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Ruby Gloom

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Status Updates posted by Ruby Gloom

  1. i met him in london xD not birmingham haha xD but its ok :)

  2. yeah, i like to keep up a bit with notifications, but thats it

  3. <33333333333333

  4. omg really?! when are the reading tickets on sale?! xx

  5. ooo very nicee, i havent got any bands this year, but i think im going to the new greenday tour :) cant wait for that, i have my gcse's this year so yano :) x

  6. gurd gurd :) im grreaaatt :D


    been up to much?

  7. helooooooo im fine in this new world, how is life for youuu ? xxx

  8. Yo ! i dont really know who you are but you seem pretty cool

    you ok?


  9. Hope You Had A Merry Crimbo Too xx

  10. heyy


    yeah i do i have been practicing for ages, and yep i can play stockholme syndrome, hysteria, exo-politcs, city of delusion erm..wat else, plug in baby and TIRO. :) x

  11. nice!

    I dont know what im doing this weekend.

    Might go to town, i dont know, haha


  12. good good.

    Im in school, really bored :(

    Doing Much this weekend?

  13. Hey no problem :)

    I'm fine thanks, you?


  14. hehe thanks, love you xxxx

  15. good good!

    same here, im just uploading vids on youtube.

    yeah they are, my plans, just going down to my dads and thats it.

    Rubz xxx

  16. Hey zoe!

    im fine thankyou, how are you?


    Loves Rubzter xxx

  17. Why are you annoyed with me?


    and Heyz!

  18. ahh right ok! IM RUBY AGAIN! YAY!!!!!!!

  19. chloe say whaaa?

  20. :( im sorry hun, i had to drop my brother off then go the cinema, sorry xxxxx
  21. ooo oks! have a good time lol


    yeah i am lol

  22. yeah i think that too, nothing much, just been to the gym i dont think anything else is happening, you got any plans?

  23. nah i dont tan i burn, i think so or it might be short term memory i dont know hahaha

  24. awwwww! not much really, went to the beach, and thats all i can remember hahaha

  25. good good. im thanks to. been up to much?

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