol? Or are you doing a masters or something crazy like that?

  14. So how are you? Woo! We can have a whole conversation through this lol I love it :D

  15. Hello! Oh... What a pretty picture. *stares in awe*


    This is weird... visitor messages..

  16. Hello! My Gosh! I was just taking a peek at your pictures that you have links to on your signature. They are soo great! I am super jealous. I have only seen Muse a few times. I am in awe.

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