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Posts posted by LiT

  1. Half a step lower


    Which is the whole point me and Simon made all along. He'd struggle with the studio version, hence why they should have played it half a step or a whole step lower. Which is what they did.


    Which is what why LiT can't read. The fact that you are 23 is incredible. Your posts seem written by a 12 years old boy.


    How is that lower? I've listened again. The vocals are not lower at all.

  2. The problem with the song, like I said before, is that it's right at the top of Matts range. This doesn't mean that it's the top of every singers range, and a singer in a cover band could very likely have an easier time with it. Matt does have a VERY limited chest range, and you don't have to be a professional singer to beat it. The majority of the singers I listen to have a wider range.


    All right, I get it. We'll never find out though. Doubt they will play it.

  3. It's not my fault if your arguments have 0 logical reasoning behind them.


    What is not logical?:rolleyes:


    You said they would be terrible performing Futurism. Someone linked a coverband playing it quite well. I'm sure playing that song wouldn't mean any problem for Muse. However we will never find out because they'll never play it live so....

    Really don't know how is this not understandable.

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