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Everything posted by MuseDiane

  1. Hey there! Long time no see! Well, my halloween was pretty shitty! My grandad passed away so I didn't enjoy it at all! I'm glad to learn u're okay! keep in touch! :kiss:

  2. what?? That sucks! It must've been that bitch Horn! She does that a lot! But just roll with her game and u'll b okay! That's what I do! Don't worry babe, we'll get her later! It was really good chatting with u too! take care 'kay? :kiss:

  3. Hey there doll!!! Happy bday my darling!!! Hope u have an amazing time! I wish you the best! Love ya tostadiux!!! :)

  4. hi there! Just wanted to say Happy bday! :D

  5. hi there, just wanted to say Happy bday!!!! :D

  6. Yeah, I agree! Matt's a GOD! The three of them are awesome! And their albums are all perfect, I love every song, and it is difficult to pick one album, but...probably Origin is my fav, 'cause of Citizen Erased which is my fav song! ;) Tell me, Irene, what's the weather like in Russia these days? Is it always as cold as they portray it everywhere?

  7. I love progressive, alternative/indie, rock, metal and sometimes electronic! My fav bands are MUSE of course, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Death cab for cutie, Depeche Mode and many more! what about u?

  8. hi there! I'm alright, u?

    I've bee a little busy, sorry I didn't answer before, yeah I added Irene, she's cool!

    I intended to give u my e-mail address, hope u can add me to chat sometime 'kay? It's denick1922@hotmail.com

    Take care, c ya around! :kiss:

  9. well not so many, just a couple of real muse fans! It's awesome u're a crazy fan lol! Keep in touch alright? :D

  10. Yep, I'm Mexican! I'm not much of a crazy fan, but I love them more than any other band! :D What about u?

  11. hi there! I'm Diana! Nice to meet u too, Irene! ;)

  12. hi there, Matt! How r things going?

  13. lol, awesome! Hey what's ur name by the way? We should exchange e-mail addresses sometime! ;)

  14. Yeah I love that movie! You must've looked really cool wearing that outfit! :)

  15. Awesome!!! I can't wait to see it! Yeah many Mexican fans!

  16. Thnx for the comments! U're a sweetheart! :kiss:

  17. Super fan babe! I love them!

  18. Bacoooonnnn!!!!!!!!! Lol

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